DFA Academy

"Na' Fa-Gad"
-Vulcan, "Toward Tomorrow"
The Academy was established in 2404 on the planet of Chetzia. The first graduating class had have their commencement in 2408. The Academy was established for students of DFA worlds and those interested in service among the DFA or its planetary members. Applicants are first tasked with the entrance exam, which establishes overall ability and specific areas of aptitude, followed by the psychological screening. Successful Candidates then enroll and pursue degrees similar to a four year university program. Those aspiring for specialties can attend specialized training after the Academy for two years at the DFA Technical Services Academy (for Engineers), DFA Medical Academy, or the DFA Marine Academy (located on Chartyl).
Following are just a few of the Courses the Academy offers:
Ancient Philosophy
Basic Warp Design
Basic Borg Technology
Creative Writing
DFA History
Diplomatic Protocol
Early DFA History
Elementary Temporal Mechanics
Earth History
Interspecies Ethics
Klingon Physiology
Klingon Strategy & Tactics
Organic Chemistry
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Stellar Cartography
Survival Techniques & Strategies
Tactical Analysis
Temporal Mechanics
Transporter Theory
Vulcan Philosophy
The Academy also has at it’s disposal an Intrepid class starship, the DFA Independence. The Independence is where cadets take their 90 day cadet cruise, to familiarize them with the task and some of the equipment common to the fleet. The Academy has also recently added a Miranda class, DFA Yeager, to handle the cadet cruise as an alternate. Exceptional cadets may obtain posting on the DFA Cromwell -B during their Senior year
The establishment of the Academy has become a point of honor among the DFA, and indeed represents a change to legitimacy. Originally established as a uniform way of training the services of several worlds, it now will turn out the next wave of DFA officers.
Established Majors:
Political Science
Structural Engineering
Warp Engineering
Logistics & Operations
Computer Science
These are just a few of the Academy’s majors that are offered in an effort to increase the cadet’s abilities and knowledge. Guest professors are frequent at the Academy, as the DFA is establishing guidelines to use the practical knowledge of some of the more senior officers.
All DFA officers must attend the Academy and complete the four-year training program. DFA Marines attend DFA Marine Academy. Most students enter the Academy at age 18. The Academy adds four years to that, plus one year for each Cadet Cruise taken (if any). Those who go to Command School, add two more years of training. The Academy consists of two campuses, one at Boreas the other on Campanella. There are several other training sites, including a flight training area near Sciencia's orbit. DFA Marine Academy is located on Chartyl.
All students who apply must have a certain level of learning prior to admission. This includes being able to speak, read, and write DFA Standard, and having good mathematics skill. However, the Academy is very selective, and only has a limited number of spaces available for prospective Cadets.
Students may wish to have already studied a variety of subjects in order to increase their chances of acceptance. All students who apply to the Marine Academy must pass a high level of physical requirements.
After admission, Cadets begin the standard four-year program to train for their roles in the DFA . During the first two years at the Academy, Cadets gain a solid background in the skills important to all officers in the Academy's General Studies program.
In order to be considered for positions aboard prestigious vessels, like the Cromwell, skills should be much higher. Honors graduates have very high skill levels. They are among the first considered for positions aboard those vessels. The class Valedictorian and Salutatorian each may choose their station assignment, making these graduates the most highly prized.
All Cadets are required to take a core set of courses used to teach a number of skills. All Cadets are required to take these courses, regardless of their fields of study. If any of these courses are in a Cadet’s Major or Minor field of study, the higher requirement takes precedence.
The skills obtained from these core courses are as follows:
Weapons: Phasers
Unarmed Combat (or specialized unarmed combat type)
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Electronics Operations: Sensors
Electronics Operations: Transporters
First Aid
History: DFA
Language: (DFA Standard)
Language: (any non-native)
Law: DFA
Pilot: Shuttlecraft
Starfleet Protocol
Vacc Suit Operations
Xenobiology: General
Xenology: General
Zero-G Operations
The fields to Major and Minor in are:
Judge Advocate General
Marines (Trained at Marine Academy)
At the end of the second year of Academy training, Cadets should choose a Major and Minor course of study from the above list. Following is the list of the skills taught within each field.
Communications Majors provide both audio and video communications with personnel on ship and on planets, and provide an interface with Command through the subspace radio on board.
