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Jonathan Moore

Task force Archangel, Led by the DFA Cromwell-B is en route to Faleron, a planet doomed to collide with the debris of a neighboring world. Cromwell's Mission to evacuate as many of the inhabitants as they possibly can, which will unfortunately only be 1.2% of that planet's population. Who to save, who to leave behind...? The crew must struggle with both the challenges their mission will face and the knowledge that 98.8% of that world will certainly die. Are they Heroes,... or just inadequately completing a task. Every character must decide for themselves, but their duty is clear, Save as many as they can!

As always: There is still time to defect to the DFA! (it's a joke,... even if it's true!)

Jonathan Moore

Cromwell, after a short battle with a mercenary Klingon Bird of Prey, have efforted repairs on both it and the Vulcan ship in the area. Several crew members were called upon to interact on both vessels to secure and repair and both situatiobns went smoothly. We were shocked by the arrival of a Romulan and the addition of her as an exchange officer. What this will bring the crew, we can only imagine. Also, a civilian began operation of a private lounge area aboard ship, and has unofficially become the ships Morale Officer. After repairs and a few checks, all three ships made the trip to the Vulcan homeworld of Kazaras.

Now having made landfall, several of the ships crew are planetside, negotiating and studying. Capt. Lessa Anara and the Ambassadors have met with the Council Chair to find out the reason the Vulcans have sought out the DFA, while other elements of the planets culture have made themselves known. Lt. Cassidy and a skeleton crew are in orbit, maintaining a rather astute vigil.

Jonathan Moore

On our way to Chetzia system to look into True Way activity we stumbled over a debris field. The debris was recovered and coming from a ship we began an investigation. It was found to be debris from the Spirit of Kelora (see BL wiki). Contact was made with the Devu Mounted Police in regards to this cold case

Our plot got side tracked a little with some heavy spy intrigue. Cromwell picked up a distress call from a DFA shuttle contain our new Ambassador that we did not know about? Shortly after the rescue our Chief of Operations Ensign Kane turned out to be a True Way agent showing his colours by assaulting the CMO and a security guard to stealing a micro-disk hidden in the skin of the new Ambassador. Luckily for us the Doctor made a copy… Kane then assaulted Ambassador Ramdori in his quarters before beaming out to a cloak True Way ship hiding in our warp trail. Cromwell detected the ship and went to red alert only to suffer major sabotage with a ship wide power failure that Kane had set in place to cover his escape.

Micro-disk data after investigations found it to be communication, command codes, diplomatic information and crew listing for the USS Olmsted.

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