Players Of The Month
June 2021 - Everyone on Cromwell. As CO, I have been feeling way overwhelmed with Life, gaming and posting. BL slipped. So thank you for keeping Cromwell afloat. Special Thank You for Tabitha, my XO for keeping Cromwell on course and the Stars in her eyes. I look forward to many more years in BL.
January 2022 - Pretty much all of Cromwell. You guys are amazing! Keep Writing! You all have great talent. I can't thank you all enough for playing with me.
January 2022 - Welcome back! Always great to see your characters in action.
May 2019 - Piper: What a comeback! Glad to have you back aboard!
November 2020 - Piper, playing characters on both Casper Project, interacting with a number of players, and jumping in with both new players and old players on Cromwell.
January 2022 - Banor, for running an adventure before Christmas, And now the Bugs! Many thanks, I've wanted to play with the bugs for years. Special Mention for Piper running an adventure inside Banor's mind. Thank You.
November 2017 - I would like to put three players on this month. Tabitha, Miriah and Jason... You made the RAK adventure work. You did well, played well, and toughed it out to the end. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
April 2018 - Jason, for Thorn's independent action with her flights and ideas, and Lini with Kimberly.
March 2018 - Jason, continually keeping things going on Cromwell.
May 2019 - Jason: From engineering to undercover work, to orchestrating and resolving a kidnapping in time, your skills never cease to amaze me.
June/July 2019 - Jason, for a dramatic, interesting and thoroughly enjoyable series of postings with Rose Petalosa returning from a Yakuza Clan, recovering a famous antiquity Sword, and rejoining the DFA.
January 2022 - Jason - Who keeps me on track with adventures. You make me think. Thank You.
August/September 2018 - I have to hand it to three players, although this was a very hard decision these last two months. These players, with little preparation, little experience aboard Cromwell, jumped in and gave better than they got. Cromwell is not easy in terms of speed, demands on consideration of thought, and dealing with the unknown especially early on in the adventure. Commendations to : Tanith Li (Karen), DJ Greene (Mary) and Jack West (Jack). Keep up the good work, we are fortunate to have you as players aboard Cromwell. You keep the rest of us on our toes.
May 2019 - Mary and Tabitha (and Nathan (1)!): Surgery on a rug? It will soon be a classic quote. Looking forward to Nathan's Cadet too!
August 2020 - Mary... Mary has really stepped up and added depth to Security, the Marines and has been helping out. Thank you! Dev
October 2020 - Mary and David. The pair as DJ and Neilson posted very regularly even during our (from Cromwell) quiet month. Neilson is proving quite the Lad in the game. And Mary has gone above and beyond with additional active characters playing with Alexis and Fletcher.
January 2022 - Mary - Always there and available. I am enjoying seeing the more complex DJ come out.
June / July 2018 - For Randy, the Evil GM switch his two characters (When Michael and West went down to Pangeare, Michael and Ryn had their minds swapped) Both had to hide thier identities in plain sight and not get caught, or potentially lose both characters to espionage. Then, just to make it interesting, when we were going to switch them back, Micheal (With Ryn's mind) had to go to the Mirror universe, survive that, and then switch back. Even putting West o the case did not break him. Interestingly, when forced by circumstance to reveal the secret, there were a couple of breaks, and others helped and kept the secrets. Well Played! Relax Randy. Nothing bad will happen this month...
May 2019 - Randy: For great action and GM-manship in the rescue of Ambassador Sanchez
January 2022 - Randy - Sophistication, Charming, and deadly right back! Great characters.
May 2019 - Jack and Drika: More great undercover shenanigans.
January 2022 - Drika - You bring the Fire element to life. I have to hold my breath sometimes when first reading your posts. Loving it!
May 2019 - David (2): The New Borg four of seven who our players have not yet met, is already really making me rethink borg.
June/July 2019 - Honorable Mention: David, our newest player for playing a long term prisoner Borg named Four of Seven. (Welcome Aboard, finally!)
October 2020 - Mary and David. The pair as DJ and Neilson posted very regularly even during our (from Cromwell) quiet month. Neilson is proving quite the Lad in the game. And Mary has gone above and beyond with additional active characters playing with Alexis and Fletcher.
David - Strong and Silent. You point out what should be obvious, keeping it 'real'. Also always on.
