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Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.10 Captains Log:  In one of the proud moments of DFA Fleet History, one of Cromwell's own, Lt. Tule, was promoted to Lt. Commander and tapped for XO duty on Starbase Phoenix.  I will be escorting her there, and at the same time, have the honor of inducting another Starfleet officer into the DFA ranks.  With T'Thel, who is becoming acclimated to Cromwell, that will make two I have done so with, although most of my senior crew has ties to the old Federation. Jinx, also newly promoted to Lt. Commander, will take Cromwell to Eridi III to fix the wall while I head to Magdalor after Phoenix to find a pair of missing cadets.      Major Reynolds is rotating the marine defenders of Jinx's Galdalorian wall, while trying to find out why there are still zombies roaming the southern continent.  He and Lt Thorn, assisting the Major, found themselves arriving at the height of the third wave attack of the month.      Our two cadets on Magdalor are caught up by a criminal psychologist, and a conspiracy theorist,  who believe aliens are secretly landing on his planet.  He recruits the cadets to help prove his theory, thereby freeing them from the recognition police.  They prove his theories right by beaming Captain Sesgaard off the planet to their runabout.  Despite the SNAFU, Sesgaard agrees something unusual is likely going on with the Magdalori, and the three DFA officers begin an investigation with Dr Hathbom about these unidentified aliens.      Yen settles into the crazy ship, and has an immediate full schedule.  Who knew?  Maybe our last Counselor who fled the situation?      Eric Desson called a staff meeting for the non-crew of Cromwell.  They will be put on the front line of diplomacy with the Magdalori.  One never knows what to expect on Cromwell.  Even Civilians and ex-slaves are asked to contribute.

XO report: As the month draws to a close, we find ourself back in the command chair once more. This time, it is to escort Cromwell to Magdalor, where we will collect our Captain, and the latest additions to the crew, a pair of cadets, and an Engineering Lieutenant.      This month, we were happy to bring on board Liaxi Yen, a (telepathic) civilian counsellor, who, we hope, will help Lini in getting settled in to her new life. There was a bit of a rocky start, although we believe that was more Thorn’s fault, Thorn being Lini’s guardian/caretaker.      While Thorn is stationed on Eridi III with Major Reynolds, Dr Shran, and half of our marine contingent, Bob and Mary Hoskins are looking after Lini. Hopefully while there they will be able to determine where the extra Galdalorian infected are coming from.      The DFA has a new recruit! Lieutenant T’Thel, formerly of Starfleet, has defected to our ranks, after being asked by Starfleet Intelligence to spy on Cromwell. Her moral issues about being ordered to spy on an ally caused her to choose defection over compliance. Good for her, and for us - she has some final pieces of training to do, but we believe that, once done, she will make a fine Chief of Engineering.      We are more than a little concerned about Starfleet’s attitude towards the DFA. They seem to see us as reluctant children, who need to be brought home, even though they could not be further from the truth.      Commander MarQ was present to help promote Lieutenant Tule before Captain Sesgaard left to escort her to Starbase Phoenix, where she will take up her new role as station XO. Quite a promotion for a beta shift Ops officer, and we wish her nothing but the best of luck.      We were also promoted to Lieutenant Commander, probably a good thing since the Captain has been of travelling. Not for much longer though. We are en route to Magdalor, where we will meet up with him, hand him the keys to Cromwell, so to speak, then return to Eridi III to assist with the improvements to the wall.

Devon Alexander

Stardate: 2416.09

Captains Log:  "The Admiral undermining the DFA Command has slipped though our investigation.  While we have narrowed the suspects, we still seem to be missing a single key piece of evidence.  Who has ties to Starfleet Intelligence Admiral Harper?"

"With the threat of Romulan attack resolved, and no external threat pressuring the Alliance, the DFA has returned to status quo, with uneasy alliances with both the Romulan and Federation.  Admiral Grey has reinstated Cromwell's flagship status and her DFA Exploration and Diplomatic fleet has been sent on various missions.  Our mission is to evaluate the Magdalori request to join the DFA after their successful Warp Ship trials.  We are also to inquire to the whereabouts of a three person engineering team, including two cadets, with whom we have lost contact."

Carson Sesgaard, Commanding.  

DFA Cromwell-B

The DFA academy Cadets on Magdalroi are on their own.  A terrorist attack at the celebration of the Warp ship trial, killing the senior officer Lt. Kalmanson along with Dr Grinish, the chief Warp Physicist of the Magdalori.  Cadets were then 'arrested' and taken into custody.  Cadet Delroy has Magdalori genes in his system, and Cadet Shaouli is remaining by his side to defend him.  They were questioned by the 'Recognition Security forces', but it turns out the lead investigator is a criminal psychologist.  There is a lot of suspicion, but thus far, security has not arrested them, or even disarmed the cadets.

Jinx and Banor confront multiple enemies.... DFA Command moles and infiltrators, and espionage spy T'Thel.  The spying from T'Thel on Cromwell hits home, and questioning ensues. An intense philosophical debate among Krenim, Vuclan and Trill breaks out.

Jinx and Banor confront the committee of the five.  Questions were asked, but not all questions were answered.  With the DFA Committee of five breaking up, and the issue of reunification unresolved, the status quo returns.  No one thinks this is the end of that story though.  Jinx enlists the aid of a civilian counselor, Cromwell's most recent new crew taken aboard, to assist in the ongoing investigation.

