Azara is a red dessert like planet that evolved a rat-like sentient species. The Azarans are very family oriented. "All for the pack". Unfortunately this made then vulnerable to the manipulations of a crashed Borg drone, who co-opted the culture and religion that spoke of a time the Azarans would go to the stars and rejoin the gods. The Borg moved them from pre-industrial to industrial in a matter of a couple hundred of years, and managed to create a sphere ship manned by Azaran drones. With dilitium, they made the sphere a warp capable ship utilizing Federation (DFA) technology. The sphere was destroyed in orbit by combined DFA & Klingon forces while attempting to escape the planet. The Azaran are now left alone, as a pre-warp society, although they are well aware there are other species 'out there'. The Azaran cooperative nature and knowledge of what is possible makes them likely to reach space flight and potentially warp flight relatively soon in historical context.

"Dont Go Alone"
Eridi III, "The Zombie Planet", so named for the Galdalorian zombies that wander the southern peninsular portion of a continent. These Galdalorian Zombies are typical of horror stories, shuffling, relentless in pursuit, and highly contagious with their bite. The zombie perchance for brains even follows, as on some baser level of action, the zombies may be resentful of the neurotesting performed by the original Romulan doctors testing for transfer of telepathic ability on Romulans, Vulcan slaves, and when these test subjects died, the locals, who had their own low level of telepathy. There is a theory some Katra transfer may be ongoing with the continued infection. The reclusive nature of the Galdalorians made spread slow, but treatment, the Mintakan flu vaccine also difficult. Currently a force field wall, manned by DFA marines has been created to prevent the zombies from proceeding to other inhabited areas of the continent. Attempts to wipe out all "zombies" has been met with no success, and occasional attacks are still successful in infecting others. The defense mechanism of the reclusive telepathic Galdalorians may make the Zombies "invisible" to those looking for them until very close range. Sensors seem to function normally with them, but low metabolism makes these results occasionally unreliable. Recent zombies found have included new species that do not include Galdalorians; possibly adventurers, thrill seekers, unfortunate crash survivors, Dolamin Colonists or another unknown source. Eridi III is labeled dangerous and landing prohibited.
Eridi III Geography is variable. Romulan Secret Research facility was hidden underground behind holoprojectors at the base of a mountain chain with a desert to the east and savannas north-east leading to the 30 mile isthmus dividing the peninsula from the more populous north. Rabbit like fuzzy creature herds are quite commonly seen fauna.

"Nal'G Desert Planet"
Eridi III, "The Zombie Planet", so named for the Galdalorian zombies that wander the southern peninsular portion of a continent. These Galdalorian Zombies are typical of horror stories, shuffling, relentless in pursuit, and highly contagious with their bite. The zombie perchance for brains even follows, as on some baser level of action, the zombies may be resentful of the neurotesting performed by the original Romulan doctors. Testing for transfer of telepathic ability on Romulans, Vulcan slaves, and when these test subjects died, the locals, who had their own low level of telepathy. There is a theory some Katra transfer may be ongoing with the continued infection. The reclusive nature of the Galdalorians made spread slow, but treatment, the Mintakan flu vaccine also difficult. Currently a force field wall, manned by DFA marines has been created to prevent the zombies from proceeding to other inhabited areas of the continent. Attempts to wipe out all "zombies" has been met with no success, and occasional attacks are still successful in infecting others. The defense mechanism of the reclusive telepathic Galdalorians may make the Zombies "invisible" to those looking for them until very close range. Sensors seem to function normally with them, but low metabolism makes these results occasionally unreliable. Recent zombies found have included new species that do not include Galdalorians; possibly adventurers, thrill seekers, unfortunate crash survivors, Dolamin Colonists or another unknown source. Eridi III is labeled dangerous and landing prohibited.
Eridi III Geography is variable. Romulan Secret Research facility was hidden underground behind holoprojectors at the base of a mountain chain with a desert to the east and savannas north-east leading to the 30 mile isthmus dividing the peninsula from the more populous north. Rabbit like fuzzy creature herds are quite commonly seen fauna.

The Magdalori People have just succeeded in demonstrating warp technology. The Warp Ship Horizon, cigar shaped and smooth lines, flew successfully. Celebrations were disrupted by Terrorists wanting to stop Magdalori relations with the DFA, killing the scientist who conceived of warp theory for the Magdalori.
The world is divided into provinces. The environment is hospitable to nearly all class M world species. A wide variety of climes are available, mostly temperate.
The people are a private people. This comes from an innate empathy the people have. This has created the tendency to stay away from each other except for smaller family groups. Also, the people due to their empathy, can sense when someone is telling a lie as the words do not match the emotional signals. However, the Magdalori have overcome this inhibition by using long distance communications. Social Media has made them more communicative.

