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Devon Alexander

Captain's Personal Log: <Begin recording>

Last two months have proved a busy time for Cromwell's crew. The Mission to New Kyushu undertaken by

Jack West and Lt Commander Martis, was unfruitful. Colonel Keishi is still a War Criminal in Starfleet's eyes.

And now Martis and West were able to add a connection between our first officer Lt. Commander Sinjin and

Keishi, through his father Tenu Sinjin, a historical traditionalist and another businessman Taji Kimio, a hotelier

in Keishi's prefecture tourist sector. I had hoped they would have been able to clear him, and allay their

suspicions of Sinjin. I fear it may have backfired.

This mission was called off, and West resigned his commission. Lt Martis returned home with no additional

information, but Admiral (Name redacted) sent one of his proteges; Fletcher Harris has been reactivated from

long term undercover work, and is now commissioned on Cromwell. How I am suppose to protect him from

dangerous duties on Cromwell is beyond me. Cromwell can chew up and spit out crew.

Speaking of which, we have regained two prior crewmembers. First, Rose Petalosa, from New Kyushu. I have

been contacted by New Kyushu's Shogun. The Masemune, and priceless sword has been returned. With a

wink, the Shogun has thanked the DFA for it's assistance. The only DNA on the sword was similar to Rose's.

Or possibly Lini, and a number of other clones, many of whom live on New Kyushu. There are rumors in the

Yakuza Clans of an uncovered alliance of Ninja and Yakuza clan (Interestingly associated with clan Saito,

Rose's family associates) which guarded the Masemune, but broken when one thief was able to get in, and

recover the Sword.

Rose, whether again running from trouble, or back into it, has returned. This time as Fleet Lt Petalosa, and

placed in charged of the 14th Space Fighter group. Sinjin is disappointed, but taking it as a professional. It

had been promised to him as a condition of service aboard Cromwell. I think giving Command to Thorn will be

good for both of them.

Dr Clark has had his hands full. Rose came back injured, many bladed weapon injuries. I inadvertently

insulted her, saying I should have been with her using the swords, to which she took offense. I believe the

Shogun's Comm message, the return of the priceless antiquity sword and Petalosa's return to Cromwell are

somehow tied together.

The second Crewman to return, and again under Dr. Clark's ministrations, but healing well, is Commander

Banor MarQ. Severely injured and lamed, Banor still jumped into the lead to help recover crew members on

Haedreon IV. But I am getting ahead of myself.

We have provided a small assistance to the Federation in rescuing, and helping to transport Ambassador

Sanchez through to his mission. He was unable to provide much information, but he will be meeting with a

local tribal leader. He unfortunately was ambushed by Starfleet Intel in the Starport of Justice on the Haedreon

IV. Col. Reynolds was able to intercede on his behalf preventing the assassination. Ambassador Sanchez

was caught up, and delayed by, the turmoil of Port Saiodh which is further detailed below.

Cromwell continues to orbit Haedreon IV. Reynolds and I have dispatched Ensign Kaden Rol, our newest

scientist, a betazed, and Lt Hemstum, our Denoubulan Marine, on an undercover mission. They made contact

with and met with a Mr. Bariss, and were able to convince him they were interested rebel miners. They worked

with him to replace good parts with faulty parts on mining equipment. Then, as the scam played out when the

parts failed, the confederates were able to sell the good parts back to the mining company. Their help in this

operation allowed them to become trusted to act in a new operation with Bariss, who had been looking for a

pair of confederates to become employed with a sector gangster. The Andorian, going by the name Mr Ice,

hired the trio to place pattern enhancers around the Anti Air Pulse Phaser in the Marie Compound which had

been set up to defend the mined resources of Port Saiodh. They helped carry out this mission, and were

transported to Ice's Secret Hideout near the north pole of the planet along with the AA Phaser. <Side note to

DFA Marine Command; DFA Marines under Colonel Reynolds direction, had disabled the unit if it were

captured. It will not be usable by the enemy even though the theft was successful.>

Hemstum and Rol in the Ice base learned that they were actually part of a distraction, even if they were

successful. Taken by a Klingon Bodyguard, they were taken deep within the Base through several layers of

security to the most remote and deepest part of the base. Behind a double forcefield was Six of Twelve, Lt

Norris and another Borg, designated Four of Seven, and a DFA Borg Scientist, named Dr. Joshua Jacobs.

