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Devon Alexander

Captains Log:  The Eridi III missing away team is being tested by their situation.  The Cromwell doctors help the Dolamin citizen soldiers, and confront their own fears of war.  Tosk is still not totally released, and Michael as CO has volunteered to take his place as responsibility.  They are holding Tosk responsible for support of the killed Dolamin soldiers families,  The Dolamin tribunal, with Dov Haddrick's support, accepts the away team as soldiers, although undisciplined.  Tosk more so, and he is asked to perform re-training, meaning lots of push ups.  He gets off with the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. The rest of the team is released.  A few campfire stories were exchanged and beers were passed around, and the Eridi III away team was offered a chance to assist the Dolamin in an attack on the Arial.  The away team may be able to end hostilities between the Dolamin and the Arial once and for all. <Begin recording> Lt Braun appears, and within days, chaos erupts.  He has awoken Dr Oglethorpe, who while I am glad to see, but will make this duo a spectacle in Science.   The Magdalori away team has been missing, but some clever actions on Lini's part allowed a rescue of a tortured Dr Hathbom.  Ensign Shaouli performed double duty, saving the life on one of the Magdalori scientists having a heart attack, as well as stopping the terrorists from setting off the bombs they had been working so hard and so long to emplace in a secret bunker facility of the Magdalori.  I wanted to find out more about this facility, but Lini left her comm badge at the terrorists hide out, allowing a surprise raid by Cromwell.  Commander MarQ and his strike team were immediately deployed. Ensign Shaouli and Chief Inspector Navarro are going with the Marines to assist.  Hopefully we can end the terrorists threat once and for all. Cromwell has a new mystery appear with the discovery of a disabled fighter and an amnesic pilot.  If what she says is true, Starfleet is up to some fairly evil intentions with nanite controlled Bodies and experimental fighter craft.  Jinx senses that she may be an off shoot of the nanite research done on her.  Pronoun problems here.  It's Kaylan Jinx that was the initial subject.  This may be another 'The ends justify the means', or as Michael says, "the Galaxy is a dangerous place, sometimes we have to be dangerous right back".  Do we accept that as reasonable?  After "extreme vetting" we accepted NCS-001 aboard Crowmell.  She has no name that she is aware.  We will have to see if helping this pilot will help or hurt the DFA Starfleet relations.   Jinx, or perhaps I should say Lini, has discovered that the Magdalori are spying on their own people.  Chief Inspector Navarro denies this vehemently, and believes it to be the conspiracy people propagating this falsehood.  I am not sure who to believe.  But we have evidence of trackers in the form of bugged button eyes on the blue one eyed alien stuffed animals purchased at Rose Wall. With the return of the Magdalori away team, our attention returns to Eridi III.  If Major Reynolds away team is to return, it will have to be through the Stone Henge.  It may be our last hope for them.  I have dispatched Ginger, and the remaining Marines to secure the Stone Henge area so if Major Reynolds returns, they will have a safe beachhead to land.  I also sent NCS-001, with Ginger, to get a feel for her abilities and intentions.  Ginger and Jinx have concerns, which I can't ignore, but I can't help the feeling she is the victim, and not the criminal.  T'Thel though, was sent to spy upon us, why would Starfleet not do the same with NCS? Side note: T'Thel and Darros are still in the holodeck, perhaps I should check on them.  But what could go wrong in a holodeck? Jinx is accompanying the Marines to set up a fortress with the Marines and DFA Exeter.  This could be revolutionary for construction.  It will also allow us to use Stone henge area and the Fortress as a base of operations to eliminate the zombies from the southern peninsula of Eridi III once and for all. <end Log> Captain Carson Sesgaard Commanding Officer DFA Cromwell-B

XO report: One away team has returned, but the other is still missing. While Commander MarQ, Ensign Shouli and Lini work with the Magdalori natives to end the threat of alien influence on Magdalor, we are taking the majority of our marines, and a team of scientists and engineers to see if we can't figure out how that stone henge site works, and fortify the area around it in the hopes that our away team, who disappeared at this site, can somehow find their way back to us. We're fairly certain it is some kind of mass transport system, otherwise we would have seen signs of our away team by now, even if it was as zombies trying to eat our brains. We've also included our newest guest in the mission to Eridi III, NCS-001. She is disturbing. A Starfleet experiment into nanite control systems, using the very same nanites that run through our veins. The very same nanites that we were promised would never be used again. While we're on Eridi III, we've asked Captain Sesgaard to reach out to the Klingons. An old friend there might be able to shed some light into how NCS came to be. Lieutenant Commander Geran Jinx Executive Officer DFA Cromwell-B

