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Devon, Tabitha and Piper

An away team consisting of Crewman Hazelilly, Rock Jumper 12, Captain Anara, Colonel MarQ, Lt Commander Greene and Lt J.G Xozalt were transported the the Union Council's colony. Dr Mallory stayed behind because Doctor Clark needed her to attend a medical examination. The away team first encountered an individual designated MarQ (not Colonel MarQ, a different MarQ. If there is a relation, it is currently unknown). MarQ directed the Union's security team, who asked Cromwell's away team to hand over all weapons and communication devices. They complied but in spite of this, MarQ was hostile with Rock Jumper 12 and knocked Crewman Hazelilly off his shoulder. The hostility decreased when another individual (Species 2000, Cardassian), designated Legat Das, arrived. He directed the away team to the council chambers and told MarQ from security to go away. The away teams weapons and devices were returned to them once they'd arrived inside the council chambers. The Union council members then arrived and the away team was offered food and drink from various different cultures present within the Union Colonies. Amongst the council members were a severed and dismantled Borg drone designated Twenty-Three, a Kzinti designated Mawie, two Klingons, designated Edux Tuh and Korag, a Catian designated Dr Kat Ferline, a Human designated Adama Cor and a Krenim designated Trisa Qas. Trisa Qas immediately attacked Colonel MarQ. Legat Das was able to stop the fight before anyone was deactivated. This lead to an argument between Cromwell's crew and the Union Council about gender that we did not understand.

There was disharmony between the away team and the union council until Captain Anara told Twenty-Three about Cromwell's Collective and showed Six of Twelve and Unit too her. After this the council began discussing a possible relationship with the DFA moving forward. Discussions continued until hostile forces were detected on-course to Union space. Cromwell and Darkhorse's away teams were transported back to their relative ships to help defend the Union from these forces. Kit received an order from Admiral Gray ordering Cromwell to help find a lost cargo ship from New Kyushu but could not comply because we were under attack and defending the Union at the time. Several small pirate vessels attacked Cromwell and Darkhorse. Captain Anara used the Picard Maneuver to warp right above Darkhorse and was about to attempt a boarding attack on the pirate vessels before a Klingon vessel came out of cloaking and destroyed them. The Klingon vessel called Cromwell. The Captain of the vessel was a Klingon designated Krill who wanted to speak with Captain Sesgaard. As Captain Sesgaard was not there, he left. Cromwell and Darkhorse are now leaving Union space. The Union has been granted 'probationary membership' within the Delta Freedom Alliance. Further information about this information can be found in Colonel MarQ's report: AA24.097 (*attached).

Meanwhile, Captain Sesgaard met and had dinner with Lt J.G Selene Moreau, an intelligence officer at the DFA Academy. Commander Martis and Tas had their honeymoon on Campanella and Unit and Neilson spent time communicating with Damon Wood about joining the Daystrom Institute. Damon is visiting Cromwell with his mother, Ana Furgison, for Martis and Tas' wedding reception. Gordan Sharpe (the individual who calls Dr Paige Mallory 'Mouse') left Cromwell to go back to Earth after spending several days with Dr Paige Mallory.

Dr Paige Mallory has developed a new communication device that opens a stable microwormhole between two devices for transmission. A prototype of the device was used by Kit and Colonel Reynolds during the Union mission successfully.

<End Log>


[*Attached: Colonel MarQ's Log (AA24.097), from 2422.09.07.01. CRMB. MarQ. put another pin in it. ]

