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Jonathan Moore

The Cromwell is still at Chetzia (formerly Vanelan Prime), the site of the new rebel base. Tensions have flared up among the crew, as Counselor Carter has been exiled to the surface by Captain Lorith, and Warner and Dean continue their little personal pissing match.

Meanwhile, a Federation ship has stumbled upon Chetzia, and a convoy is en route to find the Cromwell once and for all... *cue ominous music*

Jonathan Moore

The Cromwell's away team has finally returned safely to the ship, through the use of primitive batteries and solar power. Major Warner has returned from places afar, with supplies and ships they need to build the base.

Jonathan Moore

The Cromwell has left the tournament- and, Kyzarrian space. We've managed to engage in an epic battle with a few Fed ships who picked up our trail. We won the battle- and picked up a few crew along the way.

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