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Devon Alexander

Eridi III is left with a forcefield wall, erected by the DFA Engineers, led by Jinx, in order to keep the remaining Zombies at bay in the southern part of the continent.  Manned by a contingent of Marines, as long as no Galdalorians head south, the separation should protect the Galdalorian population in the north. A monitoring satellite is set up in orbit to watch for unintended landings on the southern continent.  If the landing party is inoculated against Mintakan flu, it will provide immunity from the infectious prions carried by the zombies.  It does not protect against the physically destructive zombies, always on the prowl for prey to eat. 

Major Reynolds and Commander MarQ are placed into isolation, given the attack on them by Zombies, in the process of acquiring a Zombie test subject for Dr Shran.  That left Lieutenant Adams, Red S'Hirt and Marines to defend the wall while medical worked out the details.

Dr's Shran, Krieg, EMH1 and a new Kzinti Doctor worked with Dr Argo of the Galdalorians, to figure out how the Zombie infection worked, how it was transmitted, and why Cromwell crew did not get infected but Galdalorians invariably transformed.

Meanwhile Engineering had their own Puzzle to solve about continued malfunctions and they are closing in on that solution too...

Cromwell's malfunctions are nearly solved.  T'Thel, Jinx, DW 179 are working to identify the power source, the vectors and timing of the effects of the malfunctions that have been plaguing Cromwell for the last four months...Only two pieces of the puzzle remain...Who did this, and where is the machinery to accomplish this?  To add insult to injury, It is looking more and more like the Galdalorians are the source, and this after the DFA rescue of 2/3 of the planets population from Galdalorian zombies..

Cromwell sets sail for new horizons.  She is to meet Borderlands RSE S'Task for escort to the heart of the Romulan Empire.  What will this encounter lead to?  Stay tuned for the S'Task and Cromwell Crossover!

Devon Alexander

Cromwell's Crew was rescued from a sea of Zombies on Eridi III.  And then the Christmas program began on Cromwell... except for a few errors.  Such as it was set on the beach, with lighted Palm trees, Rastafarian Half sized elves and roasted holographic Lizards...which taste amazingly like holographic chicken.  But everyone seemed to have a good time.  Santa paid a visit, being pulled in a red boat by eight tiny red jet skis.  Presents were distributed.   We had a Starfleet visitor for our party, thank you for an entertaining visit Darros.  A bet about a surfing bikini clad Vulcan transferred one Starfleet fighter jacket to Carson, who then lost it to same said Vulcan babe. Eridi III is left behind with a contingent of Marines and a newly constructed to wall to keep the Zombies trapped on the southern part of the continent, because that always works. There is a message awaiting Carson Sesgaard from DFA Command... What does the new year portend for Cromwell?

Devon Alexander

NRPG: What are Zombies doing in my Star Trek storyline?  And why is all my tech breaking?

The Marines and a select away team beam down to a Romulan secret base, and find...Zombies, made up of Romulans and Galdalorians.  The team split up to find Cromwell's XO.  They found her locked in a cage with a creepy romulan child who told Nevala the Romulans had experimented on her... and him.  It seems she holds a vulcan father's Katra in her brain.  All the others 'died, but did not die.'  Nevala, tr'Mori and the creepy girl, if the story is true, locked themselves in the cage, to protect themselves from the creatures that now roam the hidden complex.

tr'Mori is dead, having been pulled through the bars and eaten.  Unfortunately, he had the key to the cage.  Somewhere in the stomach of a zombie is the key to get them out. Banor, Michael and Janos 'rescue' Nevala, by blowing up the lock but are now cut off from the main team, and they have just destroyed the locks on the cage that could have protected them from the zombies, in order to get Nevala and the girl out. 

The creatures attack the other half of the team around the same time, and drag one Marine off into their midst.  Following Major Reynolds orders, the rest retreat to the elevator, and then to the surface to get reinforcements.  A second Marine is bitten in the calf, but don't worry.  He is fine, once they got the bleeding under control.  With the elevator up top again, they find out Cromwell cannot assist them due to multiple malfunctions.  They also just trapped Major Reynolds team down with the creatures they themselves, only just escaped.

Aboard Cromwell, everything is falling apart and Sesgaard and T'Thel are left to try and sort it out.  The pool has flooded the deck (Whose idea was it to put the main computers on the same deck as the pool!?)  JInx and T'Thel had set a trap for suspected saboteurs. They caught... nothing, and parts continue to break.  It is becoming evident that the same parts are breaking even if they are replaced with quality control checked replicated parts.

Cromwell continues to be plagued by Machinery gremlins. These technical problems are carrying through to items off Cromwell.  A PTB of the Marines broke, The fighters and shuttles backing up the away team have crashed and now transporters are down until they can be determined safe for use.  

The away team is trapped on the surface.  Cromwell informs them there are multiple biosignatures heading their direction. The flight crew of Red, Ginger and a very large, but hopefully friendly cat/doctor are moving to escape on their own while zombie creatures pursue them.

The Zombies may not be fast, but they are relentless once they catch your scent, so says the doctor.  Whoa be to the wounded  who are slowed.  And Ginger is in serious condition, cradled in the big cat's arms.

Stay tuned.

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