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The Allard Class starship is the next generation of Alliance capital ships. It was created at the Dakkus Shipyards by renowned designer Dr. Alona Summberhill from Chartyl. This ship is made for long range exploration and diplomatic missions, but has the ability to go head-to-head with dreadnaught class starships and hold its own.
The DFA Amy Mock is the first of six ships commissioned to be built.
Enhanced Deterrence/Diplomatic Explorer
First commissioned: 2421
Length: 1100m
Width: 443m
Height: 121m
Decks: 26
Displacement: 7300000t
Complement: 400 officers + 1250 crew, evacuation limit: 4200
Speed: Warp 8 (cruise), Warp 9.9 (max.), Warp 9.98 (max. emergency)
Sub light speed: 0.75c (max.)
Armament: 15 x Type XIV phaser banks, 10 x torpedo launchers (6 forward, 4 aft), 3 x 1st Generation field model phased energy canon, 20 x point defense pulse phasers
Defense: Dual layer regenerative shielding, 20cm ablative hull armor, 40cm deployable ablative hull armor
Embarked craft: 4x Arrowhead Class runabouts (2 tactical variants, 2 science variants), 45 x Valkyrie Mk. III fighter, 60 x Type XIV personal shuttles, 20 x Type XIX cargo shuttles
The Allard Class is named in tribute of a past player, who sadly died in a parachuting accident – Katrina Allard. The first ship in the Allard class is named after a player who had only started writing with the team and was taken suddenly from us. – Amy Mock
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