The captain paused in the log; "I need to now mention two additional events ongoing, to explain Six's capture,

and why MarQ was searching for our crew members."

Six and Lt Norris of the DFA Marines were also on a search, although not undercover. The DFA intelligence

community had heard chatter on the dark comms of interest in the Borg, and Borg tech. An intercepted coded

message was successfully decoded by Jack West, Micheal Reynolds, Dri Martis and Kit Taylor. It read:

"Shipment 2 is expected in sector 12 in 5 days" and had been in a file was called "Bravo Oscar Romeo George

6 One 2: (Borg 612) (reference Prior Monthly Cromwell reports). While it was deciphered, the message was

unable to be understood until too late. Even now, we are unsure its intended meaning. There are a few

current theories; The first is that it was related to the interception of Borg Tech being moved by the DFA. A

large amount of Borg Tech had been captured from an unregistered DFA Freighter in the sector. The Borg

Tech may have been brought to and/or pirates based out of Haedreon IV. A second hypothesis is it was

reference to Four of Seven, who came from a wrecked scout ship... 612. Or possibly, it was a reference to Six

of Twelve? In any case, it succeeded in bringing Cromwell to Haedreon IV, which may have been the intent

from the beginning. <Side note: On Further investigation, The Borg scout ship 612 from which came Four of

Seven, may have encountered the same Species 8472 that nearly destroyed the MarQ brothers Krenim time

ship, which we found drifting nearly derelict.>

Back to Six of Twelve and Lt. Norris, who were investigating the theft of Borg tech, and then looking into the

breakdown/sabotage of mining equipment. (Which ironically, was due to the undercover work of Hemstum and

Rol). They, with Lt. Green from Security, first confronted the Governor of Port Saiodh; who developed an

unhealthy interest in using Borg for miners. Governor Ash also expressed a distrust of a local miner named

Jorda. It seems Jorda was fighting for worker rights, safety and fair pay, and safe working conditions for the

miners. Six and Norris went to the mining camp to further investigate. After assisting Jorda repair, in the

most efficient manner, a broken transport blocking traffic, and then the conveyor belt, Six and Norris began

work as miners. There was a miscommunication, and Jorda began speaking to the Miners. The miners

thought Six was Ash's Experimental Drone, and began rebelling. Six and Norris were snatched out of Mine

Camp One by transporter and sent back to Port Saiodh. They had to try and stop the miners who had moved

on to rioting within the town from the mining camp.

Lt Commander Martis, on her return to Cromwell, was immediately dispatched to the Port Saiodh Governor's

tower. There, while the miners approached, took refuge in the tower when Raiders, who continue to harass the

corporate mined materials, attacked, indiscriminately firing on Cromwell, marines and Rioting Miners. KC,

Ambassador Sanchez, Lt Green and Lt Commander Martis took refuge in the governor's tower during the


Hemstum, Rol and Bariss were notified by Mr Ice that the riot would make good cover to make their move on

the AA Phaser. This may have been cover to distract marines from their real target. Six of Twelve. Three

individuals (On later questioning of miners, were unrecognized as miners of Local 401, the Port Saiodh Union

Miners) placed Pattern enhancers around Six, and transported them to Ice's secret base, in a well coordinated

kidnapping, much like the theft of the AA pulse phaser. It was Six's confusion of "Borg Contact" that allowed

them to snatch Six, and place her and Lt Norris (An unintended hostage) behind force fields with Four of Seven

and Dr Jacobs.

Mr. Banor MarQ and Lt Commander Sinjin began immediate attempts to locate Six and remaining crew.

<Aside: Please see report on Mr MarQ's physical and psychiatric health, n.b. no signs of impairment, unlike his

brother, who has now begun showing signs of the Temporal Psychosis of the Krenim.> This was confounded

by a malware virus/worm placed on Cromwell's computer. <Aside: See operational report by Bynars 100 and

011; Virus, and malware insertion through malware embedded within space holding sections of the Borg 612


I do not like to admit, but feel it necessary for the complete report, that it was my action of opening the coded

message with the malicious Worm within the intel office, synergistic with viral programs in Banor's programming

that allowed the encoded message Malware into Cromwell's system jumping into and from the Intel computer

sandbox. Jinx's Watchdog programs held the virus in check, but it was the Bynar crewmen's actions, much like

on New Kyushu, that was able to eradicate the virus. <Commendation for Bynars submitted>

Sinjin and Banor MarQ had jumped into action, placing themselves in the midst of the Watch tower/Governor's

Tower of Port Saiodh and the rioting Miners. They were accompanied by Ensign Taylor and Doctor Clark.

