Probe 815 and Cube 1516 have been sent to an RSE/DFA space station designated 'Visak'a' due to a lead assimilated from a civilian passenger vessel on the DFA border. The data suggested that there may be another Vulcanoid race of importance to the RSE on the planet below. We entered Visak'a's space and informed the residence that was resistance was futile. We commanded their surrender but they attacked instead. Probe 815 took considerable damage before the cube was able to take down Visak'a's shields. Drones from submatricies 34, 35 and 36 of Unimatrix 42 were transported to the control centre which was efficiently assimilated. Two individuals killed themselves before they could be assimilated and another three escaped through Jefferies tubes and the turbo lift. We sent several drones to the promenade where they met the resistance of several DFA and RSE security forces. Eight of Ten and Ten of Ten were deactivated in the invasion and replaced by species 3592 and 3783 individuals assimilated during the attack. Replicators and consoles have been assimilated and the promenade has been converted into a place for processing new drones. We have assimilated more information on Pangaere from those assimilated on the Promenade but have yet to determine its worth. More information is required before we consider assimilating the planet.Â
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Jun 30, 2020
We found the second dampening field in a storage closet. After some resistance from what remained of the Species 10030 soldiers, we were able to deactivate it. A log was assimilated from a PaDD containing details of an individual's experience on the facility but most of the information was irrelevant. The third field was eventually found and deactivated on the surface. We were able to contact the rest of ourself. Probe 815 picked up the stolen drones and the new ones we had assimilated at the facility.
May 31, 2020
Two of Ten, Two of Four, Four of Ten, Three of Ten, Eight of Ten, One of Ten and Four of Four materialised in an unknown location severed from the Collective. They were surrounded by forcefields, separating them from each other and containing them inside a cell. Species 10030 soldiers approached and triggered a large contained electric discharge from one of the forcefields, overloading One of Ten. They took One of Ten away. The others were unable to act because they were still contained behind individual forcefields. Screaming could be heard down the corridor. The severed drones assumed this meant One of Ten had assimilated the soldiers and would be returning with new drones but the expected reinforcements never came. Instead, the Species 10030 soldiers returned, this time taking Four of Four.      After some time, the drones worked out that they could 'adapt' to the multivariant forcefields by firing at various frequencies at the same time. All remaining drones fired at the field and it eventually overloaded and came down. The Borg stepped out of the field to be confronted with thirteen Species 10030 soldiers. They also found that they were still severed from the Collective but were able to form a small collective between themselves using their interlink nodes. There had to be a large dampening field somewhere within the facility hindering their connection. This was a common tactic of Species 10030 and one the severed Borg were familiar with. The soldiers had a high resistance quotient and used the tactic of firing at newly assimilated drones before they had a chance to connect to the others. Eight and Four of Ten were injured in the conflict but the drones managed to assimilate three new drones, the rest were destroyed by their former allies.     Information assimilated from the new drones showed the group that they were inside an underground Species 10030 base and that they had passed Nublarisa on the way here. Their exact location however was unknown. They also found the purpose of the facility - capturing drones and de-assembling them for experimentation. Species 10030 were trying to gain as much information as they could about the Borg for the war effort. The dismantling was done without anaesthetic and while the drones were severed from the Hive. It was conducted in a large laboratory in the centre of the base. The group also found out that there were more cells, filled with other severed drones. They headed down the long metal corridors of the base to release the other drones and grow their small collective. They had one goal in mind - find and destroy the dampening field which was preventing them from contacting the Collective.Â
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