Generally, Cadets who Major in Communications will Minor in Security. Those Cadets are working towards becoming Tactical Officers on board a Starship. Some Cadets interested in Command may also Minor in Helm/Navigation. Those Cadets will also want to attend Command School.
Training includes:
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Security
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Computers
Electronics: Sensors
General Services: (specialty)
Language: DFA Standard
Language: (Non-Native)
Psychology: (Terran)
Starfleet Protocol
Xenobiology: General
Xenology: General
Xenology: (specialty)
Counselors act as general overseers of the crew's mental well being. They give advice and guidance for personal problems that crew members may have. If necessary, they can provide psychiatric and psychological treatment and care. Counselors can also refer clients to other medical personnel for more conventional treatments. They work closely with the Chief Medical Officer. They may have several more Language, Psychology, and Xenology skills than the requirements below. Counselors do not have to choose a Minor.
Training includes:
Diagnosis: (Terran)
Diagnosis: (native or non-Terran)
Diagnosis: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
Electronics Operations: Life Support
Electronics Operations: Medical
Language: (non-native)
Physiology: (Terran)
Physiology: (native or non-Terran)
Psychology: (Terran)
Psychology: (native or non-Terran)
Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
Xenobiology: General
Xenology: General
Xenology: (non-native)
Xenophysiology (non-native -and- non-Terran)
Engineering personnel provide the necessary repair and upkeep of equipment aboard ship. It is suggested that, prospective Engineers select one (or more) Engineering skills to specialize in.
Note that Engineers, at first, are primarily concerned with the various electronics systems throughout the ship. This is due to the heavy use of electronic equipment for almost every function. The only non-electronic equipment aboard most ships are the Warp drives and Impulse engines. However, Engineers can specialize in any Engineering or Mechanic field, because the DFA encourages research and development of newer and better systems.
Cadets Majoring in Engineering usually take Helm/Navigation as their Minor. Some smaller ships may use the Engineer as a back-up commander. Those Engineers may Minor in Operations, and will want to go to Command School.
Training includes:
Armory: Phasers
Armory: Photon Torpedoes
Armory: Starship Phasers
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Computers
Electronics: Deflector Shields
Electronics: Life Support
Electronics: (specialty)
Electronics: Sensors
Electronics: Transporters
Engineer: (specialty)
Engineer: Impulse Drives
Engineer: Warp Drives
Mechanic: (specialty)
Mechanic: Impulse Drives
Mechanic: Warp Drives
Subspace Mechanics
Helm and Navigation personnel provide the ship with pilots and co-pilots. They also provide the ship with experienced Shuttlecraft and Runabout pilots and co-pilots. Generally, Cadets who Major in Helm/Navigation are Cadets who eventually wish to become Commanders themselves. Those cadets will also wish to attend Command School. Appropriate Minors include Communications, Operations, and Engineering.
Training includes:
Astronavigation: Warp Drive
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Deflector Shields
Electronics Operations: Photon Torpedoes
Electronics Operations: Starship Phasers
Electronics: Computers
Electronics: Deflectors
Gunner: Photon Torpedoes
Gunner: Starship Phasers
Pilot: Runabout
Pilot: Starship
Strategy: Space
Subspace Mechanics
Tactics: Space
This is the major for Cadets that wish to join the DFA Intelligence Service (DFAI). Intelligence
Cadets study a program which, will prepare them for a variety of positions within DFAI including field operations, intelligence analysis, SIGINT collection, and many others. Cadets are encouraged to choose a government or organization as a specialty to study during their time at the Academy. Some examples include the Cardassian Union, the Federation and the Borg.
Intelligence Cadets usually take courses in Communications, Operations or Security, but any other division can be taken as a Minor.
Training includes:
DFA protocol
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Security Systems
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Sensors
Intelligence Analysis
Language: (specialty)
Pilot: Runabout
Psychology: (specialty)
SIGINT Collection/Jamming
Starfleet Protocol
Strategy: Space
Survival: (specialty)
Tactics: Small Units
Unarmed Combat
Weapons: Phaser
Xenology: (specialty)
This Major is for cadets who wish to join the Judge Advocate General's Corps. The fleet's
JAGs are responsible for the investigation, prosecution, and defense of the men and women
enlisted in the DFA. In addition, they practice interplanetary, operation, labor, contract, environmental, tort, and administrative law. In addition, Judge Advocates assist in the development and ratification of treaties and act as legal advisors to members of the admiralty. Each JAG officers are responsible for a certain group of individuals, or sphere of influence, in the DFA.