Devon Alexander

Captains Log:  <Begin recording>      We had a surprise wedding in the middle of the night.   Major Michael  Reynolds and Arrian Nevala t'Kheall were handcuffed together for life in the Romulan tradition in the middle of the night before they were to go on an away mission.  The Ceremony was completed by Captain Sesgaard in the first act of it's kind aboard Cromwell under his command.  They were attended by Vedek Wishi, Lt Martis, and Baby Mike attended as a sleepy baby on the couch.  As was commented afterwards, finally a wedding on the Love Boat, and Carson's first wedding he presided over.      The zombie Away Team returned to Eridi III, and immediately went missing in action, although it took a while to figure that out.  The away team transported unknown distance and time, to end up immediately in a firefight on the far side of transport.  Tosk was killed, and Major Reynolds and Dr Shran were executed.  Except they weren't, because of an air raid by the enemy.  Tosk was actually being attended by Dr Shran, and Michael was being questioned.  The Dolamin Soldiers were professional, courteous, although their execution of potential prisoners bothered some of the team.  The introductions were interrupted by a drone strike by the Dolamin's enemies.  The Dolamin in the process, was able to shoot down a Drone Carrier.  The away team was taken with the security forces, and began to explore the downed carrier.  Thorn found the Drones curious, and likened them to the V1 buzz bombs of Earth's World War II, and passed the information on to Major Reynolds in a cleverly coded message through Janos, the team's recorder.  Meanwhile Tosk, a pair of Dolamin and even unarmed Reynolds and t'Kheall were able to capture the carriers drone pilot command center.  Tosk literally disarmed one of the pilots working on a console.  There, they discover, Thorn had thwarted the arming of a drone for self destruction.  It may be the Dolamin are telling the truth that their enemies are deceitful, dangerous, technologically advanced over the Dolamin, and do not willingly give up.  The drone strikes on Dolamin, which seem to have been long standing, bring a common enemy to both Dolamin and now the away team.  The drones do not differentiate the DFA contingent from Dolamin.  As the Dolamin put it, in war, everyone is a soldier.  The away team is still under guard, but slowly things are loosening up.  The Dolamin seem competent fighters, but they may be lacking in the technology department.  Will the away team help them?  Can they help them?  Would it be alright to help them if their own lives were in danger?  When word finally came from Eridi III of the away team disappearance, Captain Sesgaard went to relay this information to Rose Petalosa's sister, Lini.     On Magdalor, terrorist attacks on universities continue with a second attack. The Magdalor are feeling like they are always at war.  If Dr Hathbom is right, there may have to be more steps taken to secure locations, and yet the terrorists still mange to get past the defenses.  The Terrorists are clever and determined.  But so are the Magdalori.   A second away team was sent away team to rescue Dr. Hathbom, the criminal psychologist, and conspiracy theorist of Magdalor.  In preparing for the mission, the Cromwell crew, mainly Liaxi Yen and Ens. Shouli, with Lini, discover the Magdalorians are empathic, as well as accomplished liars, at least from a distance.  Up close, they cannot lie, because others would immediately recognize this, and others cannot lie to them as they get 'confusing signals' where words and emotions do not match.  Lini's attempts to lie confused the Magdalori sufficiently, they remain guarded.  However, they do not seem to have recognition of their innate ability, but accept it as another normal action such as walking or breathing.  They do not seem to have been able to proactively utilize the skill.  This proved useful to know as Ensign Shouli and Lini were exploring Rose Wall, a supposed location of an alien crash site, and were able to figure out how to slip through a door that phases into being when the workers show up.  Unfortunately, that made a second away team 'disappear' from Cromwell's overwatch.  Lini and Shaouli now find themselves in an immense warehouse, isolated away from Cromwell and her transporters and communications.      Captain Sesgaard turned to Commander MarQ for answers.  Banor was working with Chief Investigator Navarro, and helped uncover the Magdalori empathic abilities.  And, despite a misstep diplomatically, the Magdalori are desperate enough for help with the terrorists who continue to attack various sites on Magdalor, the Inspector and Commander MarQ were able to work out Dr Hathbom's coded messages to like minded conspiracy theorists.  Would it lead them to the next target?  Will it help in the rescue and recovery of Ens Shouli and Lini, and maybe even Dr Hathbom himself?      Out of sight, but not out of mind, Lt (jg) T'Thel attempted her Bridge officer training, and failed spectacularly.  The testing was immediately cut short by the captain, but allowed for retesting when she felt she was ready.  This time, the captain put her in the holodeck back on planet Vulcan, and also brought in her friend and pilot Darros into the test.  No one questions T'Thels engineering abilities, but will she figure out Sesgaard's challenge to become a bridge officer and a leader?  With the holodeck safeties disengaged by the captain, and no one checking on the pair, another two crewmen from Cromwell effectively disappear.  Will they too disappear or just get drunk on Vulcan brandy?     A new engineer was also challenged.  Ensign t'Nal was offered a puzzle by Chief Engineer Jinx from his holographic lab, and she responded admirably.  She was rewarded with a PTB (Personal Transport Buffer).  t'Nal will be another good addition to the already strong engineering department.  She is currently meeting the quirky department chief, crew and officers.      With several ongoing mysteries, it will be up to the Cromwell crew to untangle the problems, and devise a solution, each to their own unique quandary.  The strength of working together will have to be limited to each isolated group. <end Log> <Addendum>      We may have just found our secret weapon for solving these problems, or potentially a new problem to further drive us towards the abyss.  Kevin Braun, long listed as MIA, has suddenly reappeared at our 11th hour, having traveled forward to the future, landing here, in this time.  Why now?  Why here?  We will have to wait to see. Captain Carson Sesgaard, commanding.  DFA Cromwell-B. <end log>

