Heimdall Class CEB Exploration Battle Cruiser
In many ways the Heimdal class Exploration Battle Cruiser is a culmination of the for the Delta Freedom Alliance to carry out one of its primary goals, that of exploration whilst also maintain a fleet that can defend the fledgling Alliance in time of need.
The ship incorporates so many different design and mission objectives that it must be considered unique. The Heimdall Class is the protector and explorer of the Delta Freedom Alliance, giving it the utmost flexibility.
In addition, the Heimdall class has been fitted with the absolute latest technologies. A striking feature of the Heimdall is the arboretum located at the rear of the saucer section at the top of the neck.
The facilities aboard a luxurious to say the least, combining the best in holodeck technologies, gymnasiums, pools and sporting facilities. It is the 5 star hotel of space.
Sensor Net: A short range sensor system, taking amazing amounts of power but granting such a dense sensor field that not even a cloaked ship could fly through without being noticed. This system works a lot like a net in fact crisscrossing itself to eliminate sensor shadows. A traditional short range sensor system would be implemented when power is an issue, but this system even though effective often requires an engineer or scientist to keep an eye on it as it is a new and slightly temperamental on occasion
Zero-G Astrometrics Halo-lab: build like a traditional astrometrics labs with the capability to change it’s gravity and project anything within the lab to allow for an easy 3d view of the area (as well as a nice place for science nerds to relax).
Deck Layouts
Deck 1- Main Bridge, Conference Room, Captain's Ready Room
Deck 2- Arboretum, Senior Officer's Quarters
Deck 3- Junior Officer's Quarters
Deck 4- Shuttle Bay, Secondary Cargo Bays,
Deck 5- Crew Quarters
Deck 6- Science Labs, Security Office, Operations Office
Deck 7- Crew Quarters, Counselor's Office
Deck 8- Captain's Quarters, XO's Quarters, XO's office, VIP Quarters
Deck 9- Crew Quarters, Primary Transporter
Deck 10- Stellar Cartography, Zero G Astrometrics Lab, Pool, Ten Forward
Deck 11- Holodecks, Weight Rooms, Crew Quarters
Deck 12- Sick Bay, Medical Officers Office, Holosuites, Crew Quarters
Deck 13- Fighter Bay, Wing Briefing Room, Wing's Quarters, Wing Co & XO Offices, Wing Co& XO Quarters, and Cargo Bay
Deck 14- Marine Barracks, Firing Range, Armory
Deck 15- Marine XO & CO Quarters, XO & CO Offices, Briefing Rooms
Deck 16- Cargo Bay, Marine Training Holodeck
Deck 17- Crew Quarters
Deck 18- Crew Quarters
Deck 19- Holosuites, Crew Quarters
Deck 20- Deflector Control, Transporter, Crew Quarters
Deck 21- Secondary Power Systems, Auxiliary Sick Bay, Secondary Deflector Control
Deck 22- Secondary Transporter, Conference Room, Secondary Science Labs
Deck 23- Power Distribution, Engineering Support Labs, Life Support
Deck 24- Cargo Bays, Brig
Deck 25-Cargo Bays
Deck 26- Main Engineering
Deck 27- Environmental Support, Waste Management
Deck 28- Anti Matter Injection Reactors, Antimatter Storage Pods
Computer Cores are spread out on Decks 10 & 23. Emergency Escape Pods are located on Decks 2, 9, & 20. Fuel Pumps and Fill Ports are located in Jeffries Tubes on Decks 23 & 16. Only 28 Decks are listed because the shuttle bay on Deck 4, and Fighter Bay on Deck 13 are each actually two decks. Deck 10 provides impulse engine access. Deck 8 also houses the secondary bridge.