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Probe 815 discovered a planet with Species 10030 life signs. When we transported drones to the planet, we were initially unable to find the source of the life signs, but discovered a dampening signal coming from somewhere beneath the planet's surface. Investigation of the technology left above ground suggested an ancient civilisation, unworthy of assimilation, so we left. As we were leaving the planet, we detected a Species 3259 vessel on a course parallelling our own. We have moved to intercept.

Assimilated Log from individual formerly designated 'T'Ki' of the Vulcan Science Vessel Ulang:

"We found a Borg ship close to our course. I told the Captain and he asked me to tell the crew that we are responding to a distress signal. It did not take long for Silnamn to realise something was amiss when he noticed their transwarp signal, so I had to try and convince the crew that the distress signal was Voth. I am uncertain if they believe me, but there has not been a mutiny yet and the Borg ship appears to have adjusted its course to head in our direction, so hopefully we will not have long to wait until it arrives. I have been waiting years to be assimilated. I cannot believe my luck at ending up on Captain Tilak's ship. The Captain of the Ulang is the first Vulcan I've met to agree with me on the matter. [End Log]"

Data decrypted from the computer on the first floor of the Species 10030 military complex described a weapon in development at the facility designated 'Project Nanoprobes'. This involved using Borg nanoprobes recovered from deactivated drones that had not been reabsorbed, replicating them and adapting them. Species 10030 were attempting to use the nanoprobes to boost their own heightened immune systems further in order to resist assimilation. We assimilated the scientists working on the project and have destroyed the facility and all data within. Once the assimilation was complete, Probe 815 was sent back to Unimatrix 01 for deconstruction and rebuilding as it had sustained too much damage during the Battle of Visak'a to continue functioning at peak efficiency. The new Probe 815 is now complete and ready for its next task.

Information gathered from an assimilated Species 10030 warship lead to the location of a hidden planet inside Unimatrix 42. The planet was cloaked. We remodulated our sensors to scan for gravimetric distortions and were able to identify the general location of the planet within the system. After this, Probe 815 took down the cloak and eliminated the planet's satellite defences. Energy signatures and lifeforms were detected from a complex on the planet. Submatricies 35 and 36 were transported to the planet to begin investigation and assimilation. Due to electromagnetic interference, we had to deposit the drones in the forest near the complex rather than at the complex itself. They met some natural obstacles, including a deep lake and a canyon, but were able to overcome these problems efficiently. Once arriving at the complex, we modulated our shields to avoid setting off the motion sensors, allowing us to get further in before the main resistance began. One of Six and Six of Six were deactivated by hidden mines and the drones encountered resistance from soldiers. Thirty of the soldiers were assimilated, but seventy were deactivated. Species 10030 persists with their tactic of deactivating drones before they are properly functioning. Nonetheless, resistance was futile. We entered the complex using one of the solider's keycards and have begun the process of assimilation.

It appears to be a military complex where new weapons are being developed. There are scientists of various specialities working here and numerous security guards and soldiers. A data storage room was found but the information is encrypted. Decryption algorithms are currently being run to extract the data. AFRED and Four of Six met resistance in the corridor leading from the main entrance to the building and are currently in the process of neutralizing it. Three of Six has built an assimilation chamber in an office room, having assimilated the sole inhabitant. One of Four, Three of Four and Three of Six have processed the thirty new drones assimilated outside and have now gone to the turbo-lift to investigate the next floor of the complex.

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