DESTROYED Stardate 2412.03.15
The Warchief started as a Starfleet vessel, assigned to the Delta Quadrant to Starbase Phoenix. It was hijacked in 2401 by Tony Dark and Nok Lorith, Starfleet officers who'd become disenchanted with the direction of the Federation, and re-christened the Cromwell, under the flag of the Rebel Alliance, a group whose primary charter was to take down the Federation.
The Cromwell was a rebel ship for several years, until shortly after the formation of the Delta Freedom Alliance. It was returned to the Federation in exchange for the entirety of the Cromwell crew receiving amnesty for the theft of the ship, and the DFA receiving full sovereign status in the Federation (with ambassadors and embassies).
It was destroyed on stardate 2412.03.15 by pirates while defending Phoenix.
Main Features
Length: 415 m
Beam: 163 m
Height: 64 m
Mass: 2,100,000 metric tons
250 Standard Complement (Max 300).
15 Decks.
7 Personnel Transporters.
2 Cargo Transporters.
1 Shuttle Bay.
2 Danube Class Runabouts.
3 personnel shuttles.
1 cargo shuttle.
4 EVAs.
3 Holodecks (3 main, 1 personal) (Holo-emiters across the ship).
2 Command officer Cabins.
5 Senior officer Cabins - Department Chiefs, Counsellor, Marine XO.
12 Junior officer Quarters - Department Officers, Marine Officers.
124 x Type XII phaser arrays1, total output 60,000 TeraWatts
24 x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tube1 with 290 rounds
Defence Systems
Regenerative1 shield system, total capacity 3,915,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 18 cm Ablative armour
High level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
Normal Cruise : 8
Maximum Cruise : 9.95
Maximum Speed untested as yet
Strength Indices
Beam Firepower : 1,200*
Torpedo Firepower : 1,350*
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1,175*
Shield Strength : 1,450*
Hull Armour : 3,100*
Speed : -
Combat Manoeuvrability : 3,250*
* - Galaxy Class: 1,000
Deck Layout
Deck 1
Main Bridge, Observation & Conference Lounge, Captain's Ready Room
Deck 2
Saucer Upper Warp Nacelles, Life Support, Environmental Controls, Junior Officer's Quarters, Cargo Bays 1-4
Deck 3
Saucer Warp Core Jettison Hatch, Deuterium Fuel Pumps, Deuterium Fuel Storage, Deuterium Injectors, EPS Support, Antimatter Fuel Pumps & Fill Ports, Antimatter Injector, Antimatter Storage pods, Saucer Engineering, Waste Management, Upper Gymnasium, Docking Latches, Forward Torpedo Launchers
Deck 4
Junior Officer Quarters, Upper Computer Core, Captain's Yacht, Forward Torpedo Launcher, Stellar Cartography, Emergency Batteries, Phaser Batteries, Antimatter Reactors
Deck 5
Main Engineering, Captain's Quarters, Senior Officer's Quarters, Holodeck 1, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2, Battle Bridge, Astrometrics Lab, Sensor Control Room, SIF Generators (4), IDF Generators (4), Science Labs, Quantum Magazine, Docking Latches, Power Distribution, Engineering Support Labs
Deck 6
Saucer Lower Warp Nacelle, Lower Computer Core, Impulse Reactors, Crew Quarters, Upper Shuttle Bay
Deck 7
Main Sickbay, VIP Quarters, Medical Labs, Security Offices, Brig, Holodeck 2, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Crew Lounge, Phaser Maintenance, Armory, Cargo Bays 5-8, Lower Shuttle Bay, Crew Quarters, Aft Torpedo Launcher, Warp Core Jettison Hatch, Warp Core Docking Hatch
Deck 8
Tertiary Bridge, Forward Torpedo Launchers, Transporter Room 7, Holodeck 3, Crew Qquarters, Life Support Systems, Environmental Support
Deck 9
Crew Quarters.
Deck 10
Auxiliary Engineering, Emergency Batteries.
Deck 11
Main Deflector Dish, Photon & Quantum Magazine, Cargo Bays 9-12, Deflector Control, Deflector Signal Processing, Navigational Control, Main Deflector Field Emitter, Forward Torpedo Launchers
Deck 12
Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Fuel Pumps & Fill Ports, Phaser Batteries
Deck 13
Hover Pods, Auxiliary Cargo Bays (13 & 14), Warp Core Jettison Hatch, Main Tractor Beam, Antimatter Injector.
Deck 14
Fighter Assault Bay, Hover Pods, Auxiliary Cargo Bays (15 & 16), Secondary Tractor Beam, Antimatter Injector.
Deck 15
Emergency Warp Core Jettison Control