Lini makes a new friend in Stumpy, and Rose Petalosa crosses an old 'friend' at the bar.  This matter complicates Thorn's attempts to gain guardianship of Lini aboard Cromwell.  Dr Shran and Captain Sesgaard are able to secure places at Stellar Tradewinds slave re-integration facility for the two, but, to their surprise, the offer of Stellar Tradewinds expertise is turned down, at least for the time being.  It must have been a compromise, as none of the parties seemed totally happy with the end result.  Sesgaard places the continued discussion under Jinx and Dr Shran's direction, who are in charge of personnel.  For the time being, Lini will work for Bob and Mary, although Carson secretly wonders if that was a good decision of employing a former slave for that position.  Thorn's, and Lini's, medical condition causing mental shutdown after removal of stimuli is explored by Dr Shran.

Carson hosts a dinner.  Dessert was missed by Celeste Sinclair and Carson Due to S'Task's  arrival over Babylon.  As Carson had invited them, forcing him to juggle dates.  Celeste and Carson travel to the DFA Command center aboard Babylon, to be met by khre'Riov t'Pal.  Behind closed doors, neutrality and non-aggression were the operative words.  Officially, the Alliances still hold.

Despite a late start, Cromwell finally sets sail for Magdalori to find their wayward cadets.  Liaxi Yen, the ships new counselor, chooses 'Dare' as the send off song, continuing the tradition of setting of on new adventures to song.  While in transit, another impromptu gig for Michael, now joined by Rose, and Jinx in Tors' bar 10 forward gets the crew singing, and playing together again.

Devon Alexander

Captains Log:   "Diplomacy has failed.  It looks more and more likely someone will have to fight the Romulans." Captain Sesgaard did not leave the Cromwell, and crew in an easy defensive position.  In a negotiation, Carson allowed S'Task's Legions to take control of Cromwell, but allowed Jinx, MarQ and Martis to leave defenses in place.  tr'Saren, in command of the S'Task would send a 'show of occupation' force over to Cromwell.  The plan was then to have Cromwell's crew assist in what ever mission S'Task was going to undertake to assist their Riov.  But the mission instead was one of patient waiting.  It is discovered DFA officers are not very proficient at that. t'Pal is named khre'Riov in charge of the 6th swarm, the very fleet moving into position for a pre-emptive strike on the DFA. Carson moves to recover Cromwell, and Jinx's Defenses are activated, first putting the Legionnaires into the cargo hold and then asleep.  While sleeping they are transported to S'Task along with their weapons.  t'Pal returns to S'Task and calls Cromwell and says they are ready to leave in 30 minutes.  A sudden change in action after a week of non-action?  Carson, concerned they are moving Cromwell away from Romulus in conjunction with the beginning of the attack on the DFA, thereby preventing Cromwell from undermining any military productions/logistics over ch'Rihan gets Cromwell immediately on the move.  Captain Sesgaard decides diplomacy has failed and decides discretion is the better part of valor and it is best to get the crew out of there and back home before he can lose his ship for a second time. Cromwell's daring escape maneuver through the upper atmosphere is taken as aggressive action by the Romulans spiraling diplomacy out of contention.  Cromwell, with it's small silhouette, is able to cut through on a shorter inside track to escape on the far side of the planet from a pursuing S'Task.  Cromwell escapes to the B'Tran nebula and meets up with the Warlord, Jinx's old cohort, and now, Carson's last ace up his sleeve.  Warlord, a station sized ship, under the command of General Elsie Storm, honors the Klingon DFA alliance, and the old ties to Jinx, to help Cromwell. Docking within Warlord, they transwarp to the DQ, and the DFA Territories in an attempt to stop the Romulan attack.

Cromwell is not without her own problems.  Two slaves had been brught aboard through various routes.  Lini was 'rescued', requested to returned, and because of delays, finds it too dangerous to return and stays on Cromwell.  Ishana, is aided in an escape, but as Crowmell transwarps out of range of her master, the same tr'Saren who temporarily commanded S'Task, a restraint collar activates, euthanizing her while she sat eating.

Cromwell's current record for helping slaves is 2 for 4 of getting slaves out so far.  It is discovered Lini has an explosive in her femoral artery, which Dr. Shran removes. Romulans continue with their plans.  On the other side of the Galaxy, Cromwell's soon to be newest cadets have to dodge sneaking cloaked Romulans moving through DFA space.  Their report provided the independent confirmation that may have shifted the big five conference to seriously consider rejoining Starfleet.  disguising their observations as 'local anomalies' the Cadets are able to continue on to Magdalor, where the cadets Rory and Coop met and the designer of the warp ship, Dr. Grinish, and her captain Fangdalor. They were privileged to see the inaugural flight of the MSS Horizon, the Magdalorians first warp capable ship, bringing the Magdalorians into the Warp Age. Cromwell Intercepts t'Santern's flagship, and Carson challenges her to a duel under Romulan custom and law.  She abides, but by sending a champion.  t'Pal and her officers aboard S'Task also arrive, and Starfleet, as 'neutral observers' watch as Carson is almost killed by the dual dagger wielding warrior, who forgot one thing that Carson remembered;  "We are different.  Not just in what we believe, but where we keep our hearts and livers."  What the legionnaire assumed had been a fatal blow was not, and Carson was able to regain his feet and thrust the sword through the Champion Romulan's heart. The Romulan sixth Swarm is splintered, going between t'Pal and t'Santern.  Without a cohesive fleet to attack, and with Warlord assisting DFA fleet ships over the Dakkus ship yards, the Romulan attack is called off; t'Santern because of her loss in the duel.  Cromwell begins to travel to Babylon, and receives a surprise visitor, tr'Saren from S'Task.  It ignites a faint hope in Carson, that people like tr'Saren and Commander MarQ, Jinx and t'Khellian may bridge the gaps, and perhaps then, people he and t'Pal can meet, and understand each other, and perhaps work together.

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