Miners were rioting and rushing the tower and batering the door to take hostage any inside. <Aside

commendations entered for Sinjin, MarQ, Taylor and Clark for bravery into the unknown situation>

Meanwhile Cromwell had traveled towards the North pole of Haedreon IV, leaving the away teams stranded

inside and outside the Governor's tower. The Bynar's had gotten Sensors back on line, and while they did not

find the base they suspected hidden within the Jungle, rebooted sensors detected ships fleeing from the north

pole. Moving Cromwell to investigate, we were able to pick up a signal from Ensign Rol and Lt Hemstum.

They had stunned the Klingon bodyguard, and released the two Borg, and Lt Norris and Dr Joshua Jacobs.

Like most Klingons, this one had a natural resistance to stunning, and this Klingon's size, made him even more

resistant, mitigating the worst of the effects. He was able to awake, and sound the alarm for the hidden base;

Borg were loose. Defense measure and evacuation immediately began. Dr Joshua Jacobs, the last of the

DFA Scientists captured with the Borg Tech on the freighter, was incinerated in the anti borg defense Plasma

Flamers, but not before he was able to give Four of Seven a power converter to keep Four alive in a

regeneration alcove.

Six of twelve, Four of seven, Lt Hemstum, Lt Norris and Ensign Rol were able to fight their way out of the borg

defenses and rear defense teams. <Aside: Please see after action combat reports from DFA Marines Norri and

Hemstum, and the ever verbose Six of Twelve personal logs.> <Aside two: Commendations have been

submitted Ensign Rol, Lt's Hemstum and Norris, and notation for Six of Twelve>

Cromwell having recovered the two captured away teams, and Four of Seven, returned to geosynchronous

orbit over Port Saiodh. While the Miners surged around the tower, attempting to batter down the door, the first

away team trapped within, including Martis, Federation Ambassador Sanchez, DFA Diplomatic Attache KC, and

Lt Green from Security were pulled out by Transporter. While the chaos in Transporter room one that ensued

with Four, and the two away teams of Hemsum/Rol and Six/Norris mixed with Martis/Green and diplomats,

Transporter room two was beaming the Sinjin/MarQ away team back away from the miners. Taylor and Clark

had set out to investigate the transporter enhancers that were used to kidnap Six. At this juncture in time,

Martis requested to be sent down to calm the miners and work on release of MarQ'S away team. Lt

Commander Martis arrived, and was able to distract, and diffuse the situation even before the away team had

been captured. <Aside Commendation entered for Lt Commander Martis>. Commander MarQ's away team

was able to be extracted on Sinjin's timely orders combined with Lt. Commander Martis' distraction of the


On return to positioning of Cromwell over the Southern Hemisphere over Port Saiodh, Cromwell was able to

support away teams there, but unable to interdict the escaping forces of Mr. Ice at the far northern pole of

Haedreon IV. The VFS-14 Squadron, with Lt Petalosa and Lt. Red S'Hirt arrived during this active period as

well, and could not be deployed on active duty, also holding Cromwell in orbit.

The captain paused. It was a long report. And that was the short story. Back stories of children, like MJ and

Toby, awaiting parents return with the holographic nanny Miss Clara, introduction and settling new crew

members on Cromwell-B would have to wait for personal logs. Admiral Sesgaard summarized.

We have safely recovered all Cromwell-B crew. But Mr Ice and his chief lieutenants have escaped; was this all

an elaborate attempt to kidnap Six of Twelve? I don't know.

...And we have a new Borg; Four of Seven.

Stars help us all.

<End recording>

Fleet Captain Carson Sesgaard

Commanding Officer

DFA Cromwell-B

Devon Alexander

Captain's Personal Log: <Begin recording> Ship System Fraking reports backlogged to what, 2418?,

Fvadt...Computer delete that. <Signal chime confirming action taken as requested>

Carson sighed. "Cromwell-B Monthly report, begin recording. Backlog will be dealt with as time permits."

Report 2418.05, record today's Stardate for entry into system.

