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2422.02 - 2422.04

Writer's picture: Probe 815 Probe 815

Aboard the DFA vessel, Cromwell-B, Six of Twelve Secondary Adjunct of Unimatrix 11 and One of Six Primary Adjunct of Unimatrix 76 partially assimilated a Species 10038 Queen. We sensed it briefly before its demise. Probe 815's course was redirected to intercept with Cromwell above a planet the DFA have designated B217.

The DFA vessel had experienced similar problems to our vessels. Issues with power drainage as a result of Species 10038. They had discovered a Queen aboard their ship and destroyed it. Its destruction had led to the demise of the rest of the Species 10038 units aboard. We were going to assimilate the DFA vessel but were contacted with a counterproposal. Cromwell wished to negotiate with us instead and threatened to destroy the data should we attempt to retrieve it by force. Given the need for efficiency, we accepted their proposal. A delegation of DFA units was sent to Probe 815 and Six of Twelve was chosen to speak for us.

The individual Banor MarQ represented the DFA. We do not know what he is. He is Borg, but not Borg. An individual augmented with Borg technology but never assimilated. We believe he may be unique. We wish to acquire him but part of the arrangement with the DFA included not assimilating their units. The Species 10038 data was deemed more valuable than the individual. It was agreed that the DFA would use their data to produce a weapon for us and test it. In exchange, we would provide sufficient nanoprobes for the DFA to protect their space from Species 10038, as this was a component of the weapon. A later exchange was made with 'Siril' for greater efficiency.

The DFA produced the weapon the day after we provided them Siril. We tested it on the Species 3783 vessel, S'Task. We encountered a new variant of Species 10038 aboard S'Task that shoots white blade-like appendages. The Queen aboard S'Task was of a far greater size than the one aboard Cromwell. It took the DFA projectile weapon, explosives and five drones worth of nanoprobes to kill. The DFA sent a buoy with the weapon schematics into our space. Probe 815 has just picked it up and the data is proving useful in defeating Species 10038.

The DFA 'weapon' is not a single weapon but a series of things needed to kill a Species 10038 Queen:

-We must fluctuate the frequencies of the energy it is consuming

-Inject it with assimilation nanoprobes to stop it from adapting

-And then shoot it with projectile-based weapons and explosive devices.

Once the Queen dies, the larvae die and the rest of the Species 10038 units aboard become disorientated and unable to adapt, making them easy to destroy. Some variants also die in extreme cold.

Six of Twelve was left aboard Cromwell to continue with its role in our experiment to understand why individuals resist assimilation. One of Six has been instructed to test a hypothesis based on Six of Twelve's data. We are in the process of mass-producing the Species 10038 weapon to clear the outbreak at the Unicomplex.


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