Uniforms & Combadges

DFA badges combine insignia combadges and rank in one. The stylized triangle represents the Greek letter delta (Δ) symbolizing the DFA's place in the Delta Quadrant. The central starburst represents the DFA's home among the stars. In the DFA, department is represented by a metallic accent color, as follows:
Gold: Command, Tactical, Intelligence, Pilots
Silver: Operations, Engineering, Security
Bronze: Science, Medical, Counseling, Dental
Marine: Marine ground troops and pilots use a gold badge with marine rank insignia

To mark its break with the Federation, DFA uniforms are stylistically quite distinct from their Starfleet counterparts, yet retain some details which remind them of their origins. Tough, breathable yet insulating, a dark-blue tetralgodon fabric is used as the base for the jacket and pants. A metallicized trim is used to denote department colors (see above). A rich Korythean hyperleather belt with rectangular metal buckle rounds out the uniform.
Marine uniforms are identical in cut and fabric, but use a dark olive green base color with a lighter olive trim and belt. Standard belt buckles may be substituted with a unit-specific one at the unit commander's discretion.
Dress uniforms are a lighter blue jacket with white pants. A more formal cut is used for the dress uniform and service medals are permitted below the insignia badge. Extra details not present in the duty uniform include department-colored epaulets, buttons, snap collar and sleeve, pant and belt stripes.
Marine dress uniforms are a dark blue base with maroon and gold accents A sash for medals is permitted for wear with the marine dress uniform only.
Flag officer duty uniforms are similar to their line counterparts with extra gold accents around the chest flap, sleeve stripes and collar with contrasting stripes (stars for Marine) and gold belt. Flag dress uniforms have a red jacket (maroon for Marine) and light blue pants (dark blue for Marine). Marine flag officers wear a golden medal sash.
Uniforms designed by Jonathan M. and approved by Borderlands Council Resolution, 2013.