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Jonathan Moore

In the aftermath of the Cardassian/Breen ambush, the Cromwell and it's crew are now dealing with the ramifications. The DFA has declared war against the Cardassian/Breen/insert third party here alliance, and are only now discovering what that means.

The crew organized a small get together on the holodeck, taking advantage of what little time for relaxation they would have before the realities of war and their next assignment set in. Set in a lavishly decorated casino, the social occasion gave people to meet and greet people they didn't know, or relax in a variety of other ways, with dancing, card games, and more. For others, it was a more uncomfortable experience.

The Cromwell and the Klingon ship Khitomer arrived at Omicron Shipyards for repairs, to discover the Federation ship Uller, and the Romulan ship S'Task there already. What awaits this unlikely group? An alliance? An exchange of fire? A chance meeting between Colonel Hidalgo of the Uller, and Captain Forrest, may very well hold the answer...

Jonathan Moore

With the ambush finished, and the Cromwell and their Klingon counterparts having survived by the skin of their teeth, their attention has now turned to determining who was responsible for the attack, and what to do in response, as the crew copes in the aftermath of the battle, and the possibility of war looming.

Jonathan Moore

The planet L'Thalan has decided not to join either the Federation or the DFA, and instead seek neutrality while they continue to learn and adjust to technological and societal changes. L'Van, the new Premier, has invited both sides to establish embassies, and remain in contact until the L'Thal are ready to join the intergalactic society.

The fallout from the DFA's actions on L'Thalan (covered better in last month's report) have been felt shipside. Though Forrest was content to have his XO learn from his mistake, with no formal reprimand, the consequences for Delius have yet to be seen, with the Deltan in sickbay for an undiscovered reason. 

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