None-Cannon Alien Races
Species 262
Discovered: 2100
Status: Species Assimilation Complete
Notes: This is a cannon species that has been expanded upon. Cannon information on the species can be found here.
Home Planet: Merdia
Technology: Early-warp capable when first discovered. Had been held in stagnation since first discovery. Limited growth when the species was rediscovered and completely assimilated in 2420. Witnessed a Particle 010 explosion in 2100. Nearby systems were affected and are now classified as 'dead space'. Some new technology was discovered in early developmental phases, including energy projectile weaponry.
Culture: Species 10030 mythology described Partile 010 as a substance which could 'burn the sky'. After our initial visit, a mythology was developed around us. We were referred to by Species 262 as 'The Dark One'. 'Dark Keepers' were created with the purpose of keeping the planet in technological stagnation in an attempt to avoid our return.
More information on Species 262 can be found in the Probe 815 Borderlands Novel
Species 10030
Discovered: 2418, Unimatrix 43
Status: Worthy of Assimilation

Species data:
Home system: Unimatrix 43
Biology: Species 10030 rely on a symbiotic organism (designation 10031). The organism provides enhanced immune abilities making Species 10030 difficult to assimilate. Nanoprobes adapted to multiply more rapidly and overwhelm the symbiote have proven successful in assimilating the species. Once an individual belonging to Species 10030 is assimilated, the symbiote is assimilated along with it and does not cause further malfunction.
Strength capacity above average for humanoids. Enhanced vision due to extra cones in both eyes. Sensitive to light.
Technology: Species 10030 are warp-capable. Their starships are equipped with advanced sensors capable of detecting our transwarp hubs. First contact with Species 10030 involved a vessel attempting to utilise a Borg transwarp corridor. The vessel had a high resistance quotient and proved difficult to assimilate but the Borg prevailed in the end. In spite of being able to use our transwarp hubs, they are not capable of creating transwarp corridors themselves. They alluded us for several years through the use of cloaking technology. Species 10030 make frequent use of personal dampening fields to sever our connection to the rest of ourself and will readily deactivate assimilated units contained within their dampening fields so as to make adapting more difficult.
Culture: Isolationist society with several colonies across Unimatrix 43. They avoid interaction with other species, preferring to learn about them from distant study.
Language: Species 10030 written language appears like waveforms, as the 'letters' are actually sound frequencies.
Species 10033
Discovered: 2419.08, Andromeda Galaxy
Status: Worthy of Assimilation

Species data:
Home system: Andromeda Galaxy
Biology: Pale purple skin, blue hair, antenna. Artifically augmented eyes, designed to interface with augmented reality glasses worn by all individuals we have encountered belonging to this species.
Technology: Warp-capable. Their vessels appear to operate under a direct interface with the pilot. The pilot of the vessel is connected directly to the navigational console and is sustained through a purple nutrient fluid running through the walls of the vessel. Their home planet appears to be technologically advanced. Lifeforms are used as their primary power source, the energy of dying individuals is converted into electrical energy in large powerplants, several hundred of which were detected on the planet's surface. Individuals are controlled by an artificial intelligence designated Oversight through a neural interface device installed on each individual's neck as an infant. The artificial intelligence appears to be transmitting through orange hemispherical computers scattered throughout the planet's surface. Assimilating a member of Species 10033 causes malfunction as the drone retains its connection to Oversight, receiving two sets of commands at once. High resistance was encountered by Probe 815 due to Oversight's connection with assimilated drones. Assimilating Species 10033 individuals provides little information because they appear to have no memory of the skills they show. We assume that all data is stored in the Oversight computer.
Culture: Individuals appear to remember only irrelevant data, fed to them through augmented reality glasses, but are able to do more than they appear through their connection to the computer Oversight. Oversight appears to be the intelligence responsible for controlling the population. All towns and cities are laid out with spacial efficiency. They each contain a power plant, hospital, repair centre and vehicle storage, living spaces and gardens with food being grown. In the centre of every town is one of the hemispheres Oversight uses for control.

Species 10035
Discovered: 2419.08, Andromeda Galaxy
Status: Worthy of Assimilation

Biology: Six limbs (four legs and two arms). Species 10035 possess significant physical strength in their lower body and have a large carrying capacity. Potential uses as transport and compact drones. Size and shape also make them mountable. Their biology requires considerable energy to maintain. Above-average times required in regeneration. Limited information available from small sample size (only one assimilated individual).
Technology: Possessed 25th century grade technology during the 23rd century. Current technological status unknown. Warp capable.
Culture: Controlled a vast area of space at least 300 years ago and were able to destroy a Borg Sphere. Data limited as we have only assimilated a single individual of this species.
Credit for Borg Centaur: