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DFA Member Worlds
1. Dante

One of he last planets to join the Delta Freedom Alliance, more out of fear of the Federation, the Danteans are quite xenophobic. First settled in 2201 by a lost group of exiles from Earth. Dante has vast mountain ranges, sweeping green valley's and large oceans, it is 65% water. Whilst the Dantean Government is supporter of the DFA, it maintains some diplomatic relations with the Federation. Dante is mineral rich and lies near a large asteroid field which it mines. Minerals so far discovered are: Cartenum and large deposits of Neodilithium. Recent discoveries of Tritanium has sparked renewed interested by the Federation in wooing Dante over.
Capital City: Florence

Devu II is a planet in the Delta Quadrant known for it's rich mineral deposits and growing political power. Devu II has varied terrain, ranging from snow-covered mountains in the central continent, to arid highlands in the eastern regions. The southern continent consists largely of ice fields.
Devu II, nestled at the heart of the Devu System, was first settled in 2321 after the discovery or large mineral and ore deposits amongst Devu’s vast network of mountain ranges. The mining companies found that the mineral-rich areas were a blessing as well as a curse, because the valuable kemocite ore also had the effect of rendering all electrical devices powerless. Cutting and drilling phasers, shuttlecraft, and even simple communicators failed to work in the mountains of Devu II. The original mining companies, including Getzetech and Federated Mining, resorted to ancient hand-mining techniques, and developed an ingenious system of steam-powered, cable-driven carts to haul the ore from the mountains.
Devu II is a fickle member of the DFA, having an important role in its inception, withdrawing, and later requesting re-admittance into the DFA. Its presence in the confederation stands as testament to the open nature of the DFA.
Capital City: Diggerstown
2. Devu II

Home of the Brenari a telepathic humanoid people. The population of Brena are refugee's from the Devore Imperium where they are persecuted because of their telepathic abilities. Those that escape eventually find a way to this colony world that they have founded. Population: 450,000
Captial City: Brena City
3. Brena

To anyone from outer space the blue green glove of Chetzia looked amazing, purple clouds changing with white ones. Chetzia had a reputation for beauty, and its inhabitants were noted for their artistic accomplishments and their appreciation of all the arts. Images of the planets cities had showed outsiders graceful buildings set among lush and flowering gardens. Most of the inhabitants lived along the east, south and west coasts of Themis, a continent about the size of Earth Australia that lay on Chetzia’s equator, but some two hundred thousand people lived in the city of Boreas on the much smaller northern continent called Metis.
The two continents were the only landmasses on a planet whose surface was over 80 percent ocean. These continents had presented some obstacles to settlement. The coastline of Metis was barren and covered with rocks and caverns, while the middle of that continent was thickly forested land. The interior of Themis was a sand covered expanse known as the Chetorloas Desert, bordered by the high peaks of the Charmine Mountans in the east and the Charyours Mountains in the west.
An M-Class planet, surrounded by a purple nebula. there are 2 great peninsula's on the west side is where the DFA has all its buildings and such.. The north has a huge desert and that is called the forbidden zone. The south and east are moderate climate zones.. similar like tropical sides in Brazil and such. The environment is sometimes plagued by big storms coming from the north.. The Great Machine regulates the climate. There are 2 major oceans. Chetzia was the original base of operation for the Rebels and is now the home of the DFA.
Capital City: Boreas
4. Chetzia

The third world to join the Delta Freedom Alliance, Hyperion is an technologically advanced world. It people are humanoid in appearance though generally taller than a Terran, owing tot he fact that it gravity is 1/5th less than Earth standard. It is also known as the Lapis planet due to the intensely blue sky.
5. Hyperion

A recent addition to the Delta Freedom Alliance, the people of New Kyushu are decedents of Old Earth Japan and their history shows that they where steeled here by aliens hundreds of years ago. They appear to have been used as a test colony by an unknown alien race. Their culture is based upon pre-industrial Japan but is slowly moving forwards, the way of the Samurai is still strong. Made up up various clans their ruler is an Emperor. A truly beautiful and unique culture and planet to visit, the old ways of Earth inter-mixed with the technology of the 25th century. They joined the Delta Freedom Alliance quickly and contribute a great deal of manpower to the organization. So much so that several ship are named after clans. The agricultural and industrial base is strong and is rated as one of the best economies in the Quadrant. Has a large merchant fleet.
Capital City: Osaka
6. New Kyushu

