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CO's of Cromwell and DFA Founders

Vice Admiral Tony Dark
DFA Founder 2402
Species: Human / Romulan / ex-Borg
Gender: Male
Played by: Anthony
His mother, Thela Dark was born on Romulus. She was a member of the Tal Shiar. She defected with the help of a human named Davis Dark. Davis got Thela to Earth safely where they married and had two children. They were identical twins, named Jake and Tony.
The two brothers were very close as children. After school, Jake joined Starfleet against his father's wishes. Tony was too wild to be told what to do so he decided not to join Starfleet like his brother. His brother graduated from Starfleet and was assigned to an outpost. The outpost was destroyed by Romulans and Jake was presumed dead.
Tony didn't believe that his brother was dead. Upon hearing about the disappearance, Tony decided to join Starfleet. His father tried to talk him out of it because he already lost one son to the war. Tony went anyway. He graduated from the top of his class in Navigation. He was the best fighter pilot in his class and broke several academy records in simulated kills and strategic flying. His only weakness in the academy was his temper. However, the academy taught him to control his anger and direct it towards his flying capabilities. Because he is half Romulan, he suffered great racism in the academy. Several times, he let his temper get the better of him and ended up fightingwith someone. Because of this, he became ashamed of his Romulan culture and covered his ears with medium length hair barely being regulation.
Once arriving at Starbase 109, Dark quickly made friends and became part of the team. He was promoted to Lt(jg) and then Lt. not long after. He became Squadron Leader and second in command of the Fighter Squadrons. Not long after his arrival at 109, his father became sick and died. He went to the funeral and convinced his mother to live at the base. He discovered that his brother was alive and a member of the Tal Shiar. He made an attempt on Tony's life but failed thanks to Joela, who saved his life. She was Operations Officer and Tony was involved with her.
Jake escaped and changed his name to his Romulan name, Tarus. He kidnapped his mother and brainwashed her into helping him kill Tony. In the rescue mission Tarus and Thela were captured. Thela framed Dark making it look like he had sent plans of the base to the Romulans. Thela broke Tarus out of jail and shot Tony nearly killing him. Thela was killed in the escape of the base. Tarus came back with a Romulan fleet, and captured the base. The base was taken back and Tony fought with his brother. Tony stabbed him and thought to have killed him. Tarus was beamed off the station by the Borg and was nearly assimilated but was rescued by the Romulans. His implants were removed but have left serious scars on his body.
Because of this incident, Tony Dark is wanted by the Romulan Empire dead or alive for a large reward. Bounty Hunters are searching for him, so he is a marked man. His relationship with Joela ended after a sudden leaving of the station without saying goodbye.
With the promotion of Commander Kavak to Executive Officer, Tony in turn was promoted as Wing Commander for his ability and leadership as a pilot.
On an away mission with Lt. Torres, at the time, Tony was captured with the help of Ambassador Talor, by Tarus, who tortured and punished him. His friend Commander Dane rescued him before he was sentenced to death.
He searched for Joela but was not successful, but now is involved with one of his pilots and Squadron Leader, Lt. Enapay.
Dark suffered a split personality, Sarel/Tony due to Tony never really having existed. It was Sarel and Tarus's plan to infiltrate Starfleet, but Tony had come to know himself as Tony and not Sarel and managed to defeat this personality with the help of the counsellor and friends around him but not before he took the Counsellor hostage. Tarus was captured again during this but had his son with him. Talor helped Tarus escape.
On an away mission with a squadron, captured by the Borg and nearly assimilated, but lost his arm from the elbow down. Had a cybernetic arm for a short time before having it replaced with a cloned one after having it damaged saving Talor's life in an assassination attempt. Due to his involvement with Lt. Enapay, they married.
Dark lost his nephew Tebok in a an unfortunate accident at the hands of Talor. Again Talor gets away with it. Joela comes back to the base with a 6 month old son of Tony's and Joela's, named Devin. Joela is now causing problems for Enapay and Tony.
Joela left after causing problems but then Tony was transferred to Gorvosh Station as First Officer to his good friend Commander Tizar Gruber, the new CO of Gorvosh. Lt. Commander Torres also joined them to take control of the 24th Marine Corp. stationed at Gorvosh.
A new Starbase was built named Horizon deep in the Delta Quadrant protecting a Mining Colony on Devu II. Commander Gruber and Tony were asked to command the station. They accepted and with several of their senior staff are now stationed there. Enapay soon joined Tony to run the Wing Of Horizon.