Each cadet will obtain an interplanetary law degree during their time in the Academy. Judge
Advocates uphold and protect the rights of personnel and the virtues of the Charters. Newly commissioned judge advocates receive immediate responsibility in handling significant legal issues. They encounter a diversified, challenging and rewarding law practice stationed throughout the DFA. Cadets Majoring in JAG usually take Operations as their Minor.
Training includes:
History: DFA
Law: DFA: (general)
Law: DFA: Administrative
Law: DFA: Claims
Law: DFA: Contracts
Law: :DFA Criminal
Law: DFA: Interplanetary
Law: DFA: Operational
Law: (non-DFA)
Language: (non-native)
Psychology: (Terran)
Psychology: (native or non-Terran)
DFA Protocol
Xenology: General
Xenology: (non-natvie)
This is covered in detail in the Marine Academy section.
This is covered in detail in the Academy Medical Branch section.
This is the Major for Cadets who wish to pursue advancement in the command line fields .
Operations Majors provide an interface between the day-to-day normal activities of the crew on board ship and the command personnel. Operations personnel study a program designed to give them a working knowledge of all other divisions . Ops Officers are frequently trained to become commanders themselves. The Ops Cadet usually takes courses in both Communications and Helm/Navigation, but can take any other division as a Minor.
Training include:
Astrogation: Warp Drive
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Photon Torpedoes
Electronics Operations: Starship Phasers
Electronics Operations: Security Systems
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Computers
Electronics: Sensors
Gunner: Photon Torpedoes
Gunner: Starship Phasers
Pilot: Runabout
Pilot: Starship
Strategy: Space
Tactics: Small Units
Tactics: Space
Science personnel provide the investigative research for ships and transmit that information back to Command. Science personnel are also useful on landing parties and at Starbases.
The DFA requires the Sciences Cadet to study at least two additional specializations. They may be from any science field, though they are usually non-Medical. If Sciences is chosen as a Minor, no specializations are needed.
Note that in the Trek era, "Sciences" are not limited merely to the so-called "hard" sciences. Social sciences are also considered important. Good examples of this kind of science officer in
action are in the TOS episode "Who Mourns For Adonis", where we saw Carolyn Palamas acting as the "Archaeology & Anthropology" officer in the landing party. Another example was Marla McGivers, the Ship's Historian (and Khan's intended) from "Space Seed". Within these rather broad limitations, any science skills can be chosen for fields of specialization.
Training includes:
Biochemistry (or Xenobiochemistry: (specialty))
Botany (or Xenobotany: (specialty))
Comparative Archaeology: (race)
Ecology (or Xenoecology: (specialty))
Genetics (or Xenogenetics: (specialty))
Physiology: (Terran)
Physiology: (specialty)
Subspace Mechanics
Xenobiology: General
Xenology: General
Zoology (or Xenology: (specialty))
Security forces provide basic police duties on ship, as well as protective duties to landing parties. Some Security personnel will take additional training as Marines.
The Normal Minor field for Security is Communications. The Security Officer (also called the Tactical Officer) is usually expected to operate the ship's communications systems.
Training includes:
Weapons: Phaser
Unarmed Combat
Electronics Operations: Phaser Cannons
Electronics Operations: Security Systems
Gunner: Phaser Cannon
DFA Martial Arts: (Anbo-Jytsu)
Vehicle training
Small weapons combat
Psychology: (Terran)
Survival: (choose)
Tactics: Small Units
After completing class work at the Academy, Cadets are usually sent on a one-year cruise in space, where their performance is evaluated by officers in the field. During that cruise, the officer-in-training carries the rank of Cadet (Cdt) or Officer Cadet (OCdt) for the Marines. This rank is considered to be one below Ensign, but still an officer's grade and rank. Sometimes, due to extremely good performance of duties, a Cadet will be promoted to Acting Ensign (with an increase in pay and rank) in the field.
Cadet Cruise Assignments may include:
Special Assignment
Starship Division
Exploration Division
Military Division
Colonization Division
Marines Division
Starbase Division
Cadets who want to become Department Heads or Top Command personnel are usually required to attend Command School for two years following their Cadet Cruise. At Command School, they will obtain the following skills important for holding positions of responsibility and authority over other officers.