They are a humanoid race dedicated to helping others and, as a result, their hospitality is legendary. They are especially interested in stories, regarding them as an essential part of their culture. In fact they are mostly interested in the new and different, quickly growing bored with any particular person or activity.
The Sikarians are a technologically advanced race but the most unusual piece of technology on Paradiso is the spatial trajector, which can instantaneously transport a person up to 40,000 light years.
7. Paradiso

Chartyl is a Class M planet defined by it's twin moons. It is home to Chartyl Station, a DFA resupply and DFA Crops of Engineers outpost and the DFA Marine Mountain Training School. It has a make up of 70% water and several Island chains, which make up the majority of land masses. It has a very Temperate botanical and geological make up, with several mountain ranges. The planetary climate is very comparable to Terra.The main inhabitants of Chartyl are the Char.
Char are a very industrious species, indistinguishable from Humans, save for the fact that Char are generally physically reminiscent of Native Americans and very spiritual and nature oriented. They are also quite gifted builders, evidenced by the Arklay Shipyards. Arklay is negotiating for repair and refit privileges with the DFA. The Char population is between 2 and 3 Billion. Chartyl is also home to the DFA Science Division's Botanical Research Center, based on the immense knowledge of plants and herbs and their properties shown by the Char. Chartyl has also received an influx of descendents of Native Americans over the years of it's ties to the Federation. When the DFA first came to light, Planetary Governor Roland Atreyu negotiated on Chartyl's behalf and it's acceptance became official six months after the formation of the Delta Freedom Alliance.
In the past few months construction has begun on the Emerald Station, a DFA space station. It is nearing it's completion and is the first joint project between the DFA and Arklay Shipyards. Prow Point is the largest city and center for the government. Chartyl has some strongly regulated natural resources and designated zones for mining and collecting those resources.
8. Chartyl

Campanella is home to two diverse cultural breakaways. The Bajorans ( pop. 875000) fled here during the occupation. They were joined by a Betazed ( pop. 586000) contingent fleeing the occupation. This colony was added to by the addition of the Humans (pop. 135000) formerly brought here by the Briori. In the spirit of consolidation the city of Prosperity was made the capital. The settlements here have a very blissful and spiritual life. It is a main cultural centre, housing the DFA Museum. It is led by a triumvate of rulers, one from each species.
Campanella is the second planet, a Class M world with large oceans and several lakes. It has a semi-tropical climate as well as abundant rain forest. It is noted for it's dilithium crystals and latinum, as well as a very exotic and plentiful seafood it offers. It also offers the largest Bajoran spiritual retreat in the Delta Quadrant, the Temple of the Orbs. The diverse cultures and races come together here make for a unique and marvellous blend of cultures. It is considered a home to some of the finest counsellors and diplomats in the DFA.
9. Campanella

Ankari is home to the Ankari, a reptilian based humanoid species. They were one of the last planets to enter the DFA. Their warp technology is almost undetectable by normal sensors. They are a very industrious and spiritual people, with a deep understanding of nucleogenic life forms. Ankari is a very oxygen rich Class L planet, with rich plant life.
S'paro is the central capital. The Ankari have a rich library of transwarp and temporal research and pride themselves on their deep research into these areas. The Ankari have established their world as one of the main trade routes. They are very capable traders and barterers. The population is close to 100 million.
10. Anarki

140 years ago the class M moon of Sciencia was found during routine Federation surveys. Sciencia orbits Khiori 1 at a distance of 440000 miles (704000 kilometers) at perigee (the point where Sciencia is closest to Khiori 1) to 506000 miles (809600 kilometers) at apogee (the point where the moon is farthest from the planet). Sciencia has an equatorial circumference of 8150 miles (13040 kilometers) and a mass approximately equivalent to that of Terra.
Sciencia is dominated by oceans, which account for nearly 2/3 of the surface area of the moon. The vast oceans of Sciencia are churned by a tidal cycle that's powered by the gravitational pull of Khiori 1 as well as the neighboring moon of Miencia. The dry terrain of Sciencia is very much like those of Earth with environments ranging from tropical rain forests near the equators to frozen tundra near the polar regions. Sciencia has an active, volcanic core that causes geologic activity in the form of earthquakes and volcanism. This activity has forced up mountain ranges and created volcanic islands in the Sciencian oceans.
Since the time of colonization a diverse population of Sciencia has become diverse. Presently the colony is the home for over 13000 colonists.
11. Sciencia
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