Alien Cultures
Azara is a red dessert like planet that evolved a rat-like sentient species. The Azarans are very family oriented. "All for the pack". Unfortunately this made then vulnerable to the manipulations of a crashed Borg drone, who co-opted the culture and religion that spoke of a time the Azarans would go to the stars and rejoin the gods. The Borg moved them from pre-industrial to industrial in a matter of a couple hundred of years, and managed to create a sphere ship manned by Azaran drones. With dilitium, they made the sphere a warp capable ship utilizing Federation (DFA) technology. The sphere was destroyed in orbit by combined DFA & Klingon forces while attempting to escape the planet. The Azaran are now left alone, as a pre-warp society, although they are well aware there are other species 'out there'. The Azaran cooperative nature and knowledge of what is possible makes them likely to reach space flight and potentially warp flight relatively soon in historical context.
During the Sundering, the event that defined the split between Vulcans and those who would be come Romulans, several ships were lost as the collection of proto-Romulan's undertook their Exodus through the stars, seeking out a new home. One of these ships crashed on an obscure planet at the edge of what is now the Romulan Star Empire. Several millennia passed, and the survivors of that crash have blossomed into a new Civilisation that holds a mixed heritage of Vulcan and Romulan traditions, as well as altogether new ones. The planet of Pangeare is wrapped in a Ionic Shroud that is difficult to penetrate. This has essentially cut off the survivors from any help or outside influence since their arrival. Until the Romulan Galae ship the SES S'Task discovered them during some terraforming experiments.
During the Exodus the proto-Romulans set about to deliberately engineer a language that would help to define their new culture. Since this hadn't been concluded at the time their ship was lost to the fleet the language is a curious mix of Ancient Vulcan and Romulan, as well as some naturally evolved terms. The Pangearean script is written in an archaic form of Vulcan.
Pangeareans are more biologically similar to Vulcans with some changes due to the extreme environment of their planet. The higher gravity has made their bone density greater and then tend to be a littler stockier than their stoic cousins. They have copper-based blood and pointed ears and otherwise display the same diversity of skin, hair and eye colour as Vulcans. They still go through Pon-Farr. Like their Romulan cousins, however, most Pangeareans are not telepathic, save for a very small percentage. Some occur naturally. Some have been selectively bread down the years to serve as both formidable warriors and as a means of preserving the Pangearean history through transferred memories. Those with this long-bred touch-telepathy are biologically distinct, presenting almost albino like features of very pale skin and white-blond hair.
The Pangearean people are not unified, separated into distinct City-States, each with their own customs and quirks. Most are subterranean since Pangeare's extreme aridity means water is found mostly underground and its constant sandstorms mean surface travel is dangerous at best. Each City-State is governed by an Elder. These individuals come together to form the Council of Elders should the need arise. There is much conflict and power struggles between the various states and war occurs over resources and access to sacred sites.
The enveloping Shroud has had an impact on how the people view the universe. The concept of anything outside of what they call the Firmament is quite frightening. That which is beyond the Firmament is known as the Void. Whilst some scholars and more educated people are aware of the history their arrival and science of space travel, but to most this has fallen into legend. Until recently!
Trapped by the Ionic Shroud and limited by the meagre resources their planet, the technological sophistication of the Pangearean has gone backwards a little from the proto-Romulans. They are skilled artisans and have made much out of what little resources there are. They favour staff-like weapons that discharge electrical bursts and have no long-range communication abilities (The planet's atmosphere exhibits extreme interference to modern technologies).
Via a joint venture between the DFA and RSE, an orbital station around Pangeare is being constructed. This station, called Visak'a, will allow exterior peoples to open a hole through the Pangearean Ionic Shroud, allowing access to the Pangearean people, and open the Galaxy up to the Pangeareans.
[Contributed by Sam Shaw]
Eridi III, "The Zombie Planet", so named for the Galdalorian zombies that wander the southern peninsular portion of a continent. These Galdalorian Zombies are typical of horror stories, shuffling, relentless in pursuit, and highly contagious with their bite. The zombie perchance for brains even follows, as on some baser level of action, the zombies may be resentful of the neurotesting performed by the original Romulan doctors. Testing for transfer of telepathic ability on Romulans, Vulcan slaves, and when these test subjects died, the locals, who had their own low level of telepathy. There is a theory some Katra transfer may be ongoing with the continued infection. The reclusive nature of the Galdalorians made spread slow, but treatment, the Mintakan flu vaccine also difficult. Currently a force field wall, manned by DFA marines has been created to prevent the zombies from proceeding to other inhabited areas of the continent. Attempts to wipe out all "zombies" has been met with no success, and occasional attacks are still successful in infecting others. The defense mechanism of the reclusive telepathic Galdalorians may make the Zombies "invisible" to those looking for them until very close range. Sensors seem to function normally with them, but low metabolism makes these results occasionally unreliable. Recent zombies found have included new species that do not include Galdalorians; possibly adventurers, thrill seekers, unfortunate crash survivors, Dolamin Colonists or another unknown source. Eridi III is labeled dangerous and landing prohibited.
Eridi III Geography is variable. Romulan Secret Research facility was hidden underground behind holoprojectors at the base of a mountain chain with a desert to the east and savannas north-east leading to the 30 mile isthmus dividing the peninsula from the more populous north. Rabbit like fuzzy creature herds are quite commonly seen fauna.