“Computer, begin recording. AA24.0907” Banor said figuring out where to begin. “The mission into Union space was ultimately classified as a success. The Union has been granted probationary membership status to the DFA. Legat Das, the Cardassian, council chair seemed appreciative of the status change. Other members of the council had mixed reactions. “The female Krenim, Tristan Qas, council vice chair appeared indifferent. Despite her issues with members of the away team, she did render aid to Darkhorse and Cromwell when the pirate raid began. “The pirate raid took an odd twist when Klingon Battle Cruisers decloaked and destroyed the raiders. Klingon Captain Krill demanded to see Admiral Sesgaard. The Admiral is still on furlough and was nowhere near Union space. Noting the absence of Admiral Sesgaard, Captain Krill quickly lost interest in the encounter, cloaked his ships, and left the sector. There was no information given to indicate where Sesgaard and Krill crossed paths. There is no stored information indicating the issue Krill may have with Sesgaard. “Union head of security, MarQ, despite the similar surname, there is no other indication he and I share any connection. His hostility toward the away team would indicate some form of connection, but the lack of information does not lend itself to draw conclusions. Pause.” “There was little time for us to move outside the council chambers because negotiations were slow and the pirate raid began. We were also redirected to S&R. Union science seems resistant to exchanging information related to their hybrid soldiers, our rock jumpers. “As indicated, the mission was classified as a success. Final debrief with Admiral Sesgaard and Col. Reynolds will take place at a later date.” Respectfully submitted, Lt. Col. Banor MarQ, marine mobile commander and Borg weapons handler, DFA Cromwell and Darkhorse


Devon & Tabitha

<Stardate 2422.07 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>

Captain Sesgaard went on something called a 'vacation'. According to the computer this is defined as 'an extended period of recreation or leisure, especially one spent away from home or travelling'. Kit says this is a neccessery thing for individuals to do because of an emotion called 'stress' that builds up when insufficent breaks are taken, which explains why Commander Martis and Tas did the same thing, shortly after Captain Sesgaard left. Commander Martis left Kit in command of Cromwell. Lt Paige Mallory arrived back on Cromwell with an individual designated 'Gordan Sharpe'. Gordan Sharpe is a civilian currently in Guest Quarters. He calls Paige Mallory 'Mouse' but we are not to do this. We travelled to Union space and were met at the border by several vessels in an offensive position. They informed us that entering their space without invitation would be classified as an act of war. Colonel Reynolds and Lt Mallory managed to get them to provide us with an invitation and Cromwell and Darkhorse were tractored through a 5 day route to the Union colonies. By our calculations, the journey should have taken less than a day. Rock Jumper 12 said the delay was deliberate and designed to make it harder for outsiders to chart Union territory. An away team, lead by Captain Lessa, has been constructed, consisting of the following individuals: Crewman Lumi Hazelilly, Rock Jumpers One and Twelve, Colonel Banor MarQ, Lt j.g Paige Mallory, Lt Commander DJ Greene and Lt j.g Opilia Xozalt. This team will be transporting to the planet bellow to meet with the Union council.

<End Log>

Devon & Tabitha

<Stardate 2422.06 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>

The explosion on Babylon was prevented. With the help of code from 'Little One' (updated designation: Unit) Cromwell's Collective was able to counteract most of the nanoprobes before the reactor they were attacking destabilised. The remaining reactors were towed a safe distance away from the station by Cromwell and Darkhorse. Damage to the station and vessels was minimal.

An awards ceramony was held after the event where all those who participated in the events on Babylon were award the 'Return of the Martyr' Campaign Ribbon. Crewman Hazelilly, Lt t'Kheall and Lt j.g Rosek were officially given DFA citizenship. They, along with Little One, Daniel Forest and Melina Vanlith were given the New Crew Ribbon.

Daniel Forest and Neilson Greene were awarded the Civilian Assistance and Civilian Bravery ribbons, respectivly.

Colonel Reynolds was awarded the Combat Injury Ribbon and Lt J.G Paige Mallory was given a commendation.

Colonel MarQ and Dr Clark were awarded Covert Action ribbons.

RJ12, Commander Sinjin, Crewman Hazelilly, Lt j.g Rosek and Lt Desson were awarded the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievement medal.

Martis Dri was awarded the Duty Station Defence and the Valor Cross and was also promoted to Commander.

Cromwell's Collective (Six of Twelve, Four of Seven, Banor MarQ and Amber Rosek) were awarded the Unit Commendation ribbon.

After the awards ceremony, Martis and Tas began planning their wedding reception (this is a party that occures after a wedding). Martis asked Colonel Reynolds to be her 'maid of honour' and Captain Sesgaard to walk her down the isle. Tas asked Paige Mallory to be her 'best man'. Ana Furgison is coming to Cromwell for the reception with her subunit, Damon, to provide cake. Paige Mallory went AWOL. Colonel Reynolds left in search of her.

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