Cromwell Wiki

Service Record
Installed on Cromwell -B early after production.
Replicated through multiple copies during an attack on the Nal'gaharay planet terrorist base.
Background Information
Always begins a conversation with "Please state the nature of the emergency."
EMH1 is based on the EMH mark 1 Zimmerman Emergency Medical Program and as such carried all the quirks of the original program. Upgrades had been made to the Medical EMH series, and although the DFA was in need of personnel, decided on using the older version because of it's ability to expand to fill roles not originally programmed into the system. The Rebel status of the alliance at the time also prevented acquisition of advanced EMHs from Starfleet, except through capture and defections. The EMH was not intended to expand beyond Medical used on longer term programs, but to serve medical departments until such time physians could be placed onboard.
EMH (1) was replicated into multiple copies during an attack on the Nal'gaharay. EMH 1 is the Progenitor of the sentient EMHs and DW series. EMH1 does not claim any sentience himself.
Brusk, flippant, dry sense of humor, patients are his primary concern.