Cromwell Wiki
Phlobem Hemstum

Service Record
Active Duty records
2419.02 Graduated DFA Marine Acadamy and Stationed on Cromwell-B
2419.03.29 Promoted to Leader of the Alpha Platoon of the 264th OD Battalion
2420.04.23 Promoted to 1st Lieutenant (O2)
Background Information
He grew up on Denobula in the kaybin district playing soldier with the other kids and his brother, him and his brother would often talk about becoming actual soldiers. This dream dried out with age and he went to work in a bank and his brother on a cargo ship. But when his brother died when his ship was attacked he remembered their dream and enlisted in the marines

Squeak & Wheek
Guinea Pigs
Ribbons & Awards

Covert Action Ribbon: Ensign Rol and Lt Hemstum were able to uncover plans to take out Cromwell's DFA Marines' AA Pulse Phaser defending the town of Port Saiodh. Acting as covert agents, Hemstum and Rol were nearly captured, even as they uncovered the operations centre of a crime lord, rescuing not only Lt Norris and Six of Twelve from their kidnapping, but recovering Four of Seven from imprisonment. (2419.08.04)
Haedreon IV Campaign Ribbon: For duties performed on Haedreon IV, and at great risk to yourselves, you have helped break up a criminal ring operating out of Haedreon IV, and caused to recover, or destroy, captured Borg Tech, preventing it from falling into enemy hands (2419.08.04)
Combat Injury Ribbon: For services in combat, and for taking injuries in performance of duties, and a risk to life and limb, and aiding in escape from the Ice base on Haedreon IV, the combat ribbon is awarded (2419.08.07)
Awarded the Terra Campaign Ribbon - Culture Team on First Away Mission to Terra, Marine Team on Second Away Mission to Terra (2420.04.23)
1 Year Of Service Aboard Cromwell-B (2420.02)
Medical Record
Phlobem Hemstum
Species: Denobulan
No allergies
Vaccines - Received all standard vaccines aboard Cromwell-B
Last Medical - March 2419 by Crewman Lini Car'dan aboard DFA Cromwell-B