Michael Reynolds

Service Record
Active Duty records
2418.01 - Promoted to XO of DFA Cromwell-B
2418.03.19 - Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel
2420.04.26 - Service record Notation: Served notably during Second Terran Away missions.
2420 - Promoted to CASPER Project Manager
2421.10 - Promoted to captain of the DFA Darkhorse
2423.01 - Took over as XO of the DFA Cromwell-B, leaving Thorn in charge of Darkhorse.
Background Information
The son of two career State Department officers (Foreign Service branch of State, therefore spies), Michael was groomed for intelligence work from the time he was a baby. A keen observer with a great memory he has always enjoyed the strategic and the tactical
games required of an intel officer. He chose the Marines over either State or Fleet because it was the more difficult path, and it required more of him.
His teen years were spent on ch’Rihan when his parents were stationed there. While attending university as a freshman he befriended Rhiana t’Khllrenz, the daughter of a Rihannsu senator. They fell in love and became engaged to be married (or bonded as the Rihannsu would say),
performing the human ritual of exchanging rings and the Rihannsu ritual of clasping hands over a dagger, which was then withdrawn, cutting both palms, leaving them with matching, mirroring scars (his on the left hand, hers on the right). They had to keep their relationship secret at first, but eventually “came out” to both sets of parents. While both had misgivings, they eventually came to accept the future in-laws without reservation.
The night before their wedding, the two were attacked, in what appeared to be a hate crime. Michael was badly injured, Rhiana was killed. Still recovering, his parents sent him back to Earth to Starfleet Academy while they worked to patch up the diplomatic issues.
He chose the Marine path and entered into Intel, doing advanced recon work, scouting, sniping, and the occasional up close and personal assassination. A few years ago he stumbled across some classified documents and learned that the attack on him and Rhiana had not been a hate crime but had, instead, been orchestrated by SF intel.
Shortly thereafter, while on an undercover assignment, his cover was blown (likely by someone inside SF Intel). He was rescued by the DFA Cromwell, and joined the DFA, and the Cromwell's crew.
Ribbons & Awards

Player Ribbons
Borderlands Council PLAYER RIBBON: CO of S'Task, XO of Cromwell
Command Ribbon (2418.01)
Character Ribbons
Q Service Ribbon (2414.08.18)
Nalgaharay Stronghold Campaign Ribbon
Gordag Campaign Ribbon
Titanic Campaign Ribbon (2414)
Time Travel Service Ribbon I (2414.08.18)
Eleven years of service aboard DFA Cromwell B (2421.12.15)
Rub Al'Kali Campaign Ribbon (2418.03.17)
Time Travel Service Ribbon II for meritorious action in a different time zone during adventure on Rub Al'Kali (2418.03.17)
Mirror Universe Campaign Ribbon (2418.12.15)
West World Campaign Ribbon "Through clever action, without violence, you secured a base for Cromwell crew to assemble safely. And when that safety was put at risk, stood ready to defend." (2418.12.15)
DS Defense Ribbon for the Defense of Salvation (2418.12.15)
Aiding a Federation Ambassador, and great risk to yourself and your mission. Yet you were able to do both at once. For your work, both with the DFA Marines, and DFA Fleet operations, and coordinating with Foreign dignitaries, the Covert Operations Ribbon; 'Details redacted' (2419.08.07)
Awarded the Terra Campaign Ribbon - Diplomacy Team on first away mission to Terra, Marine Team on Second Away Mission to Terra (2420.04.23)
Awarded the Aesir Campaign Ribbon (2420.04.26)
Banor's Brain Campaign Ribbon (2421.12.07)
Awarded Bug Crossover Campaign Ribbon (2422.04.22)
Return of a Martyr Campaign Ribbon (2422.07.01)
Awarded the Combat Injury Ribbon (2422.07.02)
"It is my distinct pleasure to award Col Reynolds. The COmbat Injury Ribbon, for injuries sustained in the line of duty, which he thankfully recovered from from the timely intervention of Darkhorse's CMO.