First discovered accidentally by Stone Henge transporter gates by a Cromwell away team, the Dolamin society centers around the military. All other aspects of life support the military. Everyone is trained and expected to serve.
The people are tightly structured. Even the language is structure so that information is given before questions are asked. The pattern used is two factual statements followed by a question. The soldiers also practice Battle speak, an extremely abbreviated sound combinations of tongue clicks, whistles, hums to convey fairly standard orders, which supercede verbal commands. The Dolamin are fairly straight forward and honest. They are also clever and adaptable. Safety and security for others of their planet are the highest goals.

"The Empty Quarter"
A desert world with ancient ruins. There are records of a few inhabitants on the planet, which suggest a Bajoran/Human hybrid as a description, but genetic testing has not been performed on them. They seem well suited to desert living. They ride great Caracol cats and use Spears as weapons. Ruins include Temples and Pyramids, although they are largely buried under the sands of time, perhaps ancestral constructions. There is one location, along a dried riverbed, in the shifting dune desert that flys a flag above a buried Pyramid. The flag is faintly reminiscent of the DFA Triangle and Star. The planet is protected, although classified as independent.
Classified information: The DFA Cromwell encountered Borg at this location. In a pitched battle in orbit, the Cromwell destroyed a Borg Sphere. The away team defeated a Borg assimilation team sent to the surface. Through a temporal displacement, the away team ended found themselves in the planet's history, 100,000 years in the past. It was a refuge for Bajoran priests and human Egyptian Culture, the two mixing on this planet. It was further discovered, the escape into the past was purposeful, to hide a Pah-Wraith from the current timeline. A Pah Wraith was held imprisoned here in the past by Bajoran and Human priests, who took the Pah Wraith and separated it into four parts through a mummification process. A renegade Bajoran Priestess, Kira Ris, wanting to revive the Pah Wraith worked to release the Pah-Wraith and return to her own timeline. The Pah-Wriath was raised and took the body of one crewman of Cromwell, Xavier. He and the priestess Kira Ris, niece of DS9's Kira Nyris, escaped forward through time in Vash's ship (Who had been deposited back in time here by Q.) The Pah-Wraith's Time travel, and the alien construction and Electromagnetic fields worked in conjunction to bring the Cromwell crew back forward in time. Six of Twelve was recovered from this borg attack, and brought to Cromwell, having served the away team during the mission.

So named for the technology found by the Crew of the Cromwell when they were forced to abandon ship over the planet. Technology held by the human-like locals paralleled that of the American old West. Gunfighters, Indians, Cavalry troops, Miners and prospectors abound. Each location had a cadre of colorful characters.
Notable places:
Solitaire - In the Silver Mountain Range near the Silver Mines.
Big Muddy and Inland Sea - transportation route between Silver mines and the town of Salvation by the 'Riverboat Gambler'
Salvation - Noted as the 'last civilized city on west of the desert.
Deadrock - Rootin'tootin' cowboy town, Home of the 'Iron Horse' train to Salvation.
Buffalo Plains - Home of the Indians and the Cavalry.

A temperate planet named after a location in Earth’s former nation of Scotland. The
only known inhabitants are the survivors of the Borg attack on the USS Bonaventure in 2389. A wide myriad of species from the Alpha Quadrant are represented in this colony, which is spread into three villages of Constantine, Hadrian, and Aurelius, all equidistant from the capitol in the center. Technology and lifestyle is similar to 22nd century Earth due to lack of many modern amenities.
The crew of Cromwell encountered the Alternate Universe’s version of their Chief Medical Officer, David Clark, who had enlisted the aid of Jem’Hadar who had been unceremoniously thrown into the Delta Quadrant. Possible remnant of Operation Return. Cross-checks with Federation databases will be performed as more information is released.
The alternate Clark, under the pseudonym “Solomon Kent,” turned the facilities of the Bonaventure into cloning facilities for his army and ketracel-white plants. The “garden,” as Kent has called it, escaped containment and poisoned the colonists, prompting a distress call to the DFA flagship. An attempt was also made to take the ship, but proved unsuccessful. During this engagement, both Clark and Crewman Cer’dan were captured by Kent and subjected to torture, but both were recovered safely. The crew of Cromwell arrested Kent and his associate Salvar (Clone I), and they have been processed in the DFA penal system. The colony elected to remain independent.
Classified By DFA Command: A device of unknown purpose was discovered by operative [Redacted] under the surface, and remains there to this day.
Edit: Power spike detected over the planet; however, no change has been noted in
"The Lost Colony"