XO report: XO's log: Cromwell is quiet this month, with a load of the marines on Eridi III, the Eridi away team is ancestors know where, and yet another team on Magdalori, investigating the 'alien menace'. Michael and t'Khaell, freshly married if scuttlebutt is to be believed, are both part of the Eridi III mission, which means there is a newborn on Cromwell, without either of his parents. We hope Eric is up to the task. Along with Michael and t'Khaell, we're missing Janos, Emma, Thorn, and Tosk. We can only hope that they make it back safely. It might be a good thing that we're missing Thorn, or Rose as she is actually called, since we're also missing her sister, Lini. Well, sister, or clone, or something along those lines. Either way, Lini is on the planet below us, Magdalor, along with one of our more recent additions to the crew, Ensign Shouli, and they have both disappeared too. Fortunately, Shouli seems have a level head on her shoulders, so I'm hopeful that they will be ok. They were working with Commander MarQ and one of the natives, Navarro, so they may be able to give a guess as to what happened. T'Thel is still missing the point about the DFA and what we stand for, but we're hopeful that she will figure it out. The Captain has her going through some kind of simulation, but for some reason, he won't share the details with us. We're a little annoyed with the Captain right now. We were looking forward to getting to know our new Doctor, Adair Lovett, better. She struck us as the type that would enjoy a warpcore whiskey, so were going to invite her to join Michael and us for a drink, but no. Carson had to go and put her on the night shift. Well, hopefully our paths will cross again someday. Finally, we have a(nother) new engineer on board who is quite promising. t'Nal took the lizards in stride, appreciates the PTB, and likes to tinker. We expect to have much fun with her. Oh, and in other news, Bob says his new blend is growing nicely in hydroponics, so pretty soon Cromwell will have not only it's own brand of whiskey, but also it's own blend of coffee. <End Log> Lieutenant Commander Geran Jinx Executive Officer DFA Cromwell-B

Devon Alexander

Captains Log:  <Begin recording>

     Cadet Ensign Shaouli led an away team to the Planet Magdalor.  Dr Hathbom, and Lini went with her to find the caterers who are suspects in the explosion at the Warp Theory Institute. The team immediately fell apart with them scattering and being pulled out individually by transporter.  We were able to get Lini at the last minute.  I fear this will lead a bad impression on the team, and I am reluctantly resetting them to try again.  This time I will have Commander MarQ helping with Intel.  We still have one man missing, a local doctor, Dr Hathbom, a criminal psychologist who is also a conspiracy theorist.  Unfortunately, it seems a lot of his theories are true, and proving embarrassing to the Magdalorians.  The Magdalorians are becoming quiet again, although the contacts we have made remain helpful an open, Chief Inspector Navarro foremost among them.

