player of the month
Ribbons & Awards

Duty Station Development Ribbon
For players who make a considerable effort to contribute to Probe 815's development as a duty station.

Story Development Ribbon
For players who help considerably with the development of the plot

Good Conduct Ribbon
For showing good conduct while playing and NRPG

Service Ribbon​
Number of years playing on Probe 815

Borderlands Council Ribbon
For service on the Star Trek Borderlands Council

Combat Ribbon
For exciting and engaing combat scenes

Collective Harmony Ribbon​
Similar to the good conduct ribbon but can be for posts as well, any posts that show good examples of collective harmony.

Efficiency Ribbon
For efficient posting... we are borg... there had to be an efficiency ribbon.

Purple Heart
For players who sacrifice significant characters

Bright Side Ribbon
For players who manage to inject humour into their writing while maintaining Borg characters

Duty Station Command Ribbon
For members who have taken a GM position on a dutystation (CO or XO)

Hall Of Fame Ribbon
This ribbon is for exemplary service to Borderlands as a whole and is one of the most valued awards in the game
Campaign Ribbons

Nublarisa Campaign Ribbon

Andromeda Galaxy Campaign Ribbon

Particle 010 / Horizon Crossover Campaign Ribbon

Star Trek Borderlands 2420 Religion and Culture Conference

Zafar & Lugash Campaign Ribbon

Facility 04 Campaign Ribbon

Battle of Visak'a Campaign Ribbon

Cromwell and S'Task Crossover / Species 10038 Campaign Ribbon
players of the month

January 2019 - Anna-Maria - Perhaps because of her experience with Cardassian PCs within the obsidian order Anna-Maria has jumped in with a great understanding of the mindless compliance and lack of individuality of the Borg. Three is a very obedient drone (and we mean that as a compliment). Glad to have you playing with us.
January 2020 -Anna-Maria - for allowing me to attack her station lol. AM has been fantastic over the past few months and I've really enjoyed coordinating the Probe 815 / Horizon crossover. I've also enjoyed Pataki's bad-ass approach when negotiating with the Collective!
February 2020 - Honourary mention: AM - We wrapped up our adventure with Horizon at the beginning of this month and I'd like to thank AM for letting me make a mess on her station lol. The crossover adventure was a lot of fun and I enjoyed Pataki's response to the Borg threat.
December 2020 - Anna-Maria for her portrait of Siril (designated 'One of Two' by the Collective).
Siril is an individual operating within the Collective and the Borg try to treat her like another drone. To the Borg, she's an experiment that isn't going very well. She is, as I described in my log, 'chaotic'. She's also very argumentative and surprisingly ethical. Siril outright refused to assimilate a Klingon who was attacking her on our last mission, causing the Borg to remove her from the situation as an unstable element. She walks a very fine line between being useful enough to want to keep and not useful enough to need as an individual meaning that Siril is always seconds from either being assimilated or deactivated. AM has created a complex character with Siril, who battles with her own morality, stubborn personality and the consequences of disobeying the Borg in their own space. I'm impressed that she's survived this long but I've really enjoyed writing with her. I'm looking forward to exploring her breakthrough with Omega, as I know AM has been doing actual research on particles to make her dialogue realistic! A challenging but beautifully written character.
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815

November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815

May 2019 - Our new player, David has made some wonderful contributions to Probe 815 with not one, nor two but soon to be THREE new drones! He's done a great job with Four and Nine of Ten and has helped considerably, both in keeping our current adventure going and working with me to plan our next one. Thanks for all the help David.
June 2019 - Special Mention - David for adding a THIRD character to our Collective with Two of Six, a great idea with the spy subplot and the science machine AFRAD.
July 2019 - David for keeping the Probe going during its quieter periods.
August 2019 - And a special mention again to David - For being a very active player on Probe 815 in spite of playing on several other DS across Borderlands now. Thanks for keeping Probe 815 alive David 🙂
September 2019 - David - for keeping us going and for an interesting addition of One of Ten into Submatrix 36.
October 2019 - David and Devon for keeping things going when the group has been very slow and being so patient with me over trying to get it running again. Thanks guys.
February 2020 - David - Although perhaps 'GM of the Month' would be a better title. David has been GMing our latest plot with the Cularin this month and has been doing a fantastic job keeping the plot moving. I'm enjoying the adventure and looking forward to assimilating Zafar and finding out more about the Cularin. This is David's first time GMing but I think he's taken to it like a fish in water.
April 2020 - Honourary mention to David who has just wrapped up the adventure he GMed for the Probe over the past three months. The adventure was a lot of fun and David did a fantastic job GMing.
May 2020 - David - For continuing to try and move the story along even when it was very slow.
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815

September 2018 - Everyone! We are a collective after all.
Thank you so much for helping me with this experiment guys, it seems to be going really well, at least from my perspective.
October 2018 - And special mention to Devon for the constant help and support with the plot, I'm still very new to being GM and learning slowly so thanks for making sure I don't make a mess of things :)
March 2019- Devon has been great this month playing Two's severance from the Collective and also with a solo-post showing the assimilation of a planet. He was also willing to have the option to deactivate his PC in the Collective Decision in order to adhere to Borg mentality and he's helped me through a lot of the hiccups that have occurred this month with running this group.
July 2019 - Devon - For being the first to crack the secret code on Nublarisa and for helping me so much in working out how to go forward when I was really stuck planning our next plot. Thank you so much!
August 2019 - Devon - for helping me work out how to move forward with our current plot when I was having a pretty bad writer's block. Devon has provided a lot of support behind the scenes this month when I was struggling.
October 2019 - David and Devon for keeping things going when the group has been very slow and being so patient with me over trying to get it running again. Thanks guys.
April 2020 - Devon - Devon's frequent descriptions of what Two of Ten isn't thinking or feeling are a constant source of amusement and a creative way of attacking the often difficult task of writing for a PC without emotion or free-thought.
August 2020 - Devon -For McDonald's black box which gave the Borg something new to focus on, making way for the triple-crossover in September and really making me think about how to adapt. I know you are moving on from the Probe this month, so I want to thank you for your support over the past two years and for helping me make this a thing. It hasn't always been easy but you've helped make it possible and I will always appreciate that.
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815
April 2022 - Thank you so much to everyone involved for the crossover with Cromwell and S'Task, but especially Devon. Who would have imagined Romulans, DFA Officers and Borg all working together? I know I've been a big anxious mess like I always am with Crossovers but... we did it!
Sam (2)

December 2019 - Sam posts both frequently and enthusiastically and has really brought a new energy to Probe 815 with Two of Four. Having played with Sam on Cromwell, that doesn't surprise me - he's a great writer and just what the Probe needed! Thanks Sam! :)
January 2021 -Sam came back prolifically. He writes on several different DS and contributes a lot to all of them. On Probe 815, he plays Two of Four and his contributions really got things moving again at the beginning of the month. It's great to have you back Sam
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815

September 2018 - Everyone! We are a collective after all.
Thank you so much for helping me with this experiment guys, it seems to be going really well, at least from my perspective.
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815

February 2021 - Teimo - Our new player, Teimo, has made for a wonderful contribution to Probe 815. He is a frequent and enthusiastic poster who has done well writing for his drone (Three of Six) and making suggestions for the Collective as a whole.
November 2021 - Everyone: I know real life has been really hard on many of you lately, so it's nice to hear from you guys again. Thank you for the chance to write with such a great group of people. Merry Christmas Probe 815