Cromwell has left New Kyushu having been refit from repairs made over West World (See prior reports,

forthcoming) Lt Muraj, despite his brusk nature, and managing to offend the DW holograms, has been named

as Chief Engineer of Crowmell-B, a sorely needed replacement. I am unsure if DFA Command has accepted a

transfer out of the New Kyushu (NK) shipyards to placate the NK forces or we have benefited from the

appointment. So far he has proved himself a highly qualified Engineer, and I think he will eventually work out

when he finds where he fits in the Cromwell crew.

New replacements also include Lt Commander Tora Sinjin. A highly decorated officer, and highly rated officer,

this is his first appointment on track for his own command. That is if he doesn't, or my crew doesn't sabotage it.

Cromwell has been re-designated as a marine fighting platform, a Warship. Sinjin is fully capable of working

within these restrictions and seems comfortable withthe formality required of Marines, but my crew is finding

being Marines is not easy, nor desired. I must admit, some trepidation myself since these are not the values

the DFA emphasizes, which is why I argued against Marines on the DFA Fleet fro the beginning, but again,

have been overruled by other authorities and desires. But, just as when the Nal'Gaharay were at their peak

strength, we responded with what needed to be done. Perhaps this is just our part; to be the focal point of the

DFA Marine mobile base, and allowing the remainder of the fleet to be the scientific and exploration arm of the

DFA Fleet.

Lt Commander Martis and Lt Jack West have become suspicious of Commander Sinjin from the begin, and

have carried out clandestine operations regarding such. So far they have verified that I, Command Sinjin and

Lt West are all human. <Pause> Carson wondered, did Jack also check Martis? Fvadt, now even he was

growing Paranoid. <Continue> Also, disturbing news, Colonel Lor Keishi is a wanted Starfleet War Criminal.

Lt. Tanith's contacts in Starfleet revealed this to her during Commander Martis' internment, but I have now

dispatched the pair, West and Martis, to return to New Kyushu on a covert ops to check it out. I gave them

leave to follow where the leads take them. I have not yet heard back. There is the possibility they are enjoying

the retreat too much, as there was some romantic spark between the two. Intially part of the cover, I am not so

sure it was not real now. I await their report.

~The captain did not know, that the police had been notified that a pair had entered the Green bamboo

Gardens, the bar where Jack had been poisoned, and have triggered a manhunt for Nal'G sympathizers on NK.

Nor that they had made contact with Akahana, Thorn Cromwell's former Squadron Wing COmmander, and

disrupting one of her humanitarian medical missions on New Kyushu. Nor that they had not followed up on

their contact supplied by the captain, but instead had gone to a freelancer compatriot of Jack's named Fletcher.

The pair had gone rogue...again...~

Commander MarQ has returned, some say from the future, the time differentials seem to verify they have been

gone longer than iin our frame of reference. We have verified the identity of Banor MarQ and his younger

brother Eldar MarQ. Commander MarQ was kidnapped, with the aid of brainwashing a member of my crew,

Lini Cer'dan. Dr Clark will have his hands full verifying Identities, and conditions of the MarQ brothers; one who

had the fog no longer seems to have it, and the one bent on euthanizing the one with it, now has it... Irony.

Dangerous Irony. Additionally, we will have to look at Lini's mental condition, and verify Stellar Winds took care

of the problem. They will not talk to me, only Dr Clark her physician.

Banor, with DW and Lt Muraj, is currently analyzing a virus that is infecting Intel Computers. It comes at an

unfortunate time in that Intel is actually very busy. DFA Command Intel intercepted a coded message that

West, Reynolds, Martis and Kit Taylor decoded. It led, too late for us to intervene, to a planet by the name of

Haedreon, the Forth planet which has several independent mining colonies. None are DFA Affiliated, but

neither are they under Starfleet or other major empire. Setlin has a vested interest given the lucrative transport

business and being relatively close to Setlin space. One Colony, Port Saiodh, has requested DFA Marines to

help guard the resources. More importantly, it gives the DFA Cover to investigate who has hijacked a freighter

of Borg technology and the scientists travelling with it, the contents of the decoded message. The coded

message suggests that it was at Hadreon IV the hijacking occurred and we have begun the search.