Tony's split personality split again and Sarel resurfaced due to Tony's cousin out for revenge on Tony, brainwashed him to help take over the base. In doing so, Tony and Tarel controlled the base. Thanks to Commander Chanakira, she captured Tony and undid the brainwashing.
Tony was forgiven for his actions and given command of his own base a newly built starbase named Phoenix. Soon after that his son Devin turned up on his doorstep, abandoned by Joela. His wife Enapay joined him and the two are now expecting a child of their own.
Tony commanded Phoenix with great success but his marriage suffered because of his dedication to Starfleet. Enapay ended up resigning and leaving Tony. They had a divorce and Enapay gave birth to their daughter while living on Earth with her family. After the invasion on Phoenix by Species 8472's, Phoenix fought and pushed the attack back. This was a dark time for the federation. many bases and ships had been destroyed by the 72's. With the rebuilding of the Fleet in the Delta quadrant Tony was promoted to Commodore and given a new command, The USS Warchief. Tony passed on command of Phoenix and met up with his new ship. Before leaving Phoenix, Enapay did return and Tony did finally get to see his daughter.
Tony became very disillusioned with Starfleet and the Federation and their militant approach to things. He and Nok Lorith had had enough and decided to rebel. They stole the Warchief and started a Rebellion renaming the Warchief the Cromwell. They became the top 2 most wanted by the Federation. Once the rebellion was in full swing he felt his presence would put his crew at risk even more so than they already were so handing the Cromwell over to Lorith, Tony went into hiding. For 6 years he disappeared off the grid. During that time the Rebellion became the DFA and Tony while in hiding made many contacts with other systems during his freight business. Now he has decided he has done all he can do to benefit the DFA while in hiding and has now resurfaced. In a deal with the Captain of Phoenix, he was given a pardon and now become Admiral for The DFA Fleet as Delta Quadrant Command.

Captain Nok Loraith
DFA Founder 2402, Captain of the RSS Cromwell
Species: Vulcan
Gender: Male
The spirit of the Federation had been lost… but there were those who swore that it would be regained. On stardate 2401.09.10, two Starfleet officers rebelled. These officers were Commodore Tony Dark and Commander Lorith of Starbase Phoenix. Originating with the theft of the U.S.S. Warchief the rebel cause quickly gained a devoted following. These followers worked together under the original Federation flag, and the temporary union of the Rebel Alliance, led by Dark and Lorith, the commanders of the U.S.S. Warchief… which was rechristened the RSS Cromwell.
"You all know why we are here, but humour me while I restate our collective beliefs. Starfleet and the Federation have fallen into the wrong hands. A once peaceful and exploration oriented organization has evolved into a militant body only interested in maintaining a reign over this little piece of the universe. More races are joining the Federation for it's military strengths than for what it once stood for. These races are slowly assimilated into the federation, and eventually loose everything that is their identity. We stand for the true Federation, and we will carry the flag of the original federation as a testament to that."
- Words of Nok Lorith
First Staff Meeting aboard the RSS Cromwell

Vice Admiral Dan Forest
Commanding Officer of DFA Cromwell-B : 2406 - 2408
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 181 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue
Place of Birth: Halifax, Canada, Earth
Played by: Dave Church
General Appearence
Dan is deceptively strong for his moderate build, with lightly tanned skin. His short hair is always brushed back, and he takes care to be clean shaven. His eyes are the window to his soul, and usually reflect how he's feeling.
Personal Profile
Dan is a private person, though he interacts easily with his crewmates. He doesn't like talking about himself, and is a good listener. He is loyal to his friends, but sometimes has a hard time making them, because of his contained nature. Dan likes his work, and takes pride in doing a good job. He's patient, and is very cool-headed. Sometimes he's a little too serious, and needs to learn how to relax. Dan was romantically involved with Emily Masterson, but because of his position as captain, is not seeking another relationship.
Father: Jack Forrest, former CEO of IMG Research and Development
Mother: Leah Forrest, freelance journalist
Siblings: Liana Forrest, medical officer, Starfleet, current assignment unknown
Marital Status: Single
Offspring: None
Dan lived a fairly comfortable life as a child, but his family didn't stay in one place for too long. Through it all, Dan learned to respect the law, and he admired those who kept it. He was also fascinated by the thought of being on a starship, as he had been planet-bound all his life.
