Cromwell Wiki
T'Alessa Sevennin-Sofek-Sevennin

Service Record
Background records
2358 - Mount Serrat, Vulcan Monastery
2368 - Vulcan Science Acadamy (Advanced Degrees in Astropolitics, Astroeconomy, and Military Sciences)
2372 - D'Talla Tour
2377 - Romulan Military Acadamy (Advanced Military Tactics, Advanced Espionage, Advanced Covert Operations, Advanced Diplomacy, Advanced Military Intelligence, Advanced Astrolinguistics, Advanced Culinary Sciences, Advanced Anatomy, Advanced Medical Sciences, Advanced Astrobiotoxicology and Advanced Astrobiopharmacology)
2392 - Imperial Fleet (Military Intelligence Analyst
2422 - Retired to her family farm on Romulus.
Active Duty Station Records
DFA Cromwell-B
2422.04.07 - Assigned to the DFA Cromwell-B as Romulan Star Empire Liaison

Background Information
Born on Romulus to a Romulan mother, T'Alessa was the love-child of a Vulcan Ambassador who entered the Pon Fahr at a time where leaving Romulus would have been impossible. Despite being disavowed by her Vulcan father, DNA and RNA testing of newborns as required by Romulan law indisputably proved her ancestry and resulted in the Federation granting her a dual citizenship status.
Growing up, T'Alessa and many others like her, helped to bridge the gap between the original two tribes of Ni'Vahr and resulted in stronger diplomatic ties between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire. The relations between the Vulcans and the Romulan, however, became even more strained as both sides elected to argue and fight over where the children should live.
The year T'Alessa turn 5 was the year that diplomats finally managed to arrange for joint custody of the children with their time being split between both worlds in a way very similar to Federation joint custody agreements for children of divorce. Her father never once tried to get joint custody, instead continuing to disavow her. She grew up bitter and angry over this matter, so much so that she became a violent and angry teen with the ingenuity to create almost anything from nothing, even poisons and explosives.
At the age of 18, T'Alessa went to the monastery on Mount Serrat, Vulcan where she studied the Vulcan ways with the monks for nearly a decade. Upon completing her discipline and training, she spent 4 years at the Vulcan Science Academy where she graduated with honors and Advanced Degrees in Astropolitics, Astroeconomy, and Military Sciences.
Upon graduating from the Academy, she returned to Romulus, where she entered the Romulan Military Academy. After 20 years at the Military Academy she graduated with honors in Advanced Military Tactics, Advanced Espionage, Advanced Covert Operations, Advanced Diplomacy, Advanced Military Intelligence, Advanced Astrolinguistics, Advanced Culinary Sciences, Advanced Anatomy, Advanced Medical Sciences, Advanced Astrobiotoxicology and Advanced Astrobiopharmacology.
After graduation she joined the Imperial Fleet as a military intelligence analyst for 30 years.
Upon retiring, T'Alessa decided to settle down on her family farm in a very rural area of Romulus. Her family had a massive chunk of land that had been in their family since the first arrival of the Romulans to their new home on Romulus in ancient times.
Her retreat however, would not last long. Within weeks she got a few calls. The first was from the Emperor of the Romulan Star Empire. They had an open position for a Diplomatic Liaison in the Delta Freedom Alliance and they couldn't picture anyone better to represent them in their various alliances nearby in the Delta Quadrant while also protecting their alliance with the Delta Freedom Alliance. She tried to humbly argue that all she wanted to do now was to carry on the family tradition of farming, but was told her pension would end if she refused. Grudgingly, she accepted and began to receive full payments instead of pensions.