Colonel Reynolds and the 264th Orbital Drop Battalion have been dispatched. Colonel Reynolds has made

contact with a local diplomat named Katey Casey, who goes by the name KC. Rumor has it, she is a flirt, or at

least attracted to men in uniform. Raiders have attacked while the Marines were still getting settled at Camp

Stone, and old Colonial Stable for the local riding beasts on the outskirts of town. They were able to set up an

anti airship pulse phaser, chasing off the raiders, but not before Six of Twelve took a life threatening hit in the


Computer, delete life threatening, if Six of twelve gets access to this file, continue:

Quick work by Lt. Hemstum activating Medical care, Ensign Tas on the scene, And Dr Clark and Lt Muraj for

surgery, repaired Marine Weapon Six, Six of Twelve, who is fit for duty once again. Computer please note

commendations in their files for this action.

Lt. Hemstum and our newest science officer Ensign Kaden Rol, who was also transported into the

aforementioned combat site, are going undercover to try and find out more about the raiders, and who could be

interested in Borg Technology. They have met with a local named Bariss who seems to be replacing working

parts with soon to be malfunctioning parts, and reselling the removed parts back to the mining consortium. On

the other side of the investigation, Ensign Tas, Ensign Taylor, Six and Lt Norris of the DFA Marines are looking

into official interest in the borg tech, and being the face of the DFA for the town's protection. They have met

with the Governor Ash of Port Saiodh, who wished to have a bunch more borg like Six to work as workers. I

am looking forward to the reports, pending their completion. These events are still unfolding even as we speak.

I am expecting contact with Col Reynolds soon. He was sent to 'verify' something for Starfleet. Reports are

still sketchy, but it sounds like there was an attempted assassination in the spaceport of Justice, south of Port

Saiodh. Ambassador Sanchez, who I only was able to speak to briefly, may have been the target. I am

awaiting the report from the Colonel.

<End recording>

Devon Alexander

Add to Timeline:

Stardate: 2418.09

Captain's Personal Log: <Begin recording> We are forced to abandon ship, thrusters offline, Lifesupport

failing and insufficent for the crew remaining following the explosion of the ISS Peacemaker. All hands have

been prepared for this on our journey to the red dwarf star, and the habitable planet. The systems cascade

failures did not allow for an orderly disembarkation. We are scattered over the continent. All were instructed to

take care of the injured, and survive as best they could. I would like to add one last commendation for the crew

of Cromwell: Lt Maris Dri, Chief of security. Once known as the light slayer has earned a new title, Light Savior.

She was the first to recognize the problem Cromwell would have with the holograms and lack of power."

<Further comments have been lost>

<End recording>

Carson Sesgaard, Personal Entry: Lt Martis and I have landed successfully, although not entirely safely. We

set off for the first settlement we could find, and encountered a hermit. Calling himself the Prophet Kronos, he

warned us we need to leave the planet in the next three months, but not why or how.

New Entry: We have traveled to a town called Solitaire. The locals are prone to violence, although there seem

to be good people here too. We met a preacher, who said the Prophet visits only once. We linked with Ens

Tas, Lt West, and a security officer who shows much promise, who I immediately gave a field promotion to Lt

(jg), Tanith Li. Additionally Dr Clark has been working his miracles here. Added notation For Dr Clark, he has

been owrking double duty, both as healer, rescuer, and assisting with the planetary investigations. He is

becoming a valued away team member. Additional crew are present, but Azel, a civilian sister to Tas, has been

kidnapped. They have been instructed to do they best they can, and follow after Martis and I after they find


New Entry: Technology and Culture seems familiar, very much set in the old American Old West. The crew

have acclimated well so far.

New Entry: Coming out of the mountain into the Redstone hills has been peaceful. I am almost inclined to stay

here on the planet.

The Yellow Journal, Printed in Salvation for the New West

"All the news that fits, we print"

Special Edition

Black Bart Captured!

In a stunning reversal of fortune, Black Bart, who gunned down the sheriff of Salvation, was captured by a

sweet talking, unarmed ranger. Although he denies being a ranger, this quiet talking man has been referred to

as Colonel Reynolds, by his deputy. Probably one of the freedom fighter soldiers is my best guess.

This Lone Ranger, singled handedly, captured and jailed Bart by feeding him poison.

Cattle rustling, Horse Thief, Murderer are among the lesser charges. Bart even cheated at cards! As fast as

Bart was reported to be with his gun, he could not keep up intellectually with the stranger, and the Judge. The

hanging judge delivered, Bart Crest will swing for his crimes.

