Writer's Guidlines & FAQs
Player writers will occasionally have questions about ship systems and protocols. These are some of the more frequent questions that have been raised. Remember, these are guidelines. These try and address general questions, but exceptions will occur. CO/XO rulings on exceptions and/or contrary interpretations are final.
Writers Guidelines for Cromwell-B
Cromwell Systems and protocols.
[A PDF File of these guidelines is available Here]
Alert Status :
Red Alert :http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Red_alert
Shields to full power. Weapons charged. Crew to general quarters.
Yellow Alert: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow_alert
Shields charged. Weapons remain off line. Senior crew and department heads report to stations
Gray Mode "alert': http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_mode
Blue Alert: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Blue_alert
Unusual, such as Environmental hazards
Condition Green: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Condition_green
Loss of security, others listening in, etc. Security protocols enacted, situation dependent.
General Quarters: http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/General_quarters
Crew to battle stations. If Red alert not called, may be used for intruder alert, and roll call.
Abandon ship - Bridge officers can order. Senior most officer on bridge can order abandon ship.
Armed Crew: Usually limited to Security
Exceptions: Tradition based bladed weapons, eg Andorians, Romulans, Klingons.
Marine Commanding Officers: Side arm allowed. (Tradition dictates this, not supported by current CO)
Hidden weapons are not unusual, but not regulation.
Fleet Armories: Controlled by Security. No explosives.
Marine Armory: Controlled by Marines. Includes heavy weaponry and explosives.
Borg Designations: (of Alien Species): (link here)
Bridge Access:
Bridge Access is limited to those with Bridge training, those under security escort and invited guests.
Notes: Bridge officer training is typically completed by Lt (jg) rank.
Operations ensigns may be under training and serving on the bridge.
Notes: Bridge officer command training ('taking the conn') Typically is completed by Lt, or Lt Commander ranks.
There are exceptions; such as combat, deaths, limited personnel such that others may have this privilege earlier.
Notes: Bridge crew Station setup (Typical)
Captain (Center turning chair-probably unique to Sesgaard from Klingon influence/Retro command chair),
XO/First officer to right of captain, Console on Right between ops and communications
Operations (Starboard side)
Tactical (raised rear, behind captain)
Helm/Navigation (Front center)
Optional Additional Personnel as needed, normally stations covered by standard Bridge personnel:
Engineering (Port side)
Communications (Starboard rear)
Counselor/Diplomacy (Port rear)
Security (Provides internal ship security and monitoring) (location to right of Tactical)
Flight controller (Next to communications)
Exception: Any Cromwell crewman has access the captain's ready room to speak to the captain
Bridge Setup: Current Cromwell-B setup: A cross between the original Enterprise and Enterprise- D
See Bridge Access-Bridge crew for locations
Cadets are occasionally brought on board Cromwell as working/training sessions. They are typically fourth year Cadets, ranked cadet Ensign, one step below ensign. They may be called upon for pretty much any duty for training and cross training. The majority of time is spent in their specialty and after 6 months to a year, will graduate with higher advancement potential due to their additional starship and specialty training. This replaces the more traditional 3 month "cadet cruise" taken during their fourth year of the academy. Cadets typically have Level 1 security, but can be upgraded as needed for performance needs onboard Cromwell.
Chain of Command:
Captain, First officer, highest ranked Command level officer, highest ranked bridge officer, highest ranked officer.
Command Level: There is a test to pass from Lt Commander to Commander. CO may override this test if field commissions are warranted.
"Civilian access": All common areas.
Specific limitations: Security, Engineering, Marine Deck, Bridge, Auxiliary Bridge.
Exchange officers, diplomatic personnel, and guests will often begin with 'civilian access', but may progress given time, comfort with the new personnel, executive decision and prior outside training.
Aboard Cromwell, these are automatic. These react to biomass triggering a sensor in front of the door.
Doors can be locked. Override is by Senior officers. Unlocked doors can be manually opened.
Automated door opening may fail during low power and lack of power emergencies.
Flight control:
The Flight Control officer controls all inbound and outgoing small vessel flights, both Marine and Fleet shuttles, fighters and other ships as may be wishing to land or dock with Cromwell. This is located typically on the flight deck/Marine deck, but can be run from the bridge.
Power for the ship is run by Warp power, this includes holodecks.
Reference: Enterprise-D. ..."energy reserves are being lost, and the programs running unnecessary
energy are terminated, including the holodeck program..."
Note this differs from Voyager holodeck power set up.
Voyager reference indicated (among compatibility issues)
power cannot be created in the holodeck and sent to the ship
Holodeck Safety Protocols:
Safeties on the holodeck can only be overridden by a department chief.
Disengaging safeties on the holodeck alerts operations on the bridge with an alarm.
Holograms: (Used as a Hologram 'person' in this reference)
Limited to Sickbay, Holodeck, common public areas and corridors.
Specific exceptions and notations: Engineering is Hologram compatible
Chief of Medical (CMOs) office and entire sickbay is hologram compatible.
Chief of Department's offices not hologram capable. (Exceptions; Engineering, Sickbay)
Intell has hologram capability on an isolated system.
Bridge does not have hologram capability.
Security does not have hologram capability.
Jeffries Tubes and other access corridors are not rigged for holograms.
