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Devon Alexander

Stardate 2414.06

Our players were invited to create a recent DFA Cadet to join the Cromwell crew on their cadet Cruise.  A practical joker made up an android named "Ensign Who."  Not to be outdone, a  pair of twins named Yu and Mi also appeared.  We also have a Kazon Scientist, A French security officer, A fresh female ferengi engineer, A Klingon chef, who dropped out of school to go on the cruise.  And El Aurian out to explore the universe for the first time... Cadets seem to keep popping up.

Clues had been left behind by Captain Sesgaard.  "One day something will ring a bell with you" he had told his first officer.  Titanics bell was used in a memorial ceremony for the 200+ crew missing, and presumed lost on the return of Cromwell to their original timeline.  Captain Reynolds, Lt. Jinx and Commander MarQ puzzled out how Sesgaard could have survived.  Maria wonders how she was able to survive Titanic herself.

Not all were convinced, Emma Shran, our hitchhiker from the alternate timeline is convinced Sesgaard is a murderer, locking Cromwell crew and Titanic passengers in the second class restaurant while the ship sank.  Her words may be working, the EMH, who did not go with the Cromwell crew, launched his own investigation.

Jinx has grown to believe his actions, as strange as they may be, and as typically cryptic, were purposeful.  Why sacrifice all power to a failing Cromwell but keep computers on over life support?  Why have the crew and passengers remove shoes before entering the second class restaurant?

Jinx may be right.  The command crew has found an equation, secretly written inside Titanics bell with the formula for time travel using the old Enterprise slingshot effect.  Is the command crew going to risk a six month trip to historical earth after a time travel of 400 years?  They would be on their own, having to avoid Borg, Vulcans and Andorians along the way.

The cadets are luckily out of the picture for this high level rebellion.  But we have happy singing, partying cadets on their first cruise.  But being DFA officers already has gotten their curiosity up and them into trouble.   A borg Hand is set free.  A Marine training exersize has turned deadly.  And the head nurse has to sing disco to an irrate rock and rolling marine....

The trials and tribulations of Cromwell continue.

Devon Alexander

Stardate 2414.05  Cromwell Arrives at Chetzia

Captain's Log:   Cromwell crosses paths with a small transport from a Romulan d'Deridex, who happens to be crewed by Nevala's Alternate universe body guards, transporting fruits and Hholear.  The 'fruits' turn out to be smuggled slaves, again slaves the Crowmell crew had known and worked with in the alternate universe.  Small worlds, although the slaves and Romulans did not seem to recognize the Cromwell crew.  They did find it uncanny the Cromwell crew knew so much about them, and it frightened the Romulans.  The DFA must have some good intel.

Cromwell finally reached Chetzia in time for graduation at the DFA academy.  with a Romulan XO exchange officer, and Sesgaard listed as MIA, DFA COmmand downgraded the ship status to Cadet Cruise training ship for the time being.  Cadets of various experience are beginning to report to the ship for their first space cruise.

Meanwhile, We have had a very interesting ethical discussion about actions taken by command characters.  There is the disagreement between jinx and the Holograms, with Emma serving as mediatior.  But when it comes to Sesgaard, Emma is passionately against his decisions before he was lot on Titanic.  More may be coming of this as others of the crew hear of his actions.

Devon Alexander

Stardate  2414.04.15 Cromwell Crew re-appears in current timeline after Titanic sinks, after being reported at MIA by the aCMO to DFA Command at Christmas time. 

Captains' Log" The crew returns from a second visit to Titanic.  This time the ship goes down with the captain and a significant portion of the crew.  The Roster lists many MIA, mostly NPCS, and unnamed individuals, but a few PC who have been AWOL have been placed into this category as well.  Maria had the hard decision of Leaving on a lifeboat or staying with the sinking Titanic.  Last anyone saw of Sesgaard he was standing in the light on the bridge by the ships bell and the ship began to go under.

Most of the crew awakes aboard Cromwell six months after they left it the first time for Titanic.  The ship has continued to cruise along, maintained by holograms.  As the crew comes to grips with the fact that Sesgaard is among the MIA, Nevala has to step up and take command of the DFA Cromwell-B.  How long will it be before the crew is bowing before the Romulan leader?  Was it a mistake to allow an exchange officer the XO position?

The Holograms are back!  Jinx wants to tinker with their programming, but they seem reticent to allow this.  Emma Shran may have missed her calling as a diplomat as she was able to de-escalate the misunderstandings between the EMH and Jinx from Engineering.  But Poor Martis still instills a fear type reaction in the holograms.

Banor confronts Q, and was able to sort through a lot of timeline issues.  Nevala's Interactions was more typically Romulan, she punched Q.  Sheval appreciates the sentiment.  Trenn unfortunately missed the event, and may have been able to prevent a disgruntled Q from disappearing before answering more questions.

212 of Cromwell's crew are missing.  As the crew considers possibilities, such as, are they even rescuable, Cromwell is ordered to Chetzia where the ship will effectively be decommissioned as a Flagship, and nearly so as a true space vessel, and relegated to a training vessel, carrying Cadets on their maiden cruises. Coming Next Month:  Training of Cadets and how to follow (or not follow) regulations 

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