First discovered accidentally by Stone Henge transporter gates by a Cromwell away team, the Dolamin society centers around the military. All other aspects of life support the military. Everyone is trained and expected to serve.
The people are tightly structured. Even the language is structure so that information is given before questions are asked. The pattern used is two factual statements followed by a question. The soldiers also practice Battle speak, an extremely abbreviated sound combinations of tongue clicks, whistles, hums to convey fairly standard orders, which supercede verbal commands. The Dolamin are fairly straight forward and honest. They are also clever and adaptable. Safety and security for others of their planet are the highest goals.
The Magdalori People have just succeeded in demonstrating warp technology. The Warp Ship Horizon, cigar shaped and smooth lines, flew successfully. Celebrations were disrupted by Terrorists wanting to stop Magdalori relations with the DFA, killing the scientist who conceived of warp theory for the Magdalori.
The world is divided into provinces. The environment is hospitable to nearly all class M world species. A wide variety of climes are available, mostly temperate.
The people are a private people. This comes from an innate empathy the people have. This has created the tendency to stay away from each other except for smaller family groups. Also, the people due to their empathy, can sense when someone is telling a lie as the words do not match the emotional signals. However, the Magdalori have overcome this inhibition by using long distance communications. Social Media has made them more communicative.

The Terrans were first encountered by the DFA in the year 2419 by the DFA Cromwell-B. Cromwell discovered a damaged early-warp starship with unstable life signs aboard. A rescue team was sent to the ship, Aurora. Most of the four-person crew were dead but one man survived and was taken back to Cromwell's sickbay for treatment.
Sam Sol, the Aurora crewman, helped Cromwell locate Terra, his homeworld, but asked to stay onboard instead of returning home. As Terra was capable of early-warp travel, Cromwell made two attempts at first contact. During the first attempt, half of the away team were arrested for arguing with a police officer who had stolen fruit from a local stall. They were rescued by another away team, including Sam and by two Terran orphans who were then taken back to Cromwell and adopted. The second attempt ended abruptly as a 'virus' broke out on the planet. The virus turned out to be a government scheme to help locate aliens. The Terran government did not appear to welcome contact with alien races, hunting them and killig them, thus leaving more of a warning than an invitation to outsiders. Cromwell left a 'do not disturb' warning beacon around Terra warning that the planet is to be left alone.
Terrans originate from human ancestors who got lost in the Delta Quadrant several hundred years ago. The exact details are suppressed or lost. They have regained some of the lost knowledge through their own initiative and invention.
Terran culture shows an extreme divide between the privileged and underprivileged, with the latter making up the majority of the population due to a corrupt controlling government. There is a stark difference between the luxurious government section and the poverty-stricken crowded Terran cities. On Terra, time is used as currency. Things are paid for using time-stamps which equate to an amount of time spent working for the individual (or company) being paid. Schooling costs time and many families cannot afford it. The space program on Terra is run by the government who prevent astronauts from leaving their training facilities. Looking for an excuse to shut down the program, the government has even sabotaged launches. Last contact, the space program had been shut down.
There is a growing rebellion force on Terra who aim to overthrow the government and reveal the lies they use to manipulate the public. Aliens, while not common knowledge to most Terrans, have made contact with the planet before. Independent alien mercenaries have been involved with the Terran rebellion and Section 31 has shown an interest in Terra, although the reason for their interest remains unclear.
Technologically, Terra is similar to late 20th - early 21st-century Earth for the most part. They use television, telephone communication technology, computers and have internet. Terrans have developed early-warp capable flight and have made five test flights. The last flight, as all flights, was intended to be three months out and three months back. The crew, suspecting the government of moving to shut down the space program, decided to go the full six months out, using all of their power reserves as the crew knew it would be the last test before the space exploration program was dismantled. The only known warp-capable Terran vessel, the Aurora, is currently in Cromwell's shuttle bay.
Terrans have more or less the same biology as their Human ancestors, although some children on Terra did possess psionic abilities. These powers typically fade as they are suppressed and eventually disappeared altogether. No Terrans over the age of 12 are known to have retained their abilities. Children exhibiting such powers are ostracized, and as such, seldom survive.