At the urging of his mother, who disliked violence of all kinds, Dan became a journalist. He published one major article, which questioned the Federation's commitment to peaceful exploration. It was widely criticized as being "the rants of a young man who has no idea about the real world". After some careful thought, Dan gave up journalism and decided to pursue his original dream: to become someone who protected the peace. Soon after, Dan applied to Starfleet Academy to become a security officer, and was accepted. In his second year, Dan was in a shuttle accident which killed everyone on board except himself. Though the file was sealed (and Dan cleared of any responsibility) the accident still remains in Dan's memory. Shortly after graduating from the Academy, on the way to what he thought was his first assignment, Dan was approached by a group of people who claimed to be rebelling against Starfleet. They had heard about Dan's journalistic work (and his newfound security training), and asked him to join their cause. He agreed, and they sent him to the Cromwell.
2379.02.05: Daniel Adam Forrest is born
2397.07.13: Writes an article questioning whether the Federation is commited to peaceful exploration.Chastised by Federation media, the article was taken off the public networks, and Dan subsequently leaves the field.
2398.01.01: Forrest enters the Academy.
2399.05.06: Shuttle accident on Mars.
2399.05.21: Cadet Forrest cleared of responsibility in Mars shuttle accident. Information on accident is sealed, except to command and medical personnel.
2401.08.25: Graduates from the Academy, Specializing in Starship Security, with a notation in Tactical Training. Given Starfleet rank of Ensign (O1).
2402.09.01: Given first assignment, leaves on a transport for Starbase Earhart. Assigned to reserve duty at the starbase.
2402.02.01: Approached by old friend Chadran Andujar, who is now working for the rebels. Chad recruits him, and he agrees to join them.
2402.02.14: Arrives on Cromwell, assigned to Security.
2402.11.03: Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O2) and made Chief of Security.
2403.05.26: Promoted to Lieutenant (O3), and made First Officer.
2403.09.15: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O4)
2404.10.03: Promoted to Commander (O5)
2406.04.14: Promoted to Captain (O6), takes over as Commanding Officer.

Captain Lessa Anara
Commanding Officer of DFA Cromwell-B : 2408 - 2409
Species: Bajoran
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 128 lbs
Hair: Aubern
Eyes: Brown
Date of Birth: 11th November 2348
Played by: Dave K
Father: Jack Forrest, former CEO of IMG Research and Development
Mother: Leah Forrest, freelance journalist
Siblings: Liana Forrest, medical officer, Starfleet, current assignment unknown
Marital Status: Single
Offspring: None
Education: Bajoran Centre for Science 2376 - 2378
Languages Spoken: Federation Standard, Bajoran, Cardassian
Hobbies/Interests: Fitness training, Martial arts, Reading anything, Karo-net, Springball, Darts and Cooking
Born during the occupation of Bajor by the Cardassians. Her parents were Artists and very well respected on Bajor. Though her parent did not direct take part in the conflict, they fought the battles through their art and even after many confrontations with the Cardassians continued their own personal war. When things began to heat up they sent Anara away into the country to hide her from any repercussions. Shortly after leaving her parents, they were murdered by the Cardassians.
At the age of 16 she begged to be allowed to help the resistance and finally found an ear that would listen, they took her in and trained her, but did not allow her to participate in any major skirmishes for some time. She was a member of a resistance group known as Shakaar. Notably members of this organisation are First Minister Shakaar Edon and Major Kira Nerys.
Cardassia withdrew its troops in 2367, and the rebuilding of her home began. Anara stayed with the Shakaar for a short time but finally and the suggestion of their leader returned to finish her education. She did and achieved excellent results, but did not follow her families Ih'valla D'jarras, as some thought she would. She instead enlisted into the Militia at the age of 21, she wanted to protect her family in an active manner and not through art. She often corresponded with her old Shakaar resistance members asking questions or just catching up with friends. Anara was fast tracked through training as she was already quite adept as a warrior, having 3 years prior training and service in the resistance.
She graduated first in her class and was assigned to the First Minister's personal security team. The First Minister had more to do with this assignment then she did, but nevertheless it was a very good job. Anara saw a lot of the universe serving with him. She was promoted to Lieutenant in 2371 and asked for a combat assignment which she was given.
In 2371 she was assigned the Starfleet Marine Academy on Mars, to gain experience with the Marines. Here Anara gained some valuable training in EOD, ASOS, SERE, ACPA and Recon skills and eventually returned to Bajor to instruct special units within the Bajoran Militia, these advanced training methods and tactics. Though this training was arduous, she did well in the short time she was there. Her favourite was the ACPA training.
When the Dominion War broke out, Anara took command of one of these special units and worked closely with Starfleet in special operations behind the enemy’s lines. She was wounded several times, and earned several decorations.
These new Special Forces units took on the Bajoran Sinoraptor as their emblem. When they fought against the Cardassians they made sure they knew who they were.
