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Devon & Tabitha

<Stardate 2422.07 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>

Captain Sesgaard went on something called a 'vacation'. According to the computer this is defined as 'an extended period of recreation or leisure, especially one spent away from home or travelling'. Kit says this is a neccessery thing for individuals to do because of an emotion called 'stress' that builds up when insufficent breaks are taken, which explains why Commander Martis and Tas did the same thing, shortly after Captain Sesgaard left. Commander Martis left Kit in command of Cromwell. Lt Paige Mallory arrived back on Cromwell with an individual designated 'Gordan Sharpe'. Gordan Sharpe is a civilian currently in Guest Quarters. He calls Paige Mallory 'Mouse' but we are not to do this. We travelled to Union space and were met at the border by several vessels in an offensive position. They informed us that entering their space without invitation would be classified as an act of war. Colonel Reynolds and Lt Mallory managed to get them to provide us with an invitation and Cromwell and Darkhorse were tractored through a 5 day route to the Union colonies. By our calculations, the journey should have taken less than a day. Rock Jumper 12 said the delay was deliberate and designed to make it harder for outsiders to chart Union territory. An away team, lead by Captain Lessa, has been constructed, consisting of the following individuals: Crewman Lumi Hazelilly, Rock Jumpers One and Twelve, Colonel Banor MarQ, Lt j.g Paige Mallory, Lt Commander DJ Greene and Lt j.g Opilia Xozalt. This team will be transporting to the planet bellow to meet with the Union council.

<End Log>


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