Department Heads are defined as the persons holding the following positions:
Chief Engineer
Chief Medical Officer
Tactical Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief of Conn
Top Command personnel are:
First Officer
Chief of Operations
Training includes:
Astrogation: Warp Drive
Computer Operations
Computer Programming
Electronics Operations: Sensors
General Services: (specialty)
History: DFA
Law: DFA
Psychology: (non-native -and- non-Terran)
Strategy: Space
Tactics: Small Units
Tactics: Space
Xenology: (Romulan or Borg)
Non-Commissioned personnel (NCP) join for a career, but do not aspire to achieve commissioned rank. They fill the jobs of the day-to-day operations of the ship. They usually join the DFA at age 18 and go through a shorter education than Cadets. They may choose a career in one of these fields:
Engineering, Science, Security, or Services.
Marine Corps Special Operations There are even more elite troops within the Marines for special missions. These troops are even better trained for their missions, which would often be covert in nature. Individual specialties within the Marines include:
Demolitions Technician
Underwater Specialist
Anbo-Jytsu Instructor
Computer Specialist
Communications Technician
Insertion/Extraction Specialist, etc.
The existence of some special operations teams are limited to a "need-to-know" basis.
One such special operations unit is MC Recon. Marines Corps Reconnaissance (MC Recon) The name of Recon is if anything a deliberate bit of evasion by MC to hide the true nature of the
unit though most military members will know it's true nature. Members of Recon receive the standard rigorous training of the Marines but also attend other advanced training courses. Recon members attend:
Advanced Special Operations School (ASOS)
Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School (SERE) and also attend DFA Academy and study in the Intelligence branch to receive the following training:
Covert Operations
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Security Systems
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Sensors
Intelligence Analysis
Language: (specialty)
SIGINT Collection/Jamming
Xenology: (specialty)
Officers have a higher proportion of ex-NCOs in them than is average . They have worked in
another branch of Marines before joining MC Recon and their "cadet cruise" always involves an operation within DFAI. This is because of the amount of cross branch missions that do occur. They are educated to a very high standard with languages, cultures, covert operations and survival being core subjects. They lack officers training in the more theory based covert operations and they do not have training for long deep cover missions. Most of the officers have served terms as military attaches in embassies. Sometimes these officers are assigned to Starships and normal Marine units as advisers.
NCO's are also required to learn different cultures and languages. They often have served as embassy guards in enemy nations. Due to the rigorous entrance standards and the extensive training Recon enjoys on of the highest conversion rates from NCO to commissioned officer. NCO's are often placed on assignment within other service branches including DFAI.
Standard Unit The smallest unit is a Platoon of 24 men, including 3 officers. Each unit will have its own flight crew who are also SFMC Recon trained pilots. The entire unit will generally come under the command of the starbase or starship it is assigned to unless it has specific orders from DFAI or DFAMC HQ. However because flexibility is the watchword. Units can have any number of men but the officers are generally the only ones placed in lone assignments, the NCO's are mainly always in units.
Typical missions:
Starship Boarding actions (in hostile territory e.g. without a Starship for backup) Pre-assault sabotage (disturbing enemy communications, supplies, shields) Guerrilla actions. Reconnaissance. Insertions/Extractions. Military support for Starfleet Intelligence missions if required. Generally the very practical side of covert operations.
Special Equipment (Exclusively for Recon):
Modified Type III Phaser rifle (IR wavelength)
Drop Pod
Mylar II drug (Face Injections)
Delta Freedom Alliance Marine Academy
"Again, in basic training we had been forbidden to say please or thank-you, as such words implied the existence of kindness, benevolence, or charity."
The DFA Marine Academy, located on Chartyl, is similar to DFA Academy but specializing only in combat training for the Marines Corps. Twenty-fourth century technology, and particularly Holodeck technology, have made it possible to give rank-and-file soldiers the kind of intensive military training that was the sole preserve of special forces units a mere four centuries before. Marines are exceptionally well trained and capable, even by Starfleet standards. They are meant to operate primarily on planetary surfaces; both land and water, but are also trained to participate in space-based operations as well. Their skills reflect the fact that they frequently have to operate in a long-range reconnaissance fashion, often with little or no support . Unlike Naval personnel, Marines must meet exacting physical criteria. They are particularly expected to display above-average intelligence along with exceptional endurance and coordination.
The Marine Academy is extremely strict and much more militaristic than the DFA Academy.
