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Writer's picture: Probe 815 Probe 815

Submatrix 34 was sent to the Species 10030 vessel to begin the assimilation process. Six of Ten experienced a malfunction with its cortical node after being fired upon by an individual belonging to Species 10030, the malfunction was repaired and the drone is functional.

   The vessel's computer database was assimilated, it revealed the location of the Species 10030 home planet in Unimatrix 44 and that they have a fleet of ships spread out throughout unimatricies 42 through to 50. 

There was nothing remarkable about the technology of Species 10030 other than their sensors.

The vessel's sensors where specifically calibrated to pick up on transwarp signatures and where locked to the range of frequencies we use for our transwarp hubs. The threat level of Species 10030 has been updated. There was no transwarp drive detailed in the ship schematics, suggesting that Species 10030 could not create their own conduits, but there was a map displaying a number of Borg conduits and one transwarp hub. 

   Attempts were made to assimilate Species 10030 but these attempts failed, the nanoprobes did not appear to be functioning as expected and the individuals continued to resist. It was decided that we would collect a group of individuals from the vessel for further analysis aboard Probe 815. A random selection meeting varying demographics was chosen from the crew manifest, Submatrix 34 was sent to retrieve these individuals. 

Ten of the eighteen selected individuals have been acquired so far.  

   We have noticed some individuals in the vessel repair room appear to be infected with nanoprobes, their skin has changed colour but neural transceivers have not yet developed.


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