Delta Freedom Alliance (DFA) Armada
The DFA Armada is the primary space force of the Delta Freedom Alliance (DFA), composed of seven specialized fleets, each with a distinct role in defense, diplomacy, and exploration as shown below:
The 1st Fleet (The Sentinel) is the main battle force, protecting DFA borders and trade routes.
The 2nd Fleet (The Solace) provides humanitarian aid and disaster relief.
The 3rd Fleet (The Shadow) specializes in intelligence and covert operations.
The 4th Fleet (The Hunter) is a rapid-response tactical force.
The 5th Fleet (The Mutt) consists of defectors from Romulan, Klingon, and Cardassian factions.
The 6th Fleet (The Dark Swan) handles classified black ops.
The 7th Fleet (The Pathfinder) focuses on exploration and diplomacy.
Spaceships Types x Sizes
There are some difference in sizes and functions between types of spaceships. Some are small and fast, some are big and strong, and some are just absolutely huge!
Patrol Ship: This is like a neighborhood police car. It’s small, quick, and keeps an eye on things. If it sees trouble, it calls for help or chases away the bad guys.
Corvette: This is like a speedboat with some cool gadgets. It's one of the smallest warships but faster than a patrol ship. It can fight little battles but usually doesn’t go too far from home.
Frigate: Now we have a big and tough fishing boat that’s also good in a fight. It can go farther than a corvette and helps protect bigger ships. It’s good at hunting enemy submarines and keeping other small ships safe.
Destroyer: This is like a big police boat with a lot of weapons. It’s fast and strong and is often used to protect even bigger ships. It’s really good at fighting airplanes, submarines, and other ships.
Cruiser: A cruiser is like a fast and powerful firetruck. It’s bigger than a destroyer and can fight by itself. It can travel far and stay in battles for a long time.
Battle/Heavy Cruiser: Now we’re talking about a big and scary tank but on the water! It’s tougher than a normal cruiser, with bigger guns and thicker armor, but not quite as strong as a battleship.
Battleship:A battleship is like a castle that floats! It’s big, super tough, and has huge cannons that can hit enemies from very far away. It used to be the king of the sea before aircraft carriers became the big bosses.
Dreadnought: Imagine a battleship, but even bigger and badder! It has even more powerful cannons and is built to fight other huge ships. It was the ultimate war machine before aircraft carriers took over.
Super Dreadnought: If a dreadnought is a big castle, a super dreadnought is a whole fortress on the water! It’s one of the biggest warships ever made, with crazy thick armor and the biggest guns. But these ships became too slow and expensive, so they stopped making them.

1st Fleet – The Sentinel (Main Defense Force)
Area of Operation: Patrol of commercial routes within DFA territory. Outer borders of the DFA, protecting against external threats.
Profile: Main battle fleet, specialized in direct combat and territorial defense. Security fleet, ensuring the protection of trade convoys and economic stability.
Typical Ships: Heavy cruisers, destroyers, and heavily armed frigates. Fast frigates, corvettes, and escort ships.
Typical Operations: Combating interstellar piracy; escorting ambassadors on diplomatic missions. Defense against hostile invasions; strategic battles to protect key star systems.
Potential Allies: Commercial enterprises; local security forces. Local planetary defense forces; temporary alliances with the 6th Romulan Fleet against common threats.
Commander: Admiral Salek (Vulcan, m) [NPC]
Flagship: DFA Sentinel (DSS 00123)

2nd Fleet – The Solace (Humanitarian Aid and Rescue)

Area of Operation: Crisis-affected regions inside and outside the DFA. War-torn regions.
Profile: Humanitarian assistance fleet, specializing in relief and reconstruction. Peacekeeping fleet, assisting in post-war reconstruction.
Typical Ships: Hospital ships, supply transports. Engineering ships, humanitarian cargo transports.
Possible Stories: Response to natural disasters; fighting epidemics in allied planets. Negotiating peace treaties; rebuilding destroyed colonies.
Types of Operations: Humanitarian aid organizations; local governments in need. Local authorities; reconstruction organizations.
Commander: Admiral Tori Leeta (Bajoran, f) [Player:Tabitha]
Flagship: DFA Abnegation (DSS 00021)
3rd Fleet – The Shadow (Intelligence and Covert Operations)
Area of Operation: Covert operations in foreign territories. Deep space communication monitoring.
Profile: Espionage fleet, specialized in intelligence gathering and secret operations, electronic warfare fleet, focused on cyber warfare and data interception.
Typical Ships: Stealth ships, surveillance probes, electronic warfare ships, mobile hacking platforms.
Types of Operations: Infiltration into hostile governments; sabotage of enemy installations. Dismantling enemy spy networks; defending against cyber-attacks.
Potential Allies: Espionage networks; internal dissidents of oppressive regimes, cybersecurity agencies; encryption specialists.
Commander: Admiral Joahnna Raven (Betaz., f) [Player: Drika]
Flagship: DFA Athena (DSS 00301)

4th Fleet – The Hunter (Specialized Tactical Force)

Area of Operation: Tactical conflict areas inside and outside the DFA, areas of political and military instability.
Profile: Special forces fleet, dealing with high-risk missions, rapid intervention fleet, deployed to handle violent outbreaks.
Typical Ships: Assault cruisers, fast attack ships, tactical destroyers, troop transports.
Types of Operations: Rescue missions in war zones; elimination of strategic targets; maintaining order in rebellious zones; emergency evacuations; Marine Corps transportation.
Potential Allies: Special forces units; local resistance groups, moderate factions in conflict; dissident leaders.
Commander: Admiral Sophia Kane (human, f) [NPC]
Flagship: DFA Shark (DSS 00400)
Ships of the Swarm:
DFA Darkhorse, Commanding Officer: DFAMC Captain Rose "Thorn" Petalosa [Player: Jason]
5th Fleet - The Mutt (Foreigners Allied Forces)
Area of Operation: Regions near Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian influence.
Profile: Fleet formed by Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian defectors who joined the DFA.
Typical Ships: Modified Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian warships.
Types of Operations: Operations against the Romulan Empire; defense of separatist colonies.
Potential Allies: Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian rebels; ex-military defectors.
Flagship: DFA Unholy (DSS 00505)
Commander: Admiral Martok (Klingon, m) [NPC]

6th Fleet – The Dark Swan (Advanced Defense Force - DFA Black Ops)

Area of Operation: Covert operations in hostile territories.
Profile: Black ops fleet, specialized in classified missions.
Typical Ships: Infiltration ships, stealth fighters.
Types of Operations: Sabotage of strategic targets; assassination of dangerous leaders.
Potential Allies: Insurgent groups; informant networks.
Commander: Admiral Ziyal Dukat (Cardassian, f) [NPC]
Flagship: DFA Phantom (DSS 00666)
7th Fleet – The Pathfinder (Exploration and Diplomacy)
Area of Operation: Uncharted DFA territories. Border regions with non-aligned territories.
Profile: Scientific research fleet, dedicated to studying space phenomena and unexplored planets, exploration and diplomacy, focused on expanding alliances and discovering new worlds.
Typical Ships: Long-range exploration vessels, science cruisers, mobile laboratories, science support ships.
Types of Operations: First contact with new species; negotiation of peace treaties, discovery of valuable natural resources; facing spatial anomalies.
Potential Allies: Newly discovered worlds; scientific organizations; academic institutions, mining corporations.
Commander: Admiral Carson Sesgaard (human, m) [Player: Devon Alexander]
Flagship: DFA Cromwell-B (DSS 00077)