While the navy tends to maintain order in a loose but firm manner, some have called the Marine Corps' management technique is stringent or even harsh. Quite simply, Marine commanders do not tolerate anything less than the absolute best in their men, knowing that to do so would risk the lives of others.
There is little room for error in such a dangerous and important field. Marines are given training in the following areas:
Armoury: Beam Weapons
Computer Ops
Computer Programming
Elec. Ops.: Communications
Elec. Ops.: Sensors
Elec. Ops.: Transporters
First Aid
Forward Observer
Gunner: Phaser Cannon
Guns: Infantry Anti-Vehicle
Guns: Photon Grenade Launcher
Intelligence Analysis
Language: DFA Standard
Phaser Handling
Pilot: Shuttlecraft
Small Weapons Combat
Survival: Asteroid/Moons - Class I
Survival: Adaptable Planets - Class K
Survival: Terrestrial Planets - Class M
Survival: Pelagic (Water) Planets - Class N
Starfleet Protocol
Tactics: Small Units
Thruster Suit Ops.
Unarmed Combat (or Anbo-Jytsu)
Vacc Suit Ops.
Vehicle Driving
There are even more elite troops within the Marines for special missions. These troops are even better trained for their missions, which would often be covert in nature. Specialties within the
Marines include: Demolitions Technician, Underwater Specialist, Anbo-Jytsu Instructor, Computer Specialist, Communications Technician, Cryptographer, Insertion/Extraction Specialist, etc. The existence of some teams is limited to a "need-to-know" basis.
Additionally, Marines who are NCO's or Officers receive advanced training in the following areas:
Tactics: Small Units
Tactics: Small Units
NCO's are your career sergeants. They provide training and leadership to the Privates, Specialists, and Technicians in the Academy. Officers are the real leaders - the power behind the power. All Marines can expect to go on missions at any time. There are no distinctions due to rank on missions, except for the usual chain of command. Privates with specialized training may be placed on teams with officers, and officers with NCO's, etc. DFA picks the best men for the job ahead.
DFA Marine Advanced Training
There are special schools within the Marine Corps which confer additional advanced training.
Advanced Special Operations School (ASOS) This school includes advanced training in the following areas:
Advanced Phaser Handling
Advanced Unarmed Combat
First Aid
Fire Support
Forward Observer
Gunner: Phaser Cannon
Guns: Infantry Anti-Vehicle
Guns: Photon Grenade Launcher
Sketching, Photography, Holography
Small Weapons Combat
Tactics: Small Units
Thruster Suit Ops.
Vacc Suit Ops.
There are also specialties within the ASOS school. One such specialty is Scout/Sniper Training. This training teaches advanced reconnaissance, survival, and phaser handling. Those who leave this facility, have the ability to be dropped on a hostile planet in a group of two to four marines, find their target, eliminate their target, and return. The missions usually include intelligence gathering and reconnaissance as well.
DFA Marine Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School (SERE)
Both DFA Academy and Marine Academy include survival training in its basic training regime. SERE goes beyond this training, and addresses issues encountered by marines on specific missions and operations. SERE includes more advanced survival with the inclusion of advanced courses in escape for POWs (including how to bypass security systems, stealth, etc) and resistance training for interrogations and manipulations (including advanced training in psychology, xenology, etc.). Additional training in languages and xenology is available as well.
Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) This training includes the proper handling, deactivating, and disposal of explosive ordinance.
All known explosive ordinance, including foreign made, is touched on in this training.
Other Marine Training At times marines are required to obtain training from the naval facilities including DFA Academy.
Advanced Space Combat Pilot Academy (ASCPA)
Marine pilots are trained at DFA Academy using both the standard fleet craft as well as specialized marine craft. Pilots, both Marine and Naval, who show exceptional ability, are invited to attend ASCPA. This school for advanced combat training includes more in-depth pilot training for combat missions. A wide variety of crafts are taught, both naval and marine.
DFA Marine Special Operations – Black Cat
Officers wanting to join the special operations unit are required to attend both ASOS and SERE as well as attend DFA Academy and study in the Intelligence branch to receive the following training:
Covert Operations
Electronics Operations: Communications
Electronics Operations: Security Systems
Electronics: Communications
Electronics: Sensors
Intelligence Analysis
Language: (specialty)
SIGINT Collection/Jamming
Xenology: (specialty)