     This last month had its share of aborted and error ridden away team missions.  On Eridi III, Major Reynolds and his team of Lt. Petalosa, Dr. Shran, Ensign Riggi crashed Jinx's shuttle.  The systems seem to have blown when there was an unexpected power surge at some ancient monument.  Janos Riggi says it's a Stone Henge.  DFA Exeter was on scene and able to beam the crew out of danger, and later get engineers to tow the shuttle in for repairs.  I think with the experience behind them, they will be much more successful in their next attempt to explore where the zombies are coming from, which seems to be near this Stone Henge.  I do have to say, as a team, Michael, Shran, Petalosa and Riggi seemed to work.  Tosk, however, is a loose cannon, both figuratively and literally.

     On a much brighter note, we were able to recall the crew to the ship for holidays, even though we could not grant extended leave for anyone given the immediacy for the missions to commence at the beginning of the new year.

     Cadet Ensign Shaouli was promoted to Ensign.  Despite what she may think about the initial mishaps on her away team, I have confidence that things will work out better in the new year.  I cannot be hypocritical, I would not have made it past Lt. if one bad away mission determined your career.   And as Michael is fond of saying, the Galaxy is a dangerous place.

     On that note, we also received a Christmas Miracle.  Arrian t'Kheall returned, and with a baby.  I am working with Romulan authorities, delicately right now, in order to determine what status she can have.  It is delicate right now, since all I have been doing has been in the hypothetical realm.  Side note, it is nice to see Michael not moping around anymore.  I was going to shake that boy up after the New Year; now I don't, much relieved.

     With the new year brings our new mid year replacements.  t'Nal has joined engineering.  I think this will help t'Thel.  First, we have two vulcans working together in engineering, although I hear t'Nal is mixed with Bajoran, so I am not sure whether to introduce her to Lt Martis first or t'Thel.  Knowing Jinx, he'll probably meet t'Nal first anyways.  I am looking forward to meeting her myself.  I am also going to try and get T'Thel her bridge officer training.  Should be a simple thing for a Vulcan to pass.

     Also, we have finally manage to get a full complement of physicians on board, if you include Dr. Shran and EMH1.  Dr Adair-Lovett arrived, and has, what I think, may be a firey personality, but that may be the scotch talking.  Jinx of course, plied her with Warp Core whiskey at the Christmas party.  I will have to set up a meeting with the Doctor after the New Year.

     Commander MarQ has been busy with his personal Krenim contacts, and I expect his return after the New Year as well.

     On the Civilian side, Bob and Mary have been most helpful with Lini while Thorn was off ship.  I am going to have to rely on them and Ms Yen when I again send Thorn to Eridi III.  

     Santa showed up again this year.  I had concerns it would not happened, but the Christmas program did not fail to impress yet again.  Shaouli shined with her knowledge of the time period, recognizing the host and hostesses, as well as puzzling through a minor mystery one of our hosts tossed at us.  All our new crewmembers received a Ficus plant at Christmas.  I must be getting old, I may be one of the few crew who remembers Dr. Oglethorpe, who disguised his biosignature as a ficus plant when the Borg invaded the ship, generating this tradition.  As it is, that was even before I arrived as a mere ensign.  I think Banor and Martis may be the only two left who were actually present.  I may be able to include Dr. Oglethorpe as he is still in cryogentic suspension in the science department though.

    But Cromwell is not about the past, traditions aside.  I must say, I am looking forward to the adventures this coming year.

    "Na' Fa-Ga"  Forward to Tomorrow. (*Vulcan)

    Captain Carson Sesgaard, Commanding, DFA Cromwell-B.

<end Log>

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