At the end of the war in 2375, Anara was a highly decorated veteran and justly promoted to Captain. Towards the end of 2376, Anara took a leave of absence from the militia and again decided to enhance her education by taking advanced communications and cryptographic courses.
At the beginning of 2378, Anara returned to the militia, and took an assignment to the Bajoran embassy on Earth. This was an excellent posting which she enjoyed greatly, to a point. During this time on Earth, she had a brief relationship with a Starfleet Officer, but their relationship became an embarrassment, as he turned out to be a Cardassian double agent. To save Bajor any further embarrassment resigned.
This has brought Anara to Siencia Colony after hearing of the newly forming Militia.
She quickly rose to command the Militia and fell in love with her Intelligence officer Dejah Thoris who turned out to be more than she expected. Dejah whilst looking human was in fact an alien from a mysterious place that Anara had a hard tome getting even her head around.
Eventually Dejah left to pursue her father and sister into unexplored space with a new Starfleet expedition in 2380. Her heart broke and after seeing Dejah some months later she took a leave of absence and flew to follow her lover in the unknown.
She disappeared….
The year is 2406 and Anara arrived in the Delta Quadrant, 26 years out of time and millions of light years from home. The entire galaxy had changed, it had sunk into a quagmire, the once proud Federation had become something like the Cardassian Union during the war in her eyes.
Rescued by a Rebel Starship the Cromwell, Anara joined the crew as the Constable. It was a life changing experience and she had a hard time fitting into life so far removed from her time. Dejah or so she thought was her Dejah found her, she was older but still beautiful, they again became lovers, but Anara’s ties to the past shattered that dream.
Eventually she joined the Delta Freedom Alliance as a Lieutenant, she needed stability in her life. With her previous command experience and putting a couple of incidents behind her, she proved herself to her Commanding Officer Captain Dan Forrest. She rose through the ranks quickly to Lieutenant Commander. Suddenly after a recall to Starbase Phoenix, the Cromwell was going to be handed back to the Federation as a gesture of goodwill, her CO made the decision to move on and offered her command.
Promoting her to full Commander, Lessa Anara took up command of a new class of ship, the Heimdall class Cruiser. It was a huge step in her life, after all she was pregnant with Dan Forrest’s child, a child conceived in uncontrolled fit of passion a child with a destiny. During her time upon the Cromwell she had a brief affair with Captain Dan Forrest, a one night stand and fell pregnant with child. Daniel junior can often be seen in her Ready Room.
With Captain Forrest promoted to Admiral, she was promoted to command of the DFA flagship. Two years of successful command, then came a most difficult surprise, which with her honour compromised, she resigned and she move to Campanella taking up a position in the newly forming Bajoran Militia with the rank of Colonel.
A few years past, her relationship with her old friend rekindled, then one day it went dark. She disappeared….only to reappear years later.
2364 – 2367: Shakaar Resistance Fighter
2367 – 2369: Bajoran Military Acadamy
2369 – 2371: Lieutenant, Diplomatic Assignment
2371 – 2372: SFMC, Mars
2372 – 2373: Bajoran Special Operations Instructor
2373 – 2376: Captain, Bajoran Special Forces
2378 - 2380: Captain, Siencian Militia, Siencia Colony
2406 – 2407: RSS Cromwell: Constable, Chief of Security
2406 - 2407: DFA Cromwell-B: Lieutenant Commander (O4), Chief of Security
2408 – 2409: Captain (O6), Commanding Officer
For more information on Anara, please see:

Captain Tirol
Commanding Officer of DFA Cromwell-B ?? - 2413
Species: Joined-Trill

Fleet Captain Carson Sesgaard
Commanding Officer of the DFA Cromwell-B 2414 - Present
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2384.03.14
Hair Colour: Dirty Blond
Eye Colour: Light Steal Blue
Played by Devon A
DFA Academy:
2405-2409 Major: Operations, Minor: Sciences
DFA Cromwell-B
2412.03.04 Sent to Rogue Planet in Runabout for emergency operational supply run.
2412.05.07 Promoted to Lt (jg) and Chief of Operations DFA Cromwell-B.
2412.07.30 Lost right eye in Gordag away mission.
2412.08.21 Named acting first officer of DFA Cromwell-B.
2413.01.22 Promoted to Lt. Commander.
2413.06.02 Sent to meet BortaS as DFA Liason.
2413.08.21 Promotion to Brevet Commander, Assumes command of DFA Cromwell-B
2413.09.08 Promotion to Commander.
2414.05.12 Promotion to Captain.
2417.06.14 Promotion to Fleet Captain
2420.04.26 Service record Notation: Served notably during Second Terran Away missions.
Quote: "There are always two sides to the story."
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