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Writer's picture: Probe 815 Probe 815

We allowed a DFA Dropship into Cube 1516 for assimilation. It consisted of Delta Freedom Alliance and Romulan Star Empire individuals. 50 new units were assimilated. Although 32 were deactivated shortly after assimilation before the process complete, all new units provided data for adaptation. A new type of suite was being used by the Delta Freedom Alliance which relied on nanoprobe technology. This equipment was also assimilated. The Delta Freedom Alliance vessel proved unusually resistant to shield-draining technology. 

39 Romulan Star Empire vessels and 99 fighters were destroyed or assimilated in what the RSE and DFA  have designated 'The Battle of Visak'a'. We were able to assimilate 70% of the individuals on Visak'a, along with significant technology and data pertaining to the Delta Freedom Alliance and Romulan Star Empire. Submatrix 34 succeeded in assimilating the 'black box'. The device uses electromagnetic pulses to deactivate non-organic components inside of drones, including the cortical array. The device was assimilated and several replications of the device were brought aboard Probe 815 for adaptation. We have adjusted shielding to adapt to the device in the future. 

The planet, Pangaere, was found to be unworthy of assimilation. Data assimilated from Romulan Star Empire and Delta Freedom Alliance individuals aboard Visak'a suggest a pre-warp culture with no significant new biological or technological distinctiveness to add to our own. A virus was assimilated inside Cube 1516 from a Species 180 individual. The cube was destroyed to contain the spread of the virus. The Delta Freedom Alliance vessel escaped with its Chronoton Generator. A sphere was sent after the vessel but by the time it arrived, it had left and scrambled its warp signature. We saw the chronoton device being transported by unknown means. Insufficient data assimilated to confirm the nature of the device used. 

Unit loss was greater than expected but within tolerable means. Net gain from assimilated units in terms of technology and data was greater than losses in active drones. Increase resistance quotient associated with 'Delta Freedom Alliance' and 'Romulan Star Empire'. Resistance was futile but they are adapting. Estimates for the time until the assimilation of respective territories decreased.  

Five of Seven was successful in providing an interplexing beacon for the experimental Species 5618 unit on Horizon. The unit has been transported from Horizon and is being moved to Unimatrix 01 for Particle 010 experiments. 


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