<Stardate 2422.05 - Six of Twelve - Begin Log>
We arrived at Babylon Station and spoke to an individual who was designated as Liasion between Cromwell and the officer who arrested Anara, whose designation is Lt Blunt. We do not know why a liaison was required or why we could not speak to Lt Blunt directly. We were also forbidden from seeing Anara as she was being processed. Her processing seemed inefficient. We suggested assimilating the laision but were told this would be ineffective as he did not have the data we required. We also suggested assimilating the computer system but Captain Sesgaard said that would not be required at this time. Lt Petalosa contacted an individual on New Kyushu who contacted some individuals on Campanella. The Champanellan militia responded by stationing individuals outside of Babylon's detention centre. Cromwell's away team was described by the news reporters as 'Sesgaard's dogs'. We were told this was a metaphor, but we are unsure what for.
We had an interview with one of the news reporters but much of the data she provided in her report was incorrect or incomplete. Lt Petelosa suggested that the United Federation of Planets may have been involved in Anara's arrest.
There was a series of explosions on the Phision Promenade. An alarm was activated indicating a mass-casualty event. Details are still being collected but it is our understanding that several individuals were killed and many more were damaged. Colonel MarQ said that now was the time to assimilate the data from the computer, so we injected our nanoprobes. When we did this, we found another set of Borg nanoprobes, not belonging to Six of Twelve or any of the drones aboard Cromwell. This was unusual, as we could not detect another Borg presence aboard the station. The nanoprobes appear to have been programmed to override replicator safety precautions and create the explosives that were set off across the promenade.
An unexploded bomb was found by Captain Sesgaard and Lt Commander Martis. It had Lt Commander Martis' DNA on it and was of a specification often used by the Champellan Malitia. Lt Commander Martis and One of Six deactivated the bomb.
Lt Brunt came to detain Lt Commander Martis. Captain Sesgaard said that we must not kill him, but we do not know why. He then said that we must 'make a decision ourself' so we asked Colonel MarQ but by the time we had decided that transportation would be the most appropriate solution, the problem had already been solved. Lt Commander Martis and Lt Tas (update designation to Martis Tas) got married. Brinn told us that marriage was like assimilation, when two units join into one. We assume that this is why part of the designation from one unit is shared with the other?
Lt Brunt took Lt Commander Martis to be detained. Captain Sesgaard and Colonel Reynolds went with her. Before she could be detained, the group was attacked by marines who wore the 264th Battalion uniform but did not actually belong to it and Anara was taken by an individual who we now know is designated 'Jade' and who works for Starfleet Intelligence. She was not stealing Anara, but helping her escape. Colonel Reynolds was badly damaged in the fight. Lt Commander Martis and Captain Sesgaard transported with him to Darkhorse where he was treated by Lt t'Khaell.
Meanwhile, Crewman Hazelilly and Rock Jumper-12 were helping the medics on Babylon rescue those who were injured in the explosion. After that was done, Kit sent them to supervise Cromwell's subunits, who were together in an Ice Cream Parlour. They met a new subunit designated 'Melina' who belongs to one of Cromwell's security officers along with Daniel Forest, who is Anara's child. While they were discussing what to do with Daniel, who was wanted by Babylon authorities, Neilson and Melina ran away.
Cromwell was boarded by 900 marines from Babylon. Lt Mallory took command of Cromwell and sent a message to all department heads to return to the vessel. Kit and Colonel MarQ transported all of the marines off, except those who were protected by a dampening field on the bridge. Six of Twelve tracked a Borg signal which had recently appeared to the lowest deck of the station and found a neonatal drone, Neilson, Melina and a Species 5618 individual designated 'Nobody'. Neilson said that we should detain Nobody, as he was a threat. We fired on him, but the Neonatal drone (Designation: Little One) jumped in front of the blast. Neilson, Nobody and Little One transported away. We then received a message from Colonel MarQ. He required backup as while he and Kit had transported all of the marines of Cromwell, they had also transported Colonel MarQ. We were about to engage in combat with the Marines before Captain Sesgaard transported Six of Twelve and Colonel MarQ to Darkhorse.
Crewman Hazelilly and Rock Jumper 12 found Melina while Tas accompanied Daniel, Toby and Sally to the Campanellan Embassy. Aboard Darkhorse, Captain Sesgaard explained everything that had been happening and provided commands. Jade had arrived with Anara. Darkhorse was found by Babylon security and detained. Captain Sesgaard told the crew to comply with Babylon's commands and went to speak with Admiral Hood.
Neilson was detained in a room with Little One but he escaped through a vent and deactivated the dampening field that was hiding the new location. Little One saw him but did not stop him. Nobody did not see him. Neilson gathered some information after his escape by listening to a conversation Admiral Blunt had with Nobody. Admiral Blunt was connected to the explosions and Anara's arrest. Neilson told this to Kit and Lt Greene when they transported to Babylon to Collect him. Kit took Neilson to meet with Captain Sesgaard and Admiral Hood, while Lt Greene took Four of Seven, Six of Twelve and Colonel MarQ to find Little One.
Little One was alone when we found it. It said that Nobody was not there but that the explosion they were planning would not affect Cromwell anyway. Colonel MarQ said that this data was incorrect. Little One said it would help us deactivate the explosion, provided we do not harm Nobody once he is found.