All of the species 5618 individuals on the small colony of Lugash were easily and efficiently assimilated with minimal resistance. When we arrived, it was apparent that the colony had not detected our arrival. Most of the individuals were in their living areas when Submatrix 34 was transported to the planet. They had minimal defences and were adapted too quickly. The information they provided was mostly irrelevant, with the exception of some mining machines which had components worth taking. For efficiency, the new drones were processed in an assimilation chamber constructed on the planet by Two of Ten. Four of Ten and Three of Ten guarded the unassimilated individuals while they were processed by submatrix 36. All 25o new drones were then transported to Probe 815 and will be distributed amongst the Collective. Probe 815 was returning to Unimatrix 42 but was abused by Species 10030 vessels. Three of them attacked the probe, lowering its shields long enough to get a boarding party over. Damage to the Probe was minimal but 6 drones were transported to an unknown location for unknown reasons. One of Ten, Two of Ten, Three of Ten, Four of Ten, Four of Four and Eight of Ten remain missing. We cannot see or hear them so it is assumed they are either severed or inactive.Â
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Mar 31, 2020
The data assimilated from the boarding individuals suggested two potentially useful locations: a planet designated 'Zafar', the homeworld of Species 10036 and a mining colony designated 'Lugash'. Probe 815 headed to the transwarp hub which would take it to the Gamma Quadrant and then to Zafar. The planet was defended by two Species 5008 vessels. One of the vessels was destroyed due to a warp core breach when we were attempting to capture it. Probe 815 locked onto the other one with its tractor beam and drained the shields. By the time we had drained the Bird of Prey's shields, the Species 10036 individuals onboard had abandoned the vessel and transported themselves to the Probe. The individuals aboard were examining drones and deactivated a few before being assimilated. This seemed to be the limit of Zafar's planetary defences. A scan of the planet showed only 234 lifeforms matching Species 10036. Submatricies 34 and 35 were sent to the planet to assimilate the lifeforms down there. Resistance was minimal. Species 10036 appeared unprepared for an attack. The individuals in the streets scattered to bunkers and were efficiently assimilated by Submatricies 34 and 35. Submatrix 35 discovered a bunker full of individuals in cryogenic suspension, some belonging to Species 10036 and others belonging to other races. The individuals in suspension were assimilated to reveal the next layer of defences the planet had to offer - war droids. Two variants of these machines were initially encountered but when Eight of Ten, Three of Ten and Nine of Ten assimilated the hard drives from the attackers, they discovered a third kind. Submatrix 35 used information from the individuals in cryostasis to find the control centre for the war droids. They reclassified us as 'friendly' so that the droids stopped attacking. We proceeded to the location of the third type, of which there were only a few and all were apparently inactive and began tagging them for transportation to the probe. The third type of robot was more heavily armed than the two we had encountered in combat. It activated unexpectedly and shot Eight of Ten at close range, damaging the exoplating on its shoulder and the skin underneath. Three of Ten was able to deactivate the wardroid that had attacked Eight of Ten. While searching the cryogenic chambers, Submatrix 35 found a half-assimilated Borg drone which had belonged to Species 3783. We reassimilated it. The data from the drone revealed that it had been severed from the Collective 44 years ago when the vessel it was on was hit by an electrokinetic ion storm. Species 10030 found the sole survivor of the incident and brought it back to Zafar for examination. It had been there ever since. As Four of Six released the drone from suspension, the wall panel overloaded, causing damage to Four of Six's cortical array. Four of Six was later deactivated but Eight of Ten was repaired. Two-hundred and thirty new drones were processed aboard Probe 815 by Submatrix 36. The drone we found in cryogenic suspension replaced Four of Six. Having completed our task on Zafar, we proceeded back to the delta quadrant in pursuit of the mining colony but were ambushed by another Species 5008 vessel on the way. This one was quickly destroyed. We have arrived at the mining colony Lugash and have detected Species 5618. There appear to be no defences or if there are, none have been triggered by our presence.Â
Feb 29, 2020
Pataki and Hweyol provided us with the data from the Particle 010 scientists but the scientist ran away. We caught and assimilated one of them on Horizon and found the one which Five of Eight have attempted to assimilate in a shuttle attempting to escape. The third scientist escaped into a Jefferies tube. The data gathered from the two scientists and Horizon contained the location of the Borite ore so we withdrew with several new drones. Perfection awaited. The scientist we found in the shuttle had severed his hand in a futile attempt to resist us. We re-injected him in the neck and completed his assimilation. The new drone was sent with the Cube back to Unimatrix 01 to function as a Queen's guard. The other one would remain on Probe 815 as a tactical drone. We sent 12 cubes to a moon where our data suggested the Borite was being kept. We encountered some resistance but resistance was futile and efficiently dealt with. The Borite ore was transferred safely to Cube 042 and synthesised into Particle 010 which was then placed in a Harmonic Resonance Chamber. We were able to stabilize Particle 010 for 4 seconds before the power being generated overloaded the cube's systems and the Particle destabilized. All 12 cubes, along with subspace in the surrounding area, were destroyed but the lost resources were irrelevant. For four seconds, we saw perfection. The drone, Five of Eight, was left on Horizon. They healed its injuries but then proceeded to take it to pieces. We contacted it while it regenerated and reminded it what it was. It has been instructed to watch the third scientist, the one we left behind, in case she begins experimenting with perfection again... Meanwhile, Probe 815 encountered an unknown vessel containing a small group of individuals. The vessel was unusual, in that it appeared to be composed of technology from various species. Some we recognised, others we did not. We assimilated the individuals inside the vessel and the starship's computer. The vessel had been stolen from a race which designated themselves 'Cularin', Species designation 10036. They were from a planet in the Gamma Quadrant called 'Zafar'. We proceeded to the transwarp hub near Unimatrix 01 and then to the Gamma Quadrant to find more information on the Species. On the way to Zafar, we encountered resistance from a pair of Species 5700 warships. The first of the warships was destroyed. The second was tractored but before we could begin assimilating the individuals, who turned out not to be Species 5700 but instead those we were looking for, we were boarded. We have begun assimilating the intruders, who belong to Species 10036.Â
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