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Devon Alexander

After the rescue from Titanic... The ship is slowly making its way back to the wormhole to return to the DQ.  Cromwell is flying through the Alpha Quadrant Stardate 1912... and still managed to get itself infested by the borg.

Before Captain Sesgaard arrived on Cromwell (as a lowly ensign) Borg had almost taken over the ship.  With heavy losses the crew had beaten them back and destroyed them.  Subsequent refits cleaned out the remainder of the borg tech left.

Then how did a borg hand come to be on the ship?  The Resident scientist Lt Braun had saved a Trill Borg hand for future work, but it had been left behind when Lt. Braun was transferred.  This one prosthetic hand, from a Trill communications drone attempted to communicate with the collective following it's escape.  In an unexpected accident, the crew was placed in stasis while they traveled to the Titanic to complete their rescue mission, allowing the Borg hand to access and learn and adapt.

The Borg have returned, and in this newest adaptation, have utilized Holograms, assimilating the sentient holograms aboard Cromwell.  This newest adaptation is not without its difficulties, while we have lost some crew to the borg, the assimilation is incomplete.  A crewman assimilated, turned out to be a hologram herself.  Emma has been able to undermine the borg while still having been assimilated.

The tides are slowly turning in the crews favor.  The hand, using trill physiology, and an oversight by Jinx where he turned off his own borg trill hybrid from sensors, which allowed the (trill borg) hand to move and hide.  Even some good detective work by Red the Helmsman and Ensign Who, resident android using internal sensors to detect different modes of locomotion and speed failed to find the hand initially.  The hand was making holographic borg to move itself around, which , while unintentional, defeated the internal sensors for motion detection.

The crew found the borg on a second search of the hull.  Holographic Borg had upgraded the Deflector dish for communications, and now have managed to take over navigation of the ship.  With Borg Nodes scattered all across the ship, cutting power is no longer an option, power redundancy prevents cutting the borg off from their resource.

The hand had attempted to hide, and had been successful for a long time by hiding with the torpedo, stolen from Jinx, inside a shuttle craft in the shuttle bay.  Discovered by Red, and sealed off, the holograms can escape the shuttle, but the hand, cannot.   Emma and other borg confront Major Reynolds, who disable the holoemittors of the shuttle bay, effectively isolating the hand in the shuttle.

The shuttle trapping the hand has Jinx Transphasic torpedo, and a borg integrated hand.

Will the crew be able to save the holograms and Emma?  Will they be able to get the hand off the ship and destroy it with "over kill" as more and more crew are wanting to do.


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