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Probe 815 has travelled to Unimatrix 08, Grid 321 and had taken position in orbit of the Species 262 homeworld. Submatricies 34 and 35 have been transported to the surface in the centre of a town which appears to be where the majority of the remaining population has clustered. So far, resistance has been non-existent. The majority of individuals on this planet have been compliant and simply waited for their turn to be assimilated. Others have attempted to run or hide. Few have tried to fight and those who did were quickly subdued. Other than stories of the event which 'burned the skies' we have yet to attain any useful information regarding particle 010 from the planet. It would appear that after our departure 200 years ago, the individuals on this planet deliberately limited their own technological advancement in an effort to avoid being considered worthy of assimilation. They refer to us as 'The Dark One' and anticipated our return. Those most likely to hold relevant information belong to a group referred to as 'The Dark Keepers'. The assimilation of individuals belonging to this group has been prioritised.

One of Two was told that further incompliance or disruption would result in assimilation. So far, it is proving what we already expected: that working with members of Species 5618 is a bad idea and likely a futile endeavour. They are chaotic, disruptive, incompliant and disharmonious as a whole and One of Two is proving to be particularly so. However, One of Two activated today with an idea for stabilising Particle 010. Our assessment of the concept is promising. It will be working on holographic tests of the idea. We will continue this experiment provided the idea proves useful and One of Two creates no further chaos.


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