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Ariana Serota


Service Record

Active Duty records


 Cadet: Senior Tour of Duty DFA Cromwell-B
Awarded Commendations for Titanic campaign
Classified: Time Traveller Service ribbon.
Awarded Commendations for Azaran campaign by Jinx.
Classified: Borg Fighter Service ribbon
Promoted to Full Ensign, DFA.
Ensign: DFA Liason officer to OH1, posted 2415.08.05
(First to visit Sushi Bar OH1 2415.11.07)
Transfer to Sentinel Station 2415.08.03

Ribbons & Awards

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  • Borg Fighter Service ribbon (2415.04.29)

  • Time Travel Award (2414.08.18)

  • Q Service Ribbon (2414.08.18)

  • Ten years of service (2423.01)

Background Information


Cadet was buddies with Covaar Tryutu at Academy.

Chose Geo-sciences because she thought there would never be an emergency, and fast change was over tens of thousands of years.

Senior Cadet Tour aboard Cromwell-B

Involved in exploration of Dr Braun's lab on Cromwell, releasing Borg Hand (With Covaar).

Memeber of Azara Away Team, nearly shot Commander MarQ.

After Azara Mission, was going to resign.  Captain Sesgaard said he would accept her resignation if she sang one song.  (  Song made her reconsider, instead requested Starfleet Outpost Hope One (Dyson Sphere) for Duty Station on Graduation as DFA Liason.

Geo-physicist, Geologist.  May be romantically involved with Starfleet Marine Pilot Mahlon "Farmer" Avinbruch.  Threw Christmas Holideck party, where all drinks were served "On the rocks" in order to invite Mahlon, and Missing Cromwell Christmas parties.

Met Lacosian Senior council leader Sazz, Her work with him to stop malfunctioning equipment earned her a Lacosian Communications crystal.

Studies Dyson Sphere unusual geologic events.  Volcano, Earthquake.   Starting to develop some geologic and physics theories about the Dyson Sphere and the Builders.


Distinguishing Features




Ariana had not set out to be as adventurous as she has become. She was content to study plate tectonics and stay aboard ship. Her field of choice was chosen so that she didn't have the pressure of away missions and fast moving decisions. She could stop for tea, and not worry about changes in her research; rocks do not move that quickly.

Her experience aboard Cromwell changed that. Forced into action by circumstance, she proved she could rise to the occasion on her initial missions which included time travel, first contact with the Azarans and fighting Borg. She did not have the confidence though and put her resignation in at the completion of her cadet tour. Captain Sesgaard refused to accept it at that time, instead challenging her to sing one song, and he would then accept her resignation. He knew she had been a singer when she was young, and the one song he requested told of taking chances. As she sang that song, she realized what he had done, and what she had done, and withdrew her resignation.

     Knowing she needed to go out and explore on her own, Ariana requested Duty at the Dyson sphere, and was granted DFA Exchange officer status to serve at Sentinel Station.

History: Ariana is settling into Sentinel Station. She has encountered a murder victim, and worked along side her friend, Eiwan, the Starfleet chief engineer of Sentinel Station, on investigating cyber attacks on the Sentinel stations computers. She investigated volcanic activity within the Dyson sphere, which proved to be a faulty piece of machinery transporting building materials to the sphere.

            Ariana has worked with the Lacosians on repair of a faulty geo wormhole transporter, explored the catacombs with an ecologist to ascertain the Lacosian position regarding the Kharian.  (Negotiations were way above her pay grade and she slipped out of those).

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