The main senior staff conference room is fully Holographic compatible.
Holograms have the ability to transport between sites, program transfers take the equivalent of 'beaming' between sites.
(See site to site transport)
Computer to Physical location, and vice versa, same as beaming from transporter pad to site.
Cromwell Unique Holograms: DW and EMHs.
Intruder Alert:
Likely triggered by unexpected activity (Biomass) in restricted areas.
(Open to additional documentation)
Phasers, Ship: Ranges:
(Open to additional documentation)
Assume a maximum (effective) range of 100,000 km.
Close range: Less than 10,000 km
Normal Combat 25,000-50,000 km
Long Range: Greater than 75,000 km.
Rates of hits and damage or shield penetration rapidly drop off at long range.
Constitution class ships (23rd century) had a range of 90,000 km
Ranges may be considerably shortened, such as within a nebula due to increased phase dispersion of the beam.
Photon Torpedoes, Ship: Maximum Range under 300,000 km (186,300 miles, roughly 3/4 of way to moon)
Quarters: Officers: 4 ensigns, or 2 Lieutenants or 1 to commander to a room
Department heads, XO and Captain have own quarters.
This rooming situation would include Marine equivalents.
Crew and enlisted: 4-6 per room.
Civilian: case by case basis, usually on own or family unit.
Marines (Enlisted) in barracks, room by platoons, Senior Sargents have own quarters.
Exception: Pilots: 2 to a room, with squadron CO in own room.
Note: Characters from the same department discouraged from sharing quarters
Red Alert: See Alert Status
Rooming: See Quarters
Security Clearance:
For a list of DFA security levels with Starfleet examples download pdf file Here
Three classifications: Confidential, Secret, Top Secret. For writing practical purposes most Characters will have Confidential level clearance. Starfleet (and adopted by DFA) has ten security levels.
Confidential: General 'Secrets' (Security Level 3-5)
Secret: Used when writing clandestine operations, or if there is a need to keep some characters in the dark. Example Cromwell's Shields (Security levels 6-9)
Top Secret: Used for grey zone operations, things that could change balance of power if discovered. Quasi-legal operations, Romulan cloaking devices. (Security level 10)
(Link to security levels here)
Self Destruct: Senior officers with access to self destruct:
Captain (CO), First officer (XO), Chief of Engineering (COE), Chief of Security (COS), Chief of Intelligence (COI), Marine CO (MCO). Additionally, Commander ranked individuals may or may not have access. See Command Level
Initiation: Standard operating procedure would require the Captain and First officer command codes to activate. If the captain is incapacitated, the XO and two command level officers would be required. If the XO is incapacitarted, the CO and two command level officers would be required. If both the CO and XO are incapacitated (not able to be located or recovered by the computer) three command level officers are required.
Override: same command level requirements as implementation.
Locations: Self destruct can be activated from the Bridge with voice recognition or from main engineering with Biometric or voice recognition.
Cromwell runs a unique design shield system using a dual capacitor system. The specifics are incompletely understood, even by engineering. Shields were designed by Lieutenant Braun, which partly explains the incomprehensibility; Part genius, part psychosis. The shields are rated 'very high', able to withstand more than typical for a ship of comparable size. The shields are not Starfleet or DFA typical or upgrades. Technology is non- transferable.
Ten Forward: Format changes from time to time. Current decor is an old English pub with presentation/music stage. Torrs' Bar (Note Apostrophe) on sign outside wood doors to Ten Forward. Special Note: There is also Bob's Bistro, a public cafe/messhall, run by Bob and Mary From Devu II with Devu Honey pastries and more varieties (144+) of coffee than most places in the galaxy.
Transporters: Transporter technology use is highly discouraged while at warp.
Transwarp transporter technology is not in use. (ie, ship to ship at warp, interstellar transport)
Exception: Experimental transwarp transport is known, as is Sikkaran transport tech
http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Transporter_console http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Transwarp_beaming
Time to beam from a transporter pad to another site is about six seconds. (Very rough estimate) Emergency transport units are available, all return you to the ship (if within range) They are not programmable for location. Beaming within the ship, while discouraged, is possible with site to site transport. Energy weapons can be detected and deactivated in transport. Other weapons such as knives, are not detected. Projectile weapons can likely be detected, but not deactivated. Known dangerous biological agents are decontaminated by the biofilter on the transport buffer. Security shield can be raised around transporter pads
Transporter range is roughly 40,000 km (variable due to conditions)
Marine/Fleet interfacing:
To be determined
Yellow Alert: See Alert Status
Warp Power: Ship's Main power is warp power. However, it runs slightly less efficient than Standard Starfleet, and the power output is at a different level than Standard Starfleet output, so the systems are incompatible. (An analogy would be between US and European electrical outlets) Starfleet and DFA equipment can be used together with power converters. There is sufficient power to have similar outputs and effects between Starfleet and DFA ships; Shields, phasers, etc. The inefficiencies make it so DFA crew are more cognizant of power consumption, and are less likely to just replicate something, unless they need it. For example, a formal uniform is more likely to be kept and stored than just recycled until next event.
Exception: There is limited backup power to the Sickbay if warp power goes out to run EMH and Sickbay Exception: It is possible with engineering, to use some power from shuttles to power systems on the starship.
Weapons (Ship): See Phasers or Photon Torpedoes