Collective Decisions & Drone Control
Collective Decision Making
In an attempt to mimic the decision-making process of a hive mind as closely as possible decisions should be made collectively.
The best definition I have for Borg perfection is infinite components working as one (that's why they love the Omega particle so much). We are striving for both biological and technological perfection so anything more advanced in either of those regards to what we have is worth assimilating. Anything on-par with what we have might be worth assimilating for extra drones, especially if they have something else special, like Species 5618 who have an unusual and irritatingly high resistance quotient. Some species, like the Kazon, are fundamentally imperfect (they lack harmony and have poor technology).
Vinculum and Queen
All irrelevant data and suggestions (individual thoughts) are eliminated through the ship’s vinculum, the Queen and Central Plexis. Drones should have no individual thoughts or speech.
Suggestion Rules:
Do not suggest:
Anything to do with ‘me’ and not ‘us’, all suggestions should be made with the whole collective in mind
Emotional suggestions (compassion, mercy, empathy, etc.)
Process of Collective Decisions
Data is provided (for example, a vessel has been detected, grid 475, unimatrix 32. Configuration unknown, warp signature detected.)
Suggestions are made (for example, assimilate the vessel)
The decision is voted for using a Google Form.
Consensus Reached: Action taken.
Example of a Collective Decision:
~Species 5618 have been unusually resilient to previous assimilation attempts, should their assimilation priority be increased to account for whatever unknown variable is causing this?~
~Yes, there has to be some reason for the increased resistance quotient, something we have not detected, assimilating Species 5618 with increased priority would add that quality to our perfection~
~No, The variability of the species makes it difficult to know the quality of the drone before assimilation.~
~They are biologically and technologically average, while there may be some unknown variable it is not worth wasting time that could be spent attempting to assimilate more advanced species such as Species 8472, increasing their priority is inefficient.~
~Species 5618 were able to defeat 8472.~
~One of their holograms did that, perhaps we should be focussing more on assimilating artificial life like photonics...~
~Species 5618 created the photonics. The photonic was a tool. We can assimilate the technology, but that will not provide us with the ability to use the tool.~
~We have holographic technology, the difficulty is linking it within our mind, it does not work the same way and would require adaptations to the vinculi and holograms would make useless drones because they would need holoemitters.~
~We have assimilated holographic technology. We are not using it.~
~The hologram was the creation of Species 5618, the technology is their's and they defeated Species 8272, this is all the more reason why their assimilation priority should be increased. If we assimilate Species 5618 we can use their increased resistance quotient to counter higher priority species.~
~Resistance is futile. Focus on the highest quality. Anything lesser is a distraction and inefficient use of resources~
<<Wrap: Decision is then made in a poll which will include all of the suggestions made>>
Drone Control
Drones are controlled by their player but also by the Collective. A drone can react using subroutines that may be activated by certain situations. They also react by complying with commands. Players can issue commands to their own drones by thinking for the Collective, the drones themselves will not think but may transmit data to the Collective.
Example of Drone Control:
~Submatrix 32. Proceed to Transporter Room 1~
One of Eight complies, moving towards the transporter and taking its position. Two of Eight complies...
The drones materialise on the bridge of an alien vessel and Three of Eight is attacked by a Klingon. It reacts under Defense Subroutine 01
~Submatrix 32. Proceed to Transporter Room 1~
One of Eight complies, moving towards the transporter and taking its position. Two of Eight complies...
The drones materialise on the bridge of an alien vessel and Three of Eight is attacked by a Klingon.
~Three of Eight. Assimilate attacking individual~
Three of Ten complies.
Always use the plural (‘we’ instead of ‘I’). If you are referring to a specific drone then use its designation.
Collective suggestions should be made without designation so that the voices are indistinguishable, for example ~we should assimilate the vessel~ instead of ~we should assimilate the vessel~ thought Nine.