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DFA Cromwell Dutystation House Rules


The Cromwell writing group is a collection of writers of all backgrounds and from all corners of the world. Ideologies differ, miscommunications happen, and differences and conflicts will inevitably arise. To ensure that gameplay is fair and enjoyable for everybody, we’ve implemented some house rules designed to help ensure courteous interaction between members of the DS, as well as some expectations from the DS command staff.


These rules are designed to allow maximum creative freedom while allowing everyone to enjoy writing aboard the Cromwell. They are meant to be a reference to be used during questionable situations, and if you’re a courteous player, you’ll probably never see these rules again. However, know that they are in place and enforceable at all times, and are here to protect the enjoyment of all players on this DS.

Attitudes towards other players

All players are expected to be courteous both on and off the lists towards other members of the DS. If there is a problem such as personal issues between players, perceived harassment or rudeness, it must be taken up with the CO. If the problem is concerning the CO, the problem must then be brought up with the XO or a senior player council representative. NEVER take personal problems out onto the RPG or NRPG lists. Either settle the matter in a mature, responsible manner via backchannel emails, or bring it up with the CO.



Harassment online via emails is just as hurtful and damaging as physical, verbal, and sexual harassment. The Cromwell command staff has a zero tolerance policy towards harassment of any kind towards other players. Offenders will be warned for the first offense, and then removed thereafter. The CO reserves the right to directly remove the offending player in cases of severe behavior. Harassment is defined as, but not limited to:

  • Abusive language directed at another player.

  • Derogatory comments involving race, gender, or sexual orientation.

  • Unwanted, continuous sexual and/or amorous advances.

  • Unwanted/inappropriate requests for real-life meetings and/or personal information such as addresses, phone numbers, or last names.

  • REMEMBER: the only personal information you will EVER have to provide to play in this group is a first name and an email address.

All harassment complaints are to be brought up with the CO. If the issue involves the CO, then it must be brought to the XO or a senior player council representative.



Many players on Cromwell play on other sims or Borderlands duty stations. This is allowed and in fact, highly encouraged. However, if one Cromwell player wishes to recruit another to a sim or duty station, the player MUST obtain approval from the CO to do so. Recruiting without permission will result in immediate removal.


Respecting Other Peoples’ Characters

Players often invest much creative energy and emotional attachment to their characters. Therefore, harmful actions such as raping, injuring, or killing someone else’s character are strictly prohibited unless given expressed permission by the player. Violators will be warned for the first offense, and then removed hereafter.


In-Game Conflicts

Many times in the game, conflicts will arise between characters due to the way a story turns out. This does not give license for the conflict to spill over into real life. Remember, this is just a game. While you may absolutely hate the character’s guts, this does not give you reason to hate the person playing the character. This is not necessarily a rule, but a bit of advice that will help avoid player conflicts in the future.


The content of the writing on the Cromwell is PG-13 to R.  Meaning violence is allowed, cursing (to a tasteful extent) is allowed, and sexual scenes are allowed, but must fade to black before anything graphic is described.  This is to keep writing on the Cromwell tasteful while at the same time allowing maximum room for creative freedom.  Violators will be warned, and then removed if infractions continue.


Writing Activity and Contributing to the Group

The Cromwell is a group effort. This group succeeds because of the crew, and not because of any one person. Crewmembers from the CO to the newest newbie are responsible for contributing positively to the group as a whole.


  • Posting is required for all crew members to be active members of the group. Players are expected to post at least once a week to remain in the group. Leave of absences (LOA)’s can be given at any time for any reason so long as the player asks the CO or leaves a message to the group declaring an absence. There is no penalty for taking an LOA, and there is no time limit (within reason) for an LOA. It helps plot organizers to know who is available and who is on leave so that they can assign tags without having the plot stall due to players being absent. Players who consistently disappear without declaring an LOA will be removed.


  • It is expected for a writer to interact with other members of the crew and participate in plots. Failure to do so will not only make the writer’s experience less enjoyable, but will also affect whether or not the writer’s character gets a promotion in-game. What this means is that unless you interact and contribute to the story, your character will stay an Ensign forever.


  • Performance and posting heavily influence promotion decisions, and active players will be promoted much quicker than inactive ones. It is highly encouraged for players to be active, suggest plot ideas (that are meaningful to the group), and contribute to ongoing plots regardless of whether or not their character is the center of the plot.


These ground rules and guidelines are designed to keep drama and unpleasantness off the Cromwell lists, as well as outline what the command team’s expectations are for the players. It is the players’ responsibility to follow these rules, and it is the CO and XO’s job to make sure that these rules are followed.

Written by Tim Tsai (2009)

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