[Planet created by Sam Jones]
The Aesir are interdimensional aliens encountered by the DFA Cromwell in 2420.01. Cromwell detected an egg-shaped vessel with no apparent energy signatures. The vessel entered Cromwell's shuttle bay and cracked open. Two human-looking people stepped out of the vessel and introduced themselves as Eve and Smith. Eve and Smith had been heading for Terra, with the intention of adopting two Terran orphans with psionic abilities like their own. They had been detected by the Aesir and they sent a couple wanting children to rescue them from the planet. Unfortunately, these children, Sally and Neilson, were on Cromwell and in the process of being adopted by members of Cromwell's crew.
Physically, the Aesir appeared human, or at least that was how they had presented themselves. Having come from a variety of species, they appeared as a comfortable likeness of those they were interacting with. Eve was originally human, Smith was of an other species, but form had no meaning in the interdimension, They possessed powerful psionic abilities including telepathy, empathy and telekinesis. This included the ability to form telekinetic forcefields around people or objects, to read other's thoughts and feelings and to move and manipulate matter at a quantum level.
The Aesir lived in another dimension. They adopted individuals with extraordinary abilities and trained them, allowing them to control their powers so that they didn't destroy themselves and abilities or harm themselves or others.
The Aesir arrived in an egg-shaped vessel which showed neither organic signatures nor energy signature and no engine or computer system. The Aesir used two forms of travel, Phase shifting into the 'real universe' from their extradimensional space where they lived. Time and Space had different meaning there. They also had advanced tech plastics which the 'Egg' was constructed, and in which they arrived to Cromwell. The egg was controlled by telekinesis; How it worked was a mystery to Cromwell's engineers but it did have the ability to grow new components and delete them when telepathic commands were sent. When this happened, sensors would show an unrecognized molecule, the advances psionic interactive plastics of the Aesir, forming for a split second before vanishing again, the advanced plastics molecule was a byproduct as it changed the shape and grew or absorbed items. The egg appeared to seal and open itself, which was actually the Aesir's telekinetic control. Once sealed, there was no obvious mechanism for unlocking it. Inside the egg-shaped vessel were plush chairs. Comfort was valued by the Aesir during their visits to Borderlands dimension.
The word “Aesir” is almost certainly derived from one of two Proto-Germanic words: *ansaz, “pole, beam, rafter,” or *ansuz, “life, vitality.” In either case, when this linguistic evidence is combined with the Aesir’s role in the tales of Norse mythology, it becomes clear that the Aesir were thought of as beings the power that hold the cosmos together, and prevent the 'giants' from succeeding in their attempt to drag it back into the formless chaos from which it originally came. At Ragnarok, however, the gods are fated to fail, and the giants to succeed. [1] The Aesir were adament they were not gods, whether it was an attempt to circumvent fate or they just assumed the name of the old Norse gods for their self appointed position in the universe was never discovered.
[1] https://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/the-aesir-gods-and-goddesses/

The Borg are a race of cybernetically augmented whose goal is to achieve 'perfection' through the assimilation of other lifeforms and their technology into their collective consciousness. Defined by Q as the "ultimate users", the Borg have posed a threat to the Federation (and then the DFA) since their first official* encounter in 2365 (or 2063 if you factor in time travel). The Borg themselves have been around for an undetermined period of time that dates back to at least the 15th century.
Memory Alpha: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Borg
Star Trek Borderland's Borg Vessel, Probe 815: https://sites.google.com/site/probe815ofunimatrix42/
List of Borg Species

Memory Alpha: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Klingon
Star Trek Borderland's Klingon Starship IKS BortaS (no longer playable group): https://sites.google.com/site/iksbortas/

The Romulan Star Empire have been long-standing enemies of the Federation since the 22nd century but fought alongside them as allies in the Dominion war. They not exist as not-quite-enemies and not-quite-friends with both the DFA and the Federation. The DFA has made some progress towards better relations with the RSE through the joint-command starbase Visak'a which orbits Pangaere.
Memory Alpha: https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Romulan
Romulan Dictionary: http://www.angelfire.com/ma/HHirl/rdictionary.html
Star Trek Borderland's Romulan Starship, SES S'Task: https://sites.google.com/view/stask