The prior deputy, Deputy Jim, was run out of town, poor fellow, and some new guy put in his place. A new

sidekick for the Sheriff was, with Jim now gone. This New sheriff chose two. A quiet fellow, who cannot even

play the harmonica. Additionally, Penny, from the Purgatory saloon, is practically deputized. And we know she

knows how to handle a gun. These three defended Black Bart from a mob lynching, saving him for the judge.

A well aimed shot by the Ranger took out one gunman, Forcing him to live in disgrace, and dispersing the rest

of the crowd.

Mortimer buried Black Bart in a minimally marked grave on Boot Hill after the trial.


Indians are becoming bold on the Buffalo Plains. Several ranches have been burned, the homesteaders killed

in ways I cannot even describe. Cowboys bringing the cattle north to Deadrock report attacks. Herds of cattle

have been found wandering alone, the cowboys missing. Despite the army presence, this scourge is

worsening, not improving. Towns are calling for additional assistance. and protection. Deadrock reports the

"Iron Horse" train has been attacked. The engineers, firemen and Oilmen now ride armed. Conductors carry

shotguns for the protection of passengers riding between Deadrock and Salvation.


Crazy Talk!

There is a vocal complaint of gun wielding Cowboys and Cowgirls in various towns. Salvation and Deadrock

are not the only locations. A story has begun circulating that someone is actually proposing that people leaving

their guns at the edge of town, as if that would work. This reporter says you can have my gun when you pry it

from my cold dead hand.


The Silver that flows from the Silver Mountains is slow this year. There are reports of early winter snow,

slowing travel. Losses from shipping, transport bandits and indians are creating havoc with the economy.

Prices are skyrocketing. A pistol now costs 6 silver nuggets. A good horse and tack 4 Silver nuggets. The

ghost stories are worsening and becoming more ludicrous. Actual effectual work is becoming scarce. Mine

Owners are meeting to discuss sending armed men to enforce the work ethics that all miners should have to be

gainfully employed in the Silver Mountains.


Deadrock's Sherrif and deputies were killed in a gunfight at the Bank. Never has anyone been so bold as to

hold up a bank before. Stage coaches, Miners on the way to town, and even attempted pirates on the seas,

Sure... Bank Robbery is new. Funeral services were held outside of town due to the Wild Bunch Gang riding

through town. This may be new because a new leader emerged heading up the wild Bunch, and adding new

tactics to the Wild Bunch gang with Bank Robbery. Range Police say the townsfolk did not see anything.

Although they suspect this is a lie, since the bank robbery was broad daylight, with the men and women were

only wearing face bandanas. This may mean there is some local support for the Robbers though, as they are

rumoured major contributors to the Widows and children's fund. This reporter questions the wisdom, as many

of the widows and widowers have been created by the Wild Bunch gang in the past.


The horse that could not be ridden was rode! There is a new bronco busting cowboy in town! If you can find

him, meet Deadrocks newest celebrity! Rumor has it, he is spending a lot of time in Rose's Cantina.


Pioneers have reported finding pieces of a broken ship along the eastern shores of the inland sea. More than

one piece of lumber has had teeth marks, and even an embedded tooth or two. With the recent discovery of a

life ring with the ships name, finally has confirmed what we have guessed for some time; The Mother Lode

was attacked by Roquels and sunk.

With the loss of the Mother Lode, only the Riverboat Gambler remains to sail the sea and transport

prospectors to the Big Muddy, and thence to the Silver Mountains. It is assumed the silver went down with the

Mother Lode, with loss of all souls aboard.


The new All Departments Department Store Mail Catalog, soon to be released, would include mail order

homes! Build an abode worthy of a homesteader, anywhere you want. Stake your claim, lay down roots.

Homes to match the mail order brides!


Cromwell B Reunion!!

All those from Cromwell, come to Salvation!

If you need assistance for travel, contact Salvation's Sheriff Reynolds or Deputy Desson

by telegraph

Meanwhile: DFA Academy Cadets:

A pair of Starfleet officers take a honeymoon on Chetzia. Known as the Riviera of the DQ, they go

sailing on the ocean. Fun, and dampness ensues. Will they manage to survive the coming storms? Washed

overboard, Life hangs in the balance, their bond of marriage may be all that keeps them alive. They have

survived, but are stranded, what is next?

Fleet Captain Carson Sesgaard

Commanding Officer

DFA Cromwell-B

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