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Devon Alexander

Captain's Personal Log:   <Begin recording>  The away team has been exploring Madina Saba, the city of ghosts. We are trapped on RAK (Rub al'Kali) 114,000 years in the past on this planet.  We are finding a structured society, led by Bajorans imposing a caste system on other survivors of the time transport to this location.  All is not smooth running.  We have met Vash, who is systematically stealing artifacts for later transport home, although she has no way back as of yet.  We have met El, quiet and enigmatic, and helping us so far.  Vedek Kira is a relation to the Kira Nerys from Federation days.  She will be choosing our positions in society soon.  We will no longer be guests.  We are not sure what that will mean to us.

I have to report one casualty.  Cadet Ensign Jiri was found dead this morning.  Dessicated, holding the "canteen" we found in the Alien structure.  It turns out the jars, vases, and other descriptions we have been using are all Canopic jars, holding parts of the remains of the dead.  Lt. Riggi is postulating a theory that we may be seeing the marrying of two religions into one.  Human belief of a physical life after death, and the Bajoran banished Celestial beings returning to the living.  These two religions working in concert could have some catastrophic influence if they are right.

I have led a mission to the Pyramid, where we barely escaped the crocodiles and snake traps.  Inside may be what appears to be a red orb of Bajor.   More to follow.  The Hawk headed guards are arriving to escort us under guard back to the palace.

<end recording>

Devon Alexander

<Begin recording> Captain's Personal Log:  The away teams were separated, with Ensigns Dribu and Palachar with Admiral Dark at the cavern with the Drop ship.  The rest took shelter in the ground where the Borg had fired on our shuttle.  We awoke in the green silver glass chamber.  Six had not assimilated us.  Small fortunes there.  However, we no longer could climb out, the sand had evaporated according to Major Reynolds.  I have no other explanation at this point unless the storm blew it away.  Rose and cadet Yama climbed out and found we were atop a strange alien structure.  Splitting up, we made our way down, seeking an exit.  Fortune again smiled on us as two of our teams reached the artificial exit created in the past.  Janos says the chambers we traversed are filled with stories of royalty.  But Wishi suggested Dieties, that were Kosst Amoran, to be banished in the bajoran tongue.  We found an explorer who had not made it out, a recent but desiccated individual.

At the Alien structure opening we were greeted by the locals, drawn to the structure by the crashing statue Michael, Yama and Sgt Terros toppled to expose the secret tunnel underneath, allowing them to join the other two away teams.  The locals were led by Kira Ris, a Bajoran vedek, and a descendant of Kira Nerys.  She sent Jiri to First Priest Iah who healed Jiri's hand wounds, and welcomed us to the City of Ghosts; Madira Saba in the local dielect.

<End Recording>

<Begin recording> Personal log, supplemental.  We are beginning to get acclimated to the city.  We have had a chance to explore the mortuary, the Palace, and the temple.  Ensigns Palchar and Pak I sent to find an Astrogation chart or Star map of some sort to help us find where and when we are.  The Bajorans are telling us we are 114,000 years in the past.  Our explorations were interrupted by the appearance of a Dal'Rok, a smoke monster.  The local citizenry assemble to provide psychic energy to  the Vedek's to drive the creature away.  Ensign Wishi performed the Bajoran death chants herself.  Shaouli reached out telepathically and got 'burned.'  Xavier and I went exploring with Six, and Six killed a crocodile that attacked.  I sent Six back to Ensign Dribu with the carcass for further analysis, she barely made it back alive.  Xavier and I were then set upon by a number of crocodiles, perhaps those thwarted by six, and barely escaped ourselves, Xavier is critically injured.  We may need a miracle.  But we have some talented local healers, and Dr Adiar-Lovett, who may be the miracle we needed.  If she can pull off the healing the local's did on Jiri's hands, Xavier may survive. <end recording> Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

Devon Alexander

<Begin recording> Captain's Personal Log:  The rumors of a missing civilization revolve around a planet known as Rub al' Kali, or RAK as we have begun calling it.  It took a while to get the crew assembled for joining the search, although Lt Janos Riggi was energetic in getting the crew ready to go.  Given the deserted nature of the planet, the system, and well, even the sector, I have decided to allow our new cadet to come along with the away team.  I even managed to interest Dr Braun in visiting the planet.  We have a large contingent of interested explorers.  Hoping that Lt Shaouli's exposure to logistics and Lt Petalosa's freedom in shuttle organization improves their skills for command.

Captain's personal log, supplemental:  Okay, the planet is not desolate.  Riggi managed to stumble upon a pyramid, all of four feet tall.  Then we were ambushed by Borg.  Having fought them off, I think they are considering their options, as they have not renewed their attacks.  We caught a flash of light at the end of the battle, possibly the Borg ship's destruction?  I am apprehensive as Cromwell has not re-contacted us.  Could it be Cromwell that blew up?  Maybe both are lost?  We may be stranded.

Captain's Log: Engaged Borg.  Losses: Ensign Foster. 2LT Cassie "Subatomic Particles" Marshak.   Civilian Pilot Darros was injected with nanites, but has not been assimilated...yet.  Marine Drop ship currently stuck in a collapse of stone.  Shuttle 2 destroyed by Borg Orbital bombardment.  Shuttle Three is our only operational shuttle.  The weather is picking up, as is the atmospheric magnetic interference, grounding our last shuttle.  Borg are advancing on our position again.

Captain's log, supplemental: We have captured a Borg, or she surrendered.  Crewman medic Xavier was injected with nanites, but did not assimilate. I really can't say what happened during that combat during the storm. She may be damaged, and obviously still potentially dangerous.  There was one borg fighting another, so perhaps they are having internal problems as well.  Six of Twelve is wanting to find out why we are willing to resist.  This may be an opportunity to find out what is wrong with the borg, show the borg why the DFA can and will continue to resist them successfully.

Captain's Log, Final supplemental:  The away teams rode out the storm in caverns under the sand, we awake to find ourselves in a new world.  I know not where.  I know not when.

<End Recording> Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

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