Cromwell Wiki
Kevin Braun
Background Information
Physical Description
A dorky looking man standing under 6 feet due to an obvious stoop. With buzzed blonde hair and not-too-thick glasses always being pushed up his nose. A stumpy man who is always seen with a PaDD under one arm with some sort of novel he is currently reading or writing. An oval face with little bits of facial hair coming down as a beginning beard.
Personal Profile
A true diplomat, will attempt to talk his way out of any situation. He almost verges on passive aggressive in some situations. Always seems to be lost in thought, but when addressed is always pleasant and respectful. When not on shift is often found in the lounge reading or writing.
Born in a German UFP Base near Frankfurt. He was born of Captain James Braun and Lt. jg. Katherine Braun. At the age of 5 his father gave up his life for the crew of his ship leaving just him and his mother, his entire life he was proud of his father and the sacrifice he made and promised his mother he would some day live the life his father wanted, a diplomat and a scientist in a Federation based around exploration and peace. After completing Starfleet Academy, Kevin left and joined the Rebels after having seen too much death and not enough exploration for his liking.
Service Record
DFA Cromwell-B