Cromwell Wiki
100 & 011

Service Record
SES S'Task
2417 - 2418 - Slaves aboard SES S'Task
2419.01 - Freed by DFA Cromwell-B
DFA Cromwell-B
2419 - Enlisted in DFA and stationed aboard Cromwell-B in Computer Sciences. [E1]
2419.08.06 - Service commendations for work on the Computers on Cromwell and New Kyushu
2419.08.06 - Promoted to Crewman Apprentice (E2)
Background Information
Distinguishing Features:
100 has its synaptic processor on the right side of the head, 011 has it on the left, the Bynar pair are otherwise identical twins. The both permanently carry buffers necessary for their communication and information processing abilities.
The pair spent the first 11 years of their childhood on Bynaus, like all Bynar children their parietal lobes were replaced with synaptic processors at birth. Their parents were asked by Starfleet to upgrade the computers on the Starfleet science vessel USS Joyce and the children accompanied them. While the vessel was investigating an anomaly near the Romulan neutral zone it was attacked and boarded by the Breen. 100 and 011’s parents hid the children in a Jeffory’s tube. It is unknown as to weather their parents were killed or taken by the Breen. The children were the sole remaining members aboard Joyce when their distress call was picked up by the Romulan Warbird T’Met, which was patrolling the neutral zone at the time. Commander Aev Ir Tr'Hiren sent on way team from the T’Mat to investigate and the children were taken aboard to be kept as slaves. Shortly into their stay on the T’Mat the children started to deteriorate because as they moved further into Romulan space they moved further away from Bynaus’ central computer, which the pair needed to function. Doctor Rhhaein t’Keras quickly figured out what was wrong with the children and her compassion compelled her to save them. She reprogrammed their synaptic processors to connect to any available computer, once connected to the T’Mat’s computer their processors began to function again and they quickly regained their health. While aboard the T’Mat they served as slaves in Engineering, were they received basic training and had the added advantage of the ability with computers unique to their species. They stayed there for 14 years and at the age of 26 were transferred to the S’Task in the delta quadrant, the only reason they were given for this transfer is that they would be of more use there.
Freed from S’Task a year later as part of the Visak’a agreement, the Bynars spent a short time at the Stellar Winds recovery centre before enrolling in DFA basic training and enlisting in the DFA. They were stationed to the DFA Cromwell-B in computer sciences. The opportunity to work in computer research was a long-standing dream for the Bynars and they felt gratitude to the DFA for freeing them and a desire to give something back.

Medical Record
100 & 011
Birthdate: 28th of September 2491
Height: 4ft10
Species: Bynar
Synaptic Processors replacing parietal lobes
Allergies: None
Medication: Portable computer used to maintain connection to their synaptic processors.
Medical conditions: no physical injuries or health conditions
Vaccinations: Standard infant vaccinations on Bynaus, travel and remaining vaccinations provided by the Romulan Star Empire for alpha and delta quadrant.
Mental health: the Bynars were Romulan slaves from being 12 years old and suffered physiological trauma as a result. They have a tendency to hold hands when nervous because they fear separation. Have been through some rehabilitation at Stellar Winds and were cleared by DFA physiological tests though counselling was recommended.
Last Medical Check: February 2419 at Stellar Winds