January 2022 - Damon - Loving Roseks cynical scientific observations. Looking forward to more from Amber.
May 2019 - Mary and Tabitha (and Nathan (1)!): Surgery on a rug? It will soon be a classic quote. Looking forward to Nathan's Cadet too!
January 2022 - Nathan - Love the science, keeps me on my toes and always spot on. I always look forward to your post Script comments.
November 2017 - I would like to put three players on this month. Tabitha, Miriah and Jason... You made the RAK adventure work. You did well, played well, and toughed it out to the end. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
June/ July 2018 - Ok, not so much player, but guest GM for a month or 6 weeks. Mirror Universe was Tabitha's first foray into GMing. Ever. For a totally green rookie, you did Awesome! Trust me, my first adventure did not go as well. And I have (I hate to admit this, so we'll say...) More than 23 years experience. Not a random number. Yes Tabitha, I have been doing this since before you were born.
May 2019 - Mary and Tabitha (and Nathan (1)!): Surgery on a rug? It will soon be a classic quote. Looking forward to Nathan's Cadet too!
June 2021 - Everyone on Cromwell. As CO, I have been feeling way overwhelmed with Life, gaming and posting. BL slipped. So thank you for keeping Cromwell afloat. Special Thank You for Tabitha, my XO for keeping Cromwell on course and the Stars in her eyes. I look forward to many more years in BL.
January 2022 - ...And Tabitha, my right hand borg, always there when I need you. Thank You.
Past Players
January 2022 - Great opening plays. Looking forward to playing more with Kerrel.
Mark, Tonnam, Alister, Domminic: Hope to see you all back when real life allows.
November 2020 - Michael, For playing t'Kah, one of our Romulan additions to the Casper Project. Michael jumped right in and was able to interact with quite a few players during the Casper party.
January 2022 - Michael - For making me hate the Romulans again, you must be doing it right. Well played.
January 2022 - Mark, Tonnam, Alister, Domminic: Hope to see you all back when real life allows.
January 2022 - Mark, Tonnam, Alister, Domminic: Hope to see you all back when real life allows.
January 2022 - Mark, Tonnam, Alister, Domminic: Hope to see you all back when real life allows.
May 2019 - Nathan (2) and Derek: I am loving the undercover dilemmas these two are getting themselves into
May 2019 - Nathan (2) and Derek: I am loving the undercover dilemmas these two are getting themselves into
May 2019 - Ruben: For an enigmatic Ambassador who may not know what he has gotten himself into
August/September 2018 - I have to hand it to three players, although this was a very hard decision these last two months. These players, with little preparation, little experience aboard Cromwell, jumped in and gave better than they got. Cromwell is not easy in terms of speed, demands on consideration of thought, and dealing with the unknown especially early on in the adventure. Commendations to : Tanith Li (Karen), DJ Greene (Mary) and Jack West (Jack). Keep up the good work, we are fortunate to have you as players aboard Cromwell. You keep the rest of us on our toes.
May 2018 - With Jack West's action on Pangeare, and JPs Jack has really excelled this month! Well done.
May 2019 - Jack and Drika: More great undercover shenanigans.
August/September 2018 - I have to hand it to three players, although this was a very hard decision these last two months. These players, with little preparation, little experience aboard Cromwell, jumped in and gave better than they got. Cromwell is not easy in terms of speed, demands on consideration of thought, and dealing with the unknown especially early on in the adventure. Commendations to : Tanith Li (Karen), DJ Greene (Mary) and Jack West (Jack). Keep up the good work, we are fortunate to have you as players aboard Cromwell. You keep the rest of us on our toes.
December 2017 - Frank... For a little bit of everything
Janurary 2018 - Frank for playing 8887 and Loch Monroe... fascinating back stories unfolding. Well played Frank!
February 2018 - Cromwell Contest for Whimsical Post over the last few weeks: Frank with his continuing work with Pralor automated unit Eight-Eight-Eight-Seven, janitorial unit assigned to DFA Cromwell-B. (That's a mouthful, and he had to write that out numerous times when anyone asked who he was, sometimes several times in a post!) Calling out ensigns who don't wash their hands, cleaning dust particles and changing air filters, and dispensing an unending stream of automated philosophy (Yes, it is that simple, clean the windows, use a coaster...