Dr Amber Rosek

Background Information
Amber Rosek was born on a Federation scientific outpost in the Beta Quadrant in the year 2391, her father was an engineer and her mother was a biologist who was studying the unique flora and fauna on the planet.
Sometime in the year 2397 the family along with the other personnel fell victim to the Borg, after their supply ship was assimilated by the Borg en-route to the outpost, Amber Rosek was placed into an Maturation Chamber whilst her parents were made into full Borg.
From 2402 until 2415 Amber Rosek went by the designation One of Six Primary Adjunct of Submatrix 86 of Unimatrix 76. Her time with the Borg was terminated when the Scout Ship One of Six was aboard, was disabled by an unknown bio substance which crippled the Borg vessel killing or damaging numerous drones aboard, and left One of Six badly damaged but 'alive'.
Amber Rosek was 'liberated' from her One of Six persona by Starfleet medics on the USS Skipjack, most of her implants were removed with the exception of those needed to keep her alive.
A Year after Amber Rosek was liberated she began attending the Starfleet Academy specializing in science and the study of the Borg. during her time at the academy Amber Rosek learned of the existence of two full functional Borg drones aboard the Delta Freedom Alliance Vessel Cromwell-B.
Once Ensign Amber Rosek graduated from the Starfleet Academy she applied to join the Cromwell as a Federation exchange officer, to further her PhD studies into the Borg. She was assigned to the DFA Cromwell-B in 2421.
Service Record
Background Records
2402 - 2415: Borg Collective, Designation : One of Six Primary Adjunct of Submatrix 86 of Unimatrix 76
2416 - 2421: Starfleet Acadamy, Majoring in Borg Sciences [Cadet, E0)
Active DS Records
DFA Cromwell-B
2421.11.16: Joined DFA Cromwell-B as Federation Exchange Officer, Sciences. [Ensign, O1]
2422.04.26: Promoted to Lieutenant J.G [O2] and Chief Engineer aboard DFA Cromwell-B
2422.06.30: Officially became a citizen of the Delta Freedom Alliance
Ribbons & Awards

New Crewmember Ribbon (2421.12.07)
Two years of Service (2422.12)
Awarded Bug Campaign Ribbon (2422.04.26)
Return of a Martyr Campaign Ribbon (2422.07.01)
Awarded the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievment Medal (2422.07.02)
"For valor and devotion to Duty in the defense of the DFA, You are awarded on of the Alliances higher awards, the Delta Freedom Alliance Achievement Medal.."
Awarded Unit Commendation Ribbon with Banor MarQ, Four of Seven and Six of Twelve (2422.07.02)
"You four individuals fought a valiant fight against the Borg Nanites that were set to detonate the Deuterium tanks. Most of the tanks were prevented from overheating and detonating through your action. And you stayed till the end to see that as many individuals from Babylon were saved as possible. Indeed, you saved Babylon itself."