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Primary Protocols


Subroutine 001: Collect data from all available sources other than direct assimilation. This data will then be transmitted and used to assess assimilation worth. 

Activation: Command activation 001


Subroutine 002: Activation: Automatic, May be overridden 


Fired upon for the first time with an energy weapon, do not initiate defence.


Activate shields to frequency provided, attempt to assimilate threat.


Subroutine 003: Activation Automatic, May be overridden 


Multiple individuals worthy of assimilation are within proximity assimilate individuals


Individuals unworthy of assimilation are within proximity and are designated as threats eliminate threats.




Subroutine 004: If power levels fall below 10% and other tasks are not being completed return to regeneration. 

Activation: Automatic, May be overridden 


Subroutines 005 - 300: Repair Subroutines (Vessle) 

Activation: Command 


Subroutines 301- 500: Repair Subroutines (Drone)

Actviation: Command


Subroutine 501: Speak for the Borg, use drone’s communication components to communicate for the Collective.

Activation: Command Activation 501


Subroutine: 502: If in the proximity of Particle 010 assimilate, all other priorities will be deemed irrelevant

Activation: Automatic


Subroutine: 503: If within the proximity of the individual ‘Jinx’ assimilate or destroy 

Activation: Automatic, can be overridden 


Secondary Protocols



Secondary Subroutine: 001: If severed from the Collective immediate efforts should be made to regain communication.

Activation: Automatic activation after input failure


Secondary Subroutine: 002: If efforts to contact the Collective are not available immediately form a sub-collective with available units. Assimilate new units as they become available and continue attempting to contact the Collective. 

Activation: Activates when subroutine 001 fails 


Secondary Subroutine 003: Maintain units where possible until contact is re-established with the collective. 

Activation: Automatic activation after input failure 


Source: Voy, Survival Instinct;, First Contact and Enterpirse Regeneration (indirectly) 

*INPUT FAILURE occurs when the connection is lost with the Hive Mind



Primary Protocols

First Contact Protocol: Activation Automatic (may be overriden by Collective decision) 

> Investigate assimilation potential

     > If potentially worthy deactivate defences and board 

     > If worthy assimilate lifeforms 

     > If unworthy and deemed a threat, destroy

     > If unworthy and none threatening ignore.

Drone Subroutines

These are a list of drone and vessel subroutines. It is not a complete list and is subject to growth as we play. If you have a suggestion for a new subroutine please suggest it on the NRPG board. 

Some suggestions are activated by commands (e.g. ~Activate Subroutine 001~) while others may be activated automatically in a given situation. All 'automatic' subroutines may be overridden by command. 


Please remember that Borderlands rules still apply - do not deactivate or permanently damage another player's drone without that player's consent. 


...Primary Protocols
...Secondary Protocols
Vessel Subroutines
...Primary Vessel Protocols
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