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Jonathan Moore

Ensign Andrews, concerned for the welfare of his family, stole a shuttle- which just happened to be the personal shuttle of Emily Masterson. The Cromwell pursued him, but to no avail- the shuttle was tracked down and captured by Masterson's former employers, who are now figuring out just what to do with the erstwhile Andrews. The Cromwell, meanwhile, is hatching a plan to rescue Mr. Andrews- be it by diplomacy, or by other means...

Jonathan Moore

We didn't have a concrete plot, instead choosing to focus on character interaction, and getting new/old guys into the swing of things. The arrival of Malcome Thompson (a familiar name to some, I'd imagine), the return of Emily Masterson, and the integration of Peter Andrews and Bolvar Tolan made for some great writing this month. Our numbers are starting to improve as well, and our crew is showing great initiative in keeping themselves busy and interested.

Jonathan Moore

We're wrapping up the mirror universe bit, which had it's ups and downs. On the plus side, it generated a lot of interest, and our post numbers were up. The posts that were good, were generally very good. On the minus side, the plot bred some incidents of SHS among some of the newer crewmembers. We've got some very green players here, but we've also got some people who both Jacob and I are very excited about.

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