Cromwell Wiki
Fletcher Harris

Background Information
>>> Fletcher Harris is a talented agent with experience that extends beyond operations in the field. Suffice it to say, he has distinguished himself in many ways and should be trusted and relied upon implicitly. He has been a DFA asset supplying DFA intelligence information for an extended period of time. His activities and operations have intermingled with several agencies and governments. He is not known to have violated any regulations and is considered to be an Intelligence agent in good standing, at this juncture with DFA.
>>> Harris is hereby assigned to DFA Cromwell-B. Any inquiries into his background must be from officers with the highest security clearance and inquiries will be be directed to:
>>> Admiral Mitsuwa.
Service Record
2419.07.04 - Transferred to the DFA Cromwell-B, intelligence officer
2420.04.16 - Service record Notation: Served notably during Second Terran Away missions.
2420.09.30 - Notation for Ortus III Rescue Team
2420.09.30 - Promoted to Lieutenant [03]
2420.11.03 Transferred to CASPER Project, Covert Operations
Ribbons & Awards

Borderlands Command PLAYER RIBBON: XO of S'Task (2419)
Borderlands Council PLAYER RIBBON: XO of S'Task (2419)
Creative Writing award for an engaging series of solo posts that kept us reading
Covert Action Ribbon for actions taken on behalf of Cromwell, and the Delta Freedom alliance [Details Classified] (2419.08.06)
2420 Religion, Culture & Survival Training Conference (2420.03)
Awarded the Terra Campaign Ribbon - Intel and Rebel Contact for both away missions to Terra (2420.04.23)
Awarded the Aesir Campaign Ribbon (2420.04.26)
Ortus III Campaign Ribbon (2420.09.30)
Time Travellers Award for service in a different time period than our own (2420.09.30)
Borg Combat Ribbon in combat with the Borg Cube (2420.09.30)
Duty Station Defense Ribbon for Colony 4
Combat Injury Ribbon (II) for injuries sustained at C4 and on the Borg Cube
Awarded the Devu Medal of Valor Ortus Mission "for bravery and willingness for personal sacrifice" (2420.09.30)
Nexus Campaign Ribbon (2421.01.11)