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Cromwell Adventure Logs
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Sesgaard, Personal log: We are expecting the crew to begin arriving on Cromwell. Thorn, Six, DJ and two new Marines arrrived on a personal shuttle… This will have a story behind it.
Six: We were not expecting a welcoming party. Captain Sesgaard said there would be a party. Should we have brought gifts?
Tas: Personal Log: Jack West is stable. Dr Clark says that the poison was from the Mirror Universe. Goodness knows what that means. A murderer from another universe maybe?
Sesgaard: Personal Log: Sending out a call for the Cromwell engineers after this meeting
Sinjin: Personal Log: There is great honor to be had in serving aboard Cromwell. May I serve the DFA and my emperor with honor and loyalty.
Next Character: ...
Anyone can add to this log with short comments from their characters :)
Six of Twelve; The servos in Six of Twelve's shoulder have been re-aligned. We must inform Dr Clark of any distracting sensations from the area. Governor Ash has suggested we communicate with an individual designated Jorda for more information on the raiders. Data from Governor Ash suggests she is inefficient. We suggested Six of Twelve work in the mines because it is efficient and we are to help these individuals (?). Kit says that we could assimilate data while there by storing communications had within the mine.
Personal Log: Junior Cadet Crewman Toby Knight Martis; Mah has been away for a few days now. Having sleepovers with MJ is lots of fun and Miss Clara is very nice but I miss Mah. Will you send a message to the Prophets please computer? I don't knows there subspace number but maybe they hear anyways? I wants to ask them to look after Mah and make sure she comes home safe. Okay… so here it goes… um… Prophets, I know you are probably very busy doing Prophet things all the way in the gamma quaderant… which I think is far away… but will you look after my Mah on New Kooshoo, please? I promise I will be very good while she is gone but will you make sure she come home? And will you look after Six too? And MJ's daddy Michael?
Personal Log: Ensign Tas; We've made contact with the town's governor. A man named Ash who apparently wants to buy Six. He's recommended we speak to someone named Jorda so I'm guessing thats where we'll be going next. Six said something about working in the mines but if Kit thinks she's getting me down there then she's got another thing coming. Dreadfully noisy places mines. Not at all good for the lobes…
Six of Twelve; We have arrived at Mine One with Lt Norris. We have located Jorda. We are speaking with her now. She wants to know why we do not have safety equipment so we informed her that Six of Twelve is Borg but that we will comply anyway if we require it. The conveyer belt that was moving the mined materials has stopped. Scans reveal damage to several components inside the machine. Cause unknown. It looks like age-related deterioration.
Ensign Kit Taylor: Personal Log; I've left Six at the mines with Oliver and was trying to view her activity through the ocular implant connection but something went wrong when I tried to upload the data to Cromwell's main computer. Not sure what the cause of the problem is yet but Captain Sesgaard's just called me up so I'm guessing whatever's wrong, I'll find out soon. Updates later.
Six of Twelve; We have pushed the truck from the road and are contacting Cromwell to request the parts required for its repair.
Ensign Kit Taylor: Personal Log; Apparently the Krenem brothers have brought a virus onboard with them. Muraj and Banor have been attempting to irradicate it but have been having similar problems to those we experienced on New Kyushu; every time they fix one problem, another occurs. I'm going to look at the problem but Lt Muraj agrees that we probably need to bring in a specialist. On a side note; it seems Lt Commander Banor had a device set up in the Captain's ready room for easy site to site transport. I guess he set it up when he served on Cromwell before.
Six of Twelve; 2419.06.18 We provided the parts required to repair the mining vehicle and then went into the mine. We told Jorda that Governor Ash had said she was a defective but vital part of their collective. Lt Norris said that this data was private and that we must not share it with anyone beyond Cromwell. The data has been updated. We have a new subroutine for mining. Its designation is subroutine 12378. It involves extracting the dilithium ore from the rocks and putting it on a conveyor belt. The mine was working efficiently until Jorda told us to stop. She said that Governor Ash wanted the miners to work more like Borg drones. The miners then turned into threats and advanced on Six of Twelve and Lt Norris. They said they would destroy the drone and its handler. We told them not to but they did not listen. We fired at them. Lt Norris said that they must not be harmed so we fired on stun and aimed at their feet instead of their heads. Lt Norris requested an emergency beam out so we are now in Cromwell's transporter room. We do not know why the miners attacked us.
Crewman 100 & 011 Personal Log; 2419.06.18 We have been sent to Cromwell to deal with a virus. From the data Ensign Taylor has sent us, it looks as though it may be a challenging one so we are interested to get started. We are feeling a little nervous but are looking forward to returning to Cromwell and the project on New Kyushu has gone well. Hopefully, our next assignment will go just as well.
Personal Log: Junior Cadet Crewman Toby Knight Martis; 2419.06.18 Mah has been gone forever… well I thinks a week but it feels like forever. It has been fun playing with MJ but no one will let me call Mah. I hopes she is okay. I think that she must be though 'cos someone would've telled me if she's not… at least I think. Luna was naughty yesterday. She made a big mess in my room but I tidied it up. I hope the Prophets are looking after Mah and Six and MJ's daddy. Goodnight computer.
Six of Twelve; 2419.06.25 Six of Twelve, Lt Norris and Lt Greene have transported to Port Saiodh to defend the town against the miners. Apparently we 'pissed them off' when we provided Jorda with the data Governor Ash had given us. We must not kill the miners because this is 'excess force'. We do not know why there is a limit to the force or why we are not to deactivate the miners. Does the DFA wish to assimilate them later?