<Stardate 2422.06 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>
The explosion on Babylon was prevented. With the help of code from 'Little One' (updated designation: Unit) Cromwell's Collective was able to counteract most of the nanoprobes before the reactor they were attacking destabilised. The remaining reactors were towed a safe distance away from the station by Cromwell and Darkhorse. Damage to the station and vessels was minimal.
An awards ceramony was held after the event where all those who participated in the events on Babylon were award the 'Return of the Martyr' Campaign Ribbon. Crewman Hazelilly, Lt t'Kheall and Lt j.g Rosek were officially given DFA citizenship. They, along with Little One, Daniel Forest and Melina Vanlith were given the New Crew Ribbon.
Daniel Forest and Neilson Greene were awarded the Civilian Assistance and Civilian Bravery ribbons, respectivly.
Colonel Reynolds was awarded the Combat Injury Ribbon and Lt J.G Paige Mallory was given a commendation.
Colonel MarQ and Dr Clark were awarded Covert Action ribbons.
RJ12, Commander Sinjin, Crewman Hazelilly, Lt j.g Rosek and Lt Desson were awarded the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievement medal.
Martis Dri was awarded the Duty Station Defence and the Valor Cross and was also promoted to Commander.
Cromwell's Collective (Six of Twelve, Four of Seven, Banor MarQ and Amber Rosek) were awarded the Unit Commendation ribbon.
After the awards ceremony, Martis and Tas began planning their wedding reception (this is a party that occures after a wedding). Martis asked Colonel Reynolds to be her 'maid of honour' and Captain Sesgaard to walk her down the isle. Tas asked Paige Mallory to be her 'best man'. Ana Furgison is coming to Cromwell for the reception with her subunit, Damon, to provide cake. Paige Mallory went AWOL. Colonel Reynolds left in search of her.