DFA Cromwell
The DFA Cromwell, a Heimdall class ship, is the flagship of the newly formed Delta Freedom Alliance. The banner they follow is in fact the original symbol of the Federation, which typifies their goal. The Cromwell exists to supplant the current Federation with a peaceful discovery-oriented union modelled after the early years of the Federation.
The Cromwell is structured like any Starfleet vessel would be, wearing uniforms and following a chain of command. Come join our exciting multi player role playing game!
The Delta Freedom Alliance (DFA) is planetary cooperative formed on May 17, 2406 during the Delta Quadrant Commanding Officer summit on Starbase Horizon. Governor Tom Bateman of Devu II and then Commander Dan Forrest of the RSS Cromwell were key proponents, and Devu II became the founding member world of the Delta Freedom Alliance.
The Alliance
The foundations for the Delta Freedom Alliance were set in 2402 when then Commodore Anthony Dark, with Nok Lorith, defected from Starfleet. The pair stole the USS Warchief, later to be renamed the RSS Cromwell, and sought to reestablish the goals of exploration and universal cooperation that the Federation had abandoned in favor of more militant agendas. Tony Dark worked with the rebellion, strengthening their cause and promoting an alternative to the Federation.
The Delta Freedom Alliance was legitimized when the government of Devu II extended a hand of friendship to other Delta Quadrant worlds disenfranchised by Starfleet's warmongering, and on May 17, 2406, that historic pact became the Delta Freedom Alliance (DFA).
Today the Delta Freedom Alliance contains thirty-five member worlds. Each member world sends representatives to Devu II who live and work in the DFA government building, working together to build a better tomorrow. The DFA government building is considered sovereign soil and is not owned by the Republic of Devu. The DFA council is overseen by Council Spokesman, Samson Taylor.
The Delta Freedom Alliance, under the guiding hands of the Alliance Admiralty and the DFA council has become a prominent and ever growing political entity in the Delta Quadrant.
Alliance Admiralty
The current leadership of the Delta Freedom Alliance is stationed on Babylon, DFA Command.
Vice Admiral Anthony Dark was promoted to Admiral in 2408 after he was pardoned by Starfleet Captain Ssova tra'Fitz. Admiral Dark is currently emeritus Admiral in charge of the Delta Freedom Alliance fleet.
Rear Admiral Dan Forrest was promoted in 2408 after he stepped down as Captain of the DFA Cromwell. He now works on